The fact that this even works really says a lot about the balance of this game...



  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    I'm More so saying being a lil crapper after dowing with a strong addon.

  • rattus210
    rattus210 Member Posts: 51

    Honestly at this point I'm surprised more people aren't doing this. Easy kills/wins with no effort? Why are killer players even trying so hard to get those wins when they can get them easily with a build and strategy such as this? I hope one day BHVR will address this, but I doubt that'd be anytime soon, considering how long it even takes them to release balancing updates. I think they just can't even think of a way to punish camping anyways without hurting other killers who don't abuse it to this degree. The game itself would probably need an entire rework. Which I don't see happening unless a "dbd 2" was made.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163
    edited October 2022

    You would think that iri finger would cause Clown to get dizzy from his own bottles or something. Punish people for missing and preventing him from hovering over them for the insta-down.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    That is pretty disgusting, not gonna lie. Clown is probably the best face-camper in the game according to this video.

  • KhamuraTal
    KhamuraTal Member Posts: 42

    Says more about the average competency of people in soloq tbh.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699
    edited October 2022

    Interesting video...

    Not surprised Bubba was first to go. Conventional wisdom says not to go for unhook until you know that Bubba is chasing someone else. He is the only killer* who has managed to condition survivors into accepting the game will be boring, and they need to get it over with as soon as possible.

    Also curious to know if the squad going against Trickster was cheating, or if the narrator was just embelishing the defeat a bit.

    *Nemesis is starting to enter this sphere, as he too has developed a nasty reputation for always camping and tunneling.

  • rattus210
    rattus210 Member Posts: 51

    Was an interesting video to watch. Honestly though, if he had brought perks like "dead lock" and "no way out", those two perks would've helped a lot more than the builds he used on most killers and made their face camping game stronger.

  • rattus210
    rattus210 Member Posts: 51
    edited October 2022

    Gonna have to disagree on that. Even if you were in a swf rushing gens to try and get out asap from this, dead lock would pretty much put a stop to your gen rushing, and allow for more time waste for the hooked survivor to die. Then there is no way out to give the killer even more time. So at minimum the killer is pretty much guaranteed 2 kills, which is too much for a playstyle that requires no effort but standing there by a hook imo.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited October 2022

    Deadlock only gets half its value unless the killer leaves and pressures the gen. If not, it'll be waiting exactly where it left off before getting blocked, which means you just rotate gens. Facecampers don't get to pressure the gen unless its right next to the hook.

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 349

    clown eggman gaming

  • KhamuraTal
    KhamuraTal Member Posts: 42

    Maybe on a mid-tier SWF, but even then...with a Clown? No, not even with Iri finger. You'd have to be further up on the tierlist, Artist, maybe Plague, but I think even with Plague you just slam through this, deadlock wouldn't be able to prevent semi-coordinated gens.

    On the upper tier of skill Hen's squad basically guarantees maybe one kill from this even if they're perkless and itemless.

  • rattus210
    rattus210 Member Posts: 51

    Unless you're bringing Hyperfocus and hitting the greats 100% of the time, I do not think the hook timer is long enough to outlast 5 gens. And deadlock shows where the killer should go look around to find the next survivor. But I could be wrong. But gen rushing is an issue people do not enjoy, yet there is no other way to beat this sort of playstyle if you aren't gen rushing.

  • rattus210
    rattus210 Member Posts: 51
    edited October 2022

    It would be great to watch and see if Hen's swf could beat this playstyle perkless/itemless. Especially if it was this specific player honestly. Since they throw a fit whenever they lose in this game. Would feel like well deserved karma lol. If you have to be on Hen's swf level to even have a chance of getting a 3 man out against a effortless killer playstyle like this, speaks for itself though.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    The core issue is that camping and tunneling has a much lower skill floor than how to counteract camping and tunneling. It is counterable even in solo queue but it requires the average skill level of the survivors in the match to be much higher than the Killer's skill level.

    It also contributes to Killers that do camp and tunnel feeling they need to always camp and tunnel (as opposed to select, strategic usage by Killers). It puts Killers in a higher MMR bracket than they could obtain with healthier gameplay so they have underdeveloped chase skills for the MMR bracket they're in.

    The low skill floor required versus the skill level needed to counteract it is just unhealthy all around.

  • KhamuraTal
    KhamuraTal Member Posts: 42

    Is it? the title states that this says something about the balance of this game, which, i'm not sure if the 'average' survivor group should be what the arbiter of balance is or is not. Even so, im not even entirely sure a group of people all in soloq couldn't beat this.

    As far as looping goes: if this is a thread about how Clown needs some balancing adjustments then sure, but what would he get to compensate? he's already an abysmally low tier Killer.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    first hit for the survivor on the hook is for free, next hit gives you negative 500 bp if no other survivor is close by, next hit gives you negative 1000 bp ..... if you are at 0 bp the Entity is unpleased with you and kills you and let all survivors go.

    this would stop bm.

  • rattus210
    rattus210 Member Posts: 51

    Even though this is mainly about how strong facecamping is. The fact that clown's pinky finger comes with no negative effects is something though. Huntress gets a negative effect if she brings her iri hatchets. Yet clown gets nothing negative about his iri. But no argument that add-on less clown is among the weaker killers.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited October 2022

    YOU are not supposed to be doing all 5 gens while someone is