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How Do You Survivor Mains Do It?

I've been playing a lot more Survivor than I normally do as of late, trying to work on Survivor challenges from the Archives. Being a Killer Main I normally only play one Survivor game a night but the past few days I've been queueing more and more just to try and get these things done and I just don't understand how anyone can stand this [excrement] enough to play it as their main mode for this game.

Camping Killers. Tunneling Killers. The same builds on the same Killers over and over again or even just playing against the same Killers time and time again (looking at you Mastermind). Solo Queue teammates standing in corners while healthy doing nothing or hiding in lockers when the Killer isn't around or about to hook someone. People not committing to gens or unhooks or heals giving the Killer free downs and pressure.

I just. How do you deal with it? How do you ever have any fun?

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  • Member Posts: 18

    I like pain.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Can i just say I didn't know you were a survivor main. I thought you were a killer main or at least 50/50

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I only have fun in swf. I refuse to play solo.

    I have had so much fun playing with my friend and we do some fun plays to enjoy ourselves

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    That's great. It's good to get new perspectives.

    Do you only play solo or do you play in a swf

  • Member Posts: 336

    As Killer I just go stand in a corner, turn "Mute Focus" on in my options, then alt plus tab out and do something else for a while, checking in every so often to see if they are even bothering to do gens and if so how far along they are. Because as Killer I'm the only one on my team and I'm not relying on someone else to do things. It's disappointing yeah, that people have to be toxic to other people like that but it doesn't hit as hard to me as a camping or tunneling Killer does when I play Solo Survivor. Because as Survivor the other three people on my team are relying on me to not just stop playing.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I play with a friend or two, having played in a 4-man in a year.

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    I'm primarily a Killer Main, but I really enjoy playing Survivor too.

    The biggest thing IMO is to be in a good mood when you start playing, this applies to both roles but it's even more true for Survivor because you are only 1/4th of a team and have 1/4th the personal agency as a result.

    DbD is a very weird and silly game, and the best parts of can also be the worst parts of it depending on your mood. Being able to laugh off a facecamping Bubba, being slugged for 4 minutes, or a sweaty Nurse (Snurse) is essential to having a good time.

    Having your chainsaw phase through a Mikaela to hit the hooked David or getting hit through a bodyblock by an M1 can be tilting or hilarious. It's all perspective.

    Personally I like listening to my favourite music while queuing and make jokes about the weird shenanigans happening in game so I can get into the right mindset.

    I first played DbD in early 2018. I mained The Wraith during the Howling Grounds, back in the days of Old DS, Old Insta-Heals, and during a patch where Flashlight blinds didn't require any timing - just blind the Killer at any point during pickup and get a save.

    I enjoyed the game then, and I enjoy it now. It's genuinely one of my favourite games.

    You just need to look at like it is - a fun game.

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    Learn to love hell and you will enjoy your sacrifice ❤️

  • Member Posts: 15

    As a solo q player I honestly have fun most of my games, and that's mainly because I don't care in the slightest about escaping about 99% of the time.

    Having fun for me is about going into a match with a certain build and getting it to work or just having a decent game in general

    Maybe I'll bring a Sabo build and see how many saves I can get using it, and in the next couple of games seeing if I can top the number of saves I got the last game. After that maybe I'll run mettle and see how many times I can get it to activate in a game. Hell, sometimes I have fun if I can get blastmine to work even once.

    Of course not every game goes well and I get killers that camp and tunnel, but even then sometimes those games can be pretty fun depending how the match went.

  • Member Posts: 1,265

    When I get a bad teammates - I'm changing my perks or bringing an item. The ones that I don't need to rely on anyone but I run 1 perk for information or 1 perk that gives a good advantage for us.

    If all day I'm having repetitive matchs or getting annoyed, I'm out until next time.

