Is STBFL optimal on Nemesis?

Some people think it's his best perk because he can easily save stacks. Also, there are some situations where you can't get a whip hit and have to M1 anyway.
Others say to avoid it because it can condition you to M1 instead of whip more often, and if you're not using the whip, then you might as well play any other Killer.
So settle this debate for me. Is STBFL a staple Nemmy perk? Or is it a trap? Why/Why not?
No, because it forces you to M1 for charging the perk and the tentacle reach tier 3 quite late due that. I don't get why there was a tendecy to use that perk in Nemesis.
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I say use STBFL. You should only whip when an M1 hit wouldnt land. If you can get a hit, then get the hit
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I think you could use it on him for sure, but the tentacle is so good - especially at tier 3 - that I think you're gonna train yourself into bad habits to gain stacks on STBFL where getting good with the tentacle would be the better call.
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It's perfectly fine to use it on him, but you should be using your power more. You want stage 2 as fast as possible, stage 3 ideal. The tentacle is way more verastile than M1, and makes him one of the best killers in chase. If you are good with the tentacle, there is little need for STBFL.
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It's not bad on him, but mastering his power means you don't really need to M1 that much.
If you play him as more as an M1 killer, STBFL is fine.
If you play him for his power, STBFL isn't needed.
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It's good if you ignore the fact you have 4 perk slots I guess
I already feel torn between Tentacle and No Tentacle in some scenarios, and then STBFL comes in and makes the decision even worse. I personally dobt like it even if it may be good.
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its helps but nothing crazy.. its primordial to lvl up the tentacle to 2 first. There are killers that benefit better from STBFL like demogorgon.
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Depends on your playstyle. I personally like it on him but it definitely results in you using your tentacle less so when youre learning tentacles I'd recommend taking it off.
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I can see how it's a good perk on him for much the same reason it is on Demogorgon (the stack saving). Though I'd argue his best perk might be Discordance since the noise alerts from it attract his zombies, giving him a way to use it no one other than maybe the Twins can (Victor hears the alerts even if he doesn't see it auras)
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Depends on preference. I don't use it as I want to get to Tier 3 as fast as possible, giving me a good anti loop.
Using Stbfl means you have to M1 more instead of using your power, making reaching Tier 2 and 3 take longer. Especially Tier 2 is really important for the pallet breaks, but I've seen that the extra range + the faster speed while charging can make Nemmy really strong in Tier 3.
I've seen people not use the Tentacle at all, only M1 with Stbfl where I think myself: "Why do they even play Nemesis then?"
I find it overrated on him personally.
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Save the best for last is a staple perk for Nemesis.
It betters his lethality and complements his tentacle strikes. Tentacle strikes are for fast destruction of pallets and zoning. Basic attacks are for downing a survivor. Hitting a survivor with the tentacle is giving him a free speed boost without any damage and, therefore, free chase extension. You can do that though, if that survivor did not position himself well in the early game, so you can get 3 contamination points from him. As for reaching second mutation stage, then corrupt intervention, T-virus sample add-on and zombies are your best friends here.
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My playstyle with Nemesis is rushing to get Tier 2 and then I only use the tentacle to get hits where a M1 hit wouldn't be possible. Imo STBFL is very effective on him, especially if you're in middle/late game and happen to be chasing a non-contaminated survivor, because if this survivor drops a pallet you can use the tentacle to break the pallet and get a M1 instead of hitting the survivor and giving a free boost.
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There's better options.
If you can consistently get tentacle hits on the obsession to avoid losing stacks, then it'll work. But at the same time, if you can consistently hit tentacles why not just use it on everyone instead of just the obsession?
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I find it to work well on Console.
It's a lot more difficult to hit Tentacle Strikes and I really only try to do it when it's 100% confirmed to hit.
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Neme is a good user of STBFL, but he does not need it.
Specifically, because his tentacle at levels 2 and 3 give him so much strength in chase, STBFL is essentially fulfilling the same role as his power. However, by using STBFL you not only sacrifice a perk slot, you not only delay getting level 2 & 3 of your power, most importantly, you end up using your power less than you could, just to get value out of STBFL.
It can be a lot of fun and highly effective, but ultimately it isn't necessary on Neme and the playstyle you adopt to make use of it isn't as efficient as you could be.
Watch Otz's 50 win streak with Neme. (link)
He goes over the STBFL issue and I'm largely echoing his sentiments. Pay close attention to how quickly and decisively he uses his power to get hits in certain loops. I had played a lot of Neme before seeing that video and that was my biggest takeaway, that as you understand the timing and hitbox better, you start to see how scary aggressive you can be.
Also, if you're ever at a loop with anything you can see over even slightly, take a swing at it with your tentacle. You'd be surprised what you can hit over with it.