Base kit Unbreakable will decimate the Killer population



  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited September 2022

    "It's impossible to find yourself in the game where at least 2 hooks are not within your reach"

    Again you post an absurd and completely incorrect statement. Do you even play this game? Hook deadzones are not only possible, they're common in many maps.

    "Also flip-flop + tenacity do nothing if you are immediately picked up."

    Incorrect. If you start moving and recovering instantly, you can recover up to 10% of your bar by the time the killer is able to pick you up (they have to finish their animation and then move again to be on top of you), which gives you 5% wiggle progress automatically. This was enough to make me unhookable in the middle of Lerys, with no hooks already consumed via sacrifices.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    Oh I play saboteur in my build in almost all the games I play and know exactly what I am talking about.

    In saloon there is chance to get sabo play only if killer is greedy for scourge hooks. Or you are playing 4 man SWF sabo build + you get really lucky (you need to get at least 2 hooks down).

    The game is marginally better, but still awful. It's been so many times that I have seen the really small corner upper sections of map having 2 hooks - I can't believe it's even declared minimal 15m.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    I downed someone by the exit in Dead Dawg, when it was behind the Saloon.

    The only hook in range was the one on the corner of the Saloon. It got sabotaged. All four escaped.

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    Acting like a sabo squad can't get two hooks down easily

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    one is on corner of a main. Then there are 2 on road's end (both directions). At minimum you should have been able to carry to one of these roads no matter where the exit gate was. Those 2 are always there (well corner hook does not need to if basement is behind main). If the hook wasn't there, it means they preemtively saboed it (or someone died on it) so it wasn't highlighted for you.

    Overall this smells more like outplay then actually you having just 1 single hook in whole map

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    Hmm the was preemptively sabo'd you say what's stopping them from doing to the theoretical 2nd hook that your heading to?

    A sabo squad would make sure they go down to a area where it would be easy to free their teammate and repeat

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    With the free slot you can add built to last and combine that with a Alex's toolbox with add-ons you can also join in on the sabo's if a fellow survivor gets caught

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    So far with incentives i had 3 games only where it was on killer side and waiting with 4men swf takes 5secs any time of the day so rn we're far off that risk

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284
    edited September 2022

    hooks can be destroyed for 30 seconds (45 in case of specific addon that is very rarely used - speed is almost universally better for sabotages). If you notice this is the case, it's really easy. Just go for the hook after ideally 23 seconds and you will have 7 seconds to start hook animation without any chance of being in risk (if they brought that specific addon, you have enough time to drop, wait it out and still pickup + hook + note the existence of addon). If you know that nobody has this hook-extension addon, you can go for the hook even later (I would still keep at least 3s for possible smack on survivor to loose collision and being able to hook - but that is pushing it).

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited September 2022

    Nah everything will be fine. Killers will keep playing. They will just do what they are forced to do. It will be the survivors that quit. There are enough tools and basekit changes now to counter everything "fair" the killer can do to get pressure on survivors. Split hooks, split damage, pressure gens/multiple survivors... the only efficient way to play killer now will be hard tunneling.

    The only pressure you can get is forcing an early 3v1. And since it does not make any difference if you hit the unhooker twice or the unhooked with his 80 sec Endurance, basically being an insta unhook health state, it is just logical to go for the guy that is closer to death hook, when both chases will take equally long.

    And that's how it's gonna be. Deadlock, Pain Res, Corrupt and NOED, just to get as much time as possible, and then hook survivor A,A,A, then B,B,B and so on. I always smiled at people yelling that DBD is gonna die. Such a game doesn't die so fast, thesy really need to F* up. But that's how it feels to me now for the first time. Like they intentionally F* up, like they want to kill the game. They always had strange decision making and explaining the opposite intention of what their changes actually do. But this patch now is beyond my understanding...

  • Liam282
    Liam282 Member Posts: 219


  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    And by that time flip flop would guarantee the survivor escapes the grasp of the killer you're acting like i never done this myself when trying to get boilover nerfed into by telling my friends how to abuse this build and become unhookable on certain maps

  • FizzieSprite
    FizzieSprite Member Posts: 21

    Absolutely not. Read through some of the other forums: hundreds of killers, including myself, are planning to uninstall this shitshow fiasco if it ever goes live. Any Killer main with enough braincells to catch an urban evading meg can see that this is ridiculous and should not happen. Majority are leaving, again, including myself.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    Old boilover was unhealthy. It was very easy (with conjunction to some maps) to be unhookable. That is not the case if you don't clean up sector out of all hooks. As noted before - you have always possibility to hook on multiple hooks (midwitch with bad RNG excluded).

    6.1 forced me to quit until 6.2 "fixed" total camp fiesta to only fierce levels (reinsurance). Maybe you can take a break for a patch if it really becomes so bad. But considering 61% - I am sure you are exaggerating the same way as people always do.

    But let's see. Maybe I will play also some killer when incentives will not be 99% of time on survivors.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    that was spiced with a lot of irony. although I really think that the killers that stay will tunnel even harder than they do now

  • CrimsonMothKing
    CrimsonMothKing Member Posts: 437

    It won't decimate the killer population.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited September 2022

    To be fair, a dedicated full four person Unbreakable saboteur squad with hook spreader offerings can just run to a corner to die and destroy one hook near it to be unhookable, i was watch OhTofu do this with a squad last night and they never got hooked more than once or twice.

    That said, it’s not a winning strategy, they still almost always lost two survivors to bleeding out, so it’s more of just an annoyingly long and drawn out corner case scenario than something that will happen in the great majority of games. It’s similar to how currently you might have a full swf decide to all run Boil Over and go to a map with a big building to die on the second floor and be very hard to hook, or a swf that just ducks in and out of locker pairs over and over so the killer can’t pull them out without being blinded, etc. None of it is actually all that common in the game or a winning tactic, it’s just annoying to play against on the rare occasion it does happen.

  • Kaapskaaps
    Kaapskaaps Member Posts: 58

    I really think it will be the other way around. The finishing moris are going to make the games worse for survivors. Killers will start camping and tunneling more than they already do and it will buff the other things that most survivors hate (NOED, starstruck nurse, facecamping bubba etc.) I don't think basekit unbreakable is the problem. It's the whole thing. No one was asking for this.

  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    Basekit Unbreakable will basically decimate the lower tier killer population, the ones that lack strong snowball potential like Wraith, Trapper, Legion, Deathslinger, etc. While not really affecting killers that snowball really hard.