  • Member Posts: 427

    I used to exclusively play survivor till around the 700 hour mark. I have no idea how I didn't get bored before that. I still play survivor but only when I have a fun meme build to try

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    That debends heavely how bad game. Just had game where looped nemesis long and last gens popped and my teammate could saved me but decided to tank hit for someone who was killed at exit gate who was going to get hooked and just left when he had lot of time to save me. Bad teammates are worser than getting bullied by swf for sure.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Play solo Survivor if you want to build character.

    The problem is mostly the lack of communication. There have been quite a few games where games seem very winnable and the killer is not overwhelming us but they go wrong. Or someone goes to second stage cause no one is saving them at 3 gens although he is the first hooked.

    Sometimes it does feel like the game is Killer sided, but I guess mostly cause killer can only depend on themselves. But survivors have to co-ordinate and not being able to communicate your intentions at all with your team is a pain. I've being playing lol for a long time and obviously there is toxicity but at least you could always communicate with your team even as solo. And when they added the ping system you could communicate stuff even faster. Like having no mana, low hp. Where you're going etc.

    So when I started DBD I was dumbfounded at the complete chaos that is solo-q.

    Imagine being able to co-ordinate a save from a facecamper, Like saying "I'll stand in front of killer" and the other guy saying "i'll unhook".

    Or being able to say "let's do that gen over there so we don't 3-gen ourselves."

    And asking for a teammate to complete your heal because you're 80% done, or asking them not to heal you cause you have Resilience, or to heal you to 99% percent.

    It's this chaos that makes solo-q hard to play for survivors and empowers killers basically. I imagine if this feature was implemented there would be less crying from survivors and less crying from killers about either stomping noobs or getting bullied, cause sometimes their wins are handed to them by the game's inherent disadvantage of soloq survivor and maybe otherwise they wouldn't have won if the players could communicate.

    For me the most annoying games are the ones the killer tunnels the newbie. Cause it means the newbie didn't have fun at all.

  • Member Posts: 537

    Game is really bad for solo Q right now, Camping/tunneling was made just to easy for killers.

  • Member Posts: 545

    Stockholm Syndrome 🤔

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Depends. If I get consistently bad games I’ll switch to killer or stop playing. I generally play around 70% survivor, but I often play at night when killer queues aren’t as long so I can always switch if I want to.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    there are good nights and bad nights; i suppose having worked retail i already have zero faith in humanity and don't expect anything out of others.

    I don't mind a team of Megheads as long as their heart is in the right place, I guess. Monke killers are tolerable when you see strangers see what's going on and try their best to help ya even if it's futile.

  • Member Posts: 145

    Pretty much. Rotten game as a Survivor, at least it's over fast and I can get into a new game. Killer, you're stuck there until the exit timer has one second to go.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    Focus on improving more than winning. Take each match as a test for yourself and have particular aspects you want to practice with as they present themself. Use tunneling as a means of practicing how to waste the killer's time and getting better at looping, use camping as situations to practice bodyblocks/distractions/etc. Use bad teammates as practice for assessing whats going on in the match overall, and toxic killers are just practice for temperment.

    The game is not balanced enough to primarily focus on winning and losing. You will lose matches you should win, just like you'll win matches you should lose. The only way to have direct agency in what you get out of a match is to give yourself a condition you will reasonably be able to fulfill each game. The bonus is that the more you improve, the more you'll do well enough to carry bad teammates and nullify strategies like tunneling and camping, then next thing you know you're in high MMR and most of your teammates did the same thing, and now your games end up easier.

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    I mean if solo is too hard for you then play baby easy mode SWF where your friends can tell you where the killer is 100% of the time and you guys can all stack 2nd chance and gen rush perks. Don't forget to throw in an Eyrie of Crows offering too.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    The secret formula is as simple as it is hated by many: SWF.

    Playing this game together with friends makes it a lot more bearable, because you can take exactly that factor of randoms out of the equasion.

    Still, seeing the same Killer 4 times in a row (especially if it's a Nurse) all stacking slowdowns just makes you wanna quit.

