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I wish more Killers played Stealth builds

Title. Or at LEAST one or two perks to mess with the survivors heads using TR altering perks. Nothing scares me more than a Killer that can really utilize perks that throw off the TR. It's one of my favorite things to do as Killer, especially when I can use it in chase to cut off where I correctly predict a survivor to be going by waiting in the doorway and jump-scaring them. That stuff startles me like nothing else in this game can, and I wish I got to experience it more from the other end (survivor).

What do you all think?

Do you often play this style as Killer?

Do you wish more Killers used this?

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  • Member Posts: 7,259

    Most killer stealth perks aren’t that good unfortunately. Tinkerer was the best one and it needed a nerf. Dark Devotion can work sometimes but it’s not super consistent. Beast of Prey, Insidious, and Trail of Torment are all pretty bad.

  • Member Posts: 3,304

    I play Tinkerer Oni. Never faced that myself but I did watch a stream a few days later of my game and it seemed like good fun. I barely face any stealth builds these days. Haven't seen a wraith or GF for months

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    Wesker with dark devotion has nabbed me a few unsuspecting survivors. No one expected a Wesker to sneak grab someone off a gen~

  • Member Posts: 2,065
    edited September 2022

    I like the occasional stealth build, though I'm not always great at it.

    A while ago I did a Stealth Bubba build and was never so happy to get the Game.

    Video I got the build from:

    Billy version:

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Eyre of Crows, Coldwind, and Ormond exist. Running no TR doesn't work if the map lets the survivors see you easily from 20m away.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    Big issue is to have a decent stealth build it requires multiple perks and usually a full build and it's just not feasible if you go against good survivors as you lose just purely down to gen speed resulting in tunneling and camping just to try get a draw...

    When I dont need to run gen defense I'd live to run more builds, I always want to do difficult skillcheck builds but I cant warrant the use of 4perks for a meme build I'll get destroyed with and have 0 fun

  • Member Posts: 317

    Tinky Winky 😂 I'm screaming at that.

    On another note - I agree. Stealth killers scare me the most and i'd love more of that.

  • Member Posts: 3,161

    Even scratched mirror Myers can be pretty easily heard (once you know it's him and a re really listening), and that's pretty much the pinnacle of DBD stealth.

    But SM Myers is also the most fun, imo. It's always a good time, unless you're a surv main with a weak ticker or bladder.

    Sadako can also be hella fun, but they need to get rid of her "lullaby".

  • Member Posts: 911

    Everyone loves it when I play Stealthslinger, so I vibe lol

  • Member Posts: 3,972
    edited September 2022

    Spine Chill has been a problem for stealth for a while, but CoH basically murdered it. There's just not enough time and too little potential to pressure unless you make specific builds that cover those weaknesses or just use stealth killers in a non-stealth way.

    All that said, I have been seeing some pretty fun dark devotion builds, which are kinda silly but still work quite a bit.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    I wish more stealth builds were viable

  • Member Posts: 3,450

    I wish more people would run builds other than CoB, Eruption, Overcharge for once, ever.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    Sad, man. Tinkerer Oni on Lerys with Double Speed addons was a great jump scare killer. I miss the stealth component of Tinkerer so much

  • Member Posts: 102

    I do legion with dark devotion.

    Dark devotion is incredibly strong with Susie's and mischief list. Susie's basically overrides the undetectable status messing with the killer instinct. You'll instead have a 20m Killer instinct range and you won't be detected and the survivor won't even know you're coming.

  • Member Posts: 2,134

    Hard to do stealth builds with spinechill being on the table. Literally entirely removes stealth play with a single perk. At least less and less people are using it it seems...despite BHVR's stats showing it's one of the top most used perks. Apparently other regions it's insanely popular or something.

  • Member Posts: 1,922

    I love playing stealthy, which is why I main Ghostface.

    I wish I could run stealth perks but they are just so bad. The duration on them is so short that unless you have mobility you can't get much use out of them and the killers with mobility are so loud it's pointless.

    Aside from stealth killers, Freddy is the only killer who is quiet AND has good mobility... but he has a freaking lullaby so they are useless on him

    The only killers I can think of that can get some use out of stealth perks are maybe Wesker and Hillbilly with Apex Muffler. And Insidious Bubba of course :)

  • Member Posts: 3,786
    edited September 2022

    Few things are as good as getting a gen grab with non-stealthy killers. My favourite for that is Wesker because nobody expects him to be undetectable.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Sadly game just doesn't work for stealth killers.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Oni is such a fun killer to play stealthy !