  • Member Posts: 377
    edited October 2022

    Because murder tag is basically the most raw form of pvp. Its pretty much the only game where mind games plays a massive part in the pvp interaction. I also don't think the recent changes have been a bad thing for the game, Most of them have been quite healthy.

    I am getting super over wesker though.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Addiction. Masochism. Hope to have one of those rare matches that are fun with teamwork and going against a killer with a good back an forth. Lots of breaks where I don't play DBD for a week or two or more.

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    Well out of my last 200 tracked soloQ games only 4 times an exit was given by the killer to the last survivor. Two times was a pig after boop the snoot.

    it feels like since the patch the killers aren't that friendly anymore and just looking at their 4k. if you have a good shack run with the killer it usually ends up in getting tunneled straight out of the match.

    overall i would say, pre patch was more fun but now playing good feels more rewarding.

    strangely all bubbas are gone.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Strength and determination. And the BP from archive challenges.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    I mostly play Survivor now - I just play my matches out.

    I generally have a good time, regardless of what happens in the match and take the good games with the bad (bad as in facecamped, for example - the match can still be fun if I wrecked the killer in chase that game, etc).

    I don't really focus on escape ratio, but it tends to even out over the course of a play session unless I'm getting dunked on/have really bad luck in map rng/teammates/etc.

    It's a game - I play it for fun and have fun playing it for what it is - I have zero expectations at the start of each game.

  • Member Posts: 221

    I used to be a killer main until I realized playing survivor is much more chill. I still like playing killer, but it's always some kind of pressure on me when I do.

    In the long run, killer and survivor games differ in one major point: Killer games get harder the more you play, while survivor games get more fun. Because if you play killer against a team that plays sub-optimal, you can lean back and enjoy the hunt. On higher MMR (and also rank, don't pretend otherwise), you face more tryhard squads. OTOH, one bad teammate can ruin your game, but as soon as everybody knows more or less what they are doing, your team works.

    So what to do about campers, tunnelers and other "no fun allowed" killers? Nothing. If you get tunneled, play as an egoist when you are dead on hook. If you get camped, there are now enough tools not to counter it, but at least make it more costly. If your teammate gets camped: Ignore the hook and do gens.

    There are always killers you will HATE to play against (I hate playing against Trickster or Ghostface). You have to deal with it. The quicker you finish gens, the quicker the match is over. Try playing aggressively against those killers. You will either die early, or you might find out some moves against them. I kited a nurse for 3000 BP today before she gave up and presented myself as a target later several times to help break chase with another survivor. Three of us escaped, everyone had 30k+ BP on the scoreboard (except the one that died, she had 23k or so). It was actually a very fun game, and the killer probably enjoyed it too.

    Of course, the semi-permanent +100% BP for survivors helps too.

  • Member Posts: 68

    I feel like quitting, not even cause of solo queue cause i had 2 friends join me today but then it was stealth killer after stealth killer and then a legion who just had to tunnel me right off hook repeatedly. he found me with killer instinct 30 seconds in but then his frenzy wore off so he followed me about the map for 3 minutes while my team did a couple of generators and then when he finally got me on my 1st hook that was it, he just camped and then 100% pure tunnel, his name was Shadow, and he wasn't very good, but being followed right off hook just makes the game feel pointless and thoroughly unfun

    this game punishes nice and fair play, it encourages players on both sides to be as toxic as possible, and all the updates lately have just compounded these issues

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    I play both sides roughly equally but leaning towards survivor. Here's what I do:

    (a) Keep a streak in perspective. Sure, I may be getting squashed today but yesterday I felt sorry for the Killers since they got 1 to 3 spread out hooks in total.

    (b) I experiment with different builds

    (c) Tunneling and camping Killers tend to come in streaks for me. As such, when I get tunneling and camping Killers a lot I play a lot of Game, Lerys, Coldwind and Midwich offerings (I do well on Midwich as survivor). That makes it not as frustrating (for me anyway).

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    It can be a pretty terrible experience, especially playing solo. I started playing with friends and it's been much better. Still kind of annoying if you get camping/tunneling killers though...

  • Member Posts: 918

    I question myself every time I load up the game. Perhaps I enjoy suffering. I try and play with at least one friend because 3 solo teammates dcing and hiding in lockers is more than I can take.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Honestly, I just really like the excitement of being chased. That's the main point. I love the feeling of sneaking around and managing to get my objective. And it's also a big honor when the Killer breaks chased with you after a long one. It feels like I won lol. I find Killer more exhausted because it's basically all on you.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    I seriously can’t find another game captivating enough to pull me away from DBD, and that’s a shame. I’ve about had it with this terrible matchmaking. I can tolerate and endure everything else without wanting to quit for good, but some of these players like the ones you described above have me playing less and less.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I just stopped playing. While I don’t have a problem with Tunneling, the face camping at 4-5 gens got to me along with my regular burn out.

    Been three weeks since I stopped playing. I just browse the forums while I’m on the toilet or if I’m on break at work. I’ll probably start back up if they have a nice cosmetic for Claudette and some new gameplay for Halloween.

  • Member Posts: 93

    True but bully SWFs are not even close to as common as bad solo q games

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Playing with a friend or two helps, if neither of you gets annoyed too easily. That way you can make your own fun joking around even while dead or camped on hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    A 2 man SWF usually makes things bearable. Usually.

    If I don't have a friend to play with I'll play killer to complete my challenges, or play survivor only if I have "easy" challenges like "Gain x amount of bloodpoints", so I'm not worried too much about my teammates screwing things up

  • Member Posts: 857
    edited October 2022

    You either SWF or you don't play survivor. The killer patch has literally killed SoloQ.

    And no, I'm not memeing, exaggerating or trying to express that games have overall become more frustrating to play. What I'm saying is that you need to play 20-30 games (depending on whether you are lucky or not on any given day) to get one, single, measly match, that you could classify as normal (meaning the killer won't tunnel/facecamp at 5 gens, survivors don't DC 20 seconds in when an M1 killer downs them because they can't loop to save their lives). SoloQ is literally dead. Literally.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Just don't get caught 4head.

    Not but for real it can be real stressful so you almost have to go in not expecting to escape and just play for points and then if things go well you can start thinking about the best way to escape.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    I'm an ahievement junkie and all undone achievements, of course, are left for survivors. Maybe I need some professional help, but I'm diving in that toxic cesspool over and over again just to try to finish achievements.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    It's the exact same as killer, you see the same builds (even after the "meta" change).

    I just find survivor more fun more often, it's more chill and less stress. As a survivor it's a 4v1 so I'm not the only one doing stuff, sure I can have bad games with the worst teammates but I can put that down to a bad team unlike killer where you can get BS maps, RNG and a swf rushing gens asap.

    I also dont feel as forced to use a set build to have fun with, the only time I got bored of survivor is before they tweaked SBMM and I only seen nurse and blight, but now I see more than 2 killers so it's good

  • Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2022

    Well, every great once in a while, We get matched with our favorite comfort character Killer, thats referenced in our screennames,

    And sometimes they see it. And then we run and laugh and meme, and after what feels like a blink of an eye... End Game Collapse tears us apart again. And as the floor starts breaking apart and bells ring out, we look into each others eyes knowing we will be missing each other for a very long time. So hopefully, trial after trial, we could meet again. And run and meme and play again. Its the holding out hope for the best of trials to grace us with a small bit of reprieve of the constant grind. Hoping to hear a distant chainsaw revving across the field.

    But yeah mostly SWFing and some real solid medkits definitely do most of the heavy lifting tho lol. I rarely solo q these days. Plus having someone there to laugh about the dumb thing that happens really eases it up.

    Edit to Add- I focus more on getting archive challenges finished more than escaping. After so long the fun is in trying to pull off some crazy strat to get a teammate out or die trying. I dont see escaping as the ultimate win, but how well did I pull off that save or successfully getting that 4 stuns in a match archive done.

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