    I faced one who had Plaything the other day, and there's nothing funnier than calmly turning your camera as you do a gen, only to see a 2m tall enraged fuming demon charging right towards you :'D

  • Member Posts: 439

    I'd have loved to, but because SWF can use third party programs to gain an unintended advantage over other players without any disadvantages, allowing them to tell each other the killer's position, stealth builds are doomed and were doomed the moment BHVR has added SWF into the game.

    If it weren't for SWF premades, yes, I'd have absolutely used a perk or two dedicated to get Undetectable status effect - Dark Devotion for sure, probably in combination with Hysteria. Unfortunately, SWF exists, so I'm not running any stealth perk anytime soon.

    Wish.. It'd have been nice change of pace to face something else than Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance and Dead Man's Switch combo 24/7, but I don't really care.

  • Member Posts: 104

    BHVR keeps making stealth killers have big warning sign "STEALTH KILLER IS HERE" so, sadly, this isn't going to happen

  • Member Posts: 3,304

    Oni could use a wraith esc add on which mutes his 'grr' when he gets his power and/or uses it. He might aswell yell "29 30, ready or not, here I come"


  • Member Posts: 2,657

    I never understood this. I get the need for some kind of heads up otherwise stealth would probably be broken but do they really need a big neon sign that say run the stealth killer is almost here.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Unfortunately Spine Chill completely negates any stealth killer or SWF. most of the time stealth builds just aren't viable because as your going around trying to be smart and stealthy gens are popping left and right.

  • Member Posts: 3,256

    I used to run a stealth build on doctor and on hag. With hag I tend to run deafen ear and that one add on that switch her radius with the clones.

  • Member Posts: 7,172

    I do my share of vanity mirror Mikey with Monitor and dead rabbit on indoor maps.

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited September 2022

    I do, sadly some people are j*rks and just suicide on hook making the team lose even when am not running a slowdown build / top tier killer or camping either. 🤦‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 318

    Very fair. Many Killers having naturally loud breathing/presence makes utilizing the stealth a harding thing to do. However! More of the focus of my original point was emphasize how stealth can be used to jump scare predictable survivors in chase/approach.

    For example, I was playing (Wesker?) chasing a survivor on RPD West Wing when I struck the survivor to trigger Hysteria. He was running toward the back porch (with the crashed helicopter) and I predicted that he'd run down the steps and enter the hall on ground floor with the pallet. So, I jumped down to ground floor (deactivating chase music to mislead that I broke chase) and stood at the doorway I knew he'd go to. I hid the red stain by taking a step back and listened to the footsteps run down the metal staircase outside. He turned the corner and I downed him by jumpscare. Regardless of loud breathing or not, that survivor thought I broke chase and I took advantage.

    THAT'S my favorite use for stealth, and my favorite to go against for the fear of it.

  • Member Posts: 1,373

    I wish there were more good stealth killer that try to scare people nit like wraith

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Stealth doctor is funny it's an odd terror radius

  • Member Posts: 427

    Why not just play stealth killers instead?

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    I've had an idea that uses Trail of Torment with Mint Rag. Trail a gen, go Undetectable, teleport to a trap somewhere else entirely.

    Haven't worked it out fully, though. And the teleport sound itself can be a warning to attentive survivors.

  • Member Posts: 492

    I have a Dark Devotion Huntress build that is really fun to play. I have been meaning to make a video detailing how it works because someone always inevitably loves to bring up the lullaby, but the lullaby is explicitly what I'm using.

  • Member Posts: 2,065
    edited October 2022

    As a small aside, I just tried this and ( 1 ) I'm 2 for 2 on getting the Game when trying unconventional stealth builds, and (2) worked great with a 3k + hatch. Combined with Tinkerer, Discordance, Deadlock, and the Etched Ruler (Feral Slash inflicts Oblivious for 60 seconds).

    Edit: Did some checking and it looks like Susie's offsets Undetectable but does not offset Oblivious. So you don't actually want to use Obliviousness in this build.

    Post edited by Zeidoktor on
  • Member Posts: 102

    I knew that part for a while,its funny enough that stealth legion sometimes works even better than normal legion builds/addons lol

    But yeah,Oblivious with legion is literally just an outright shot to the foot because you literally cannot offset it no matter what,at least undetectable with Susie's is a thing.

  • Member Posts: 318

    I've utilized the same idea for Dredge, Wesker, and Sadako. Select a gen for ToT, and teleport/dash away while using the long stealth to mislead.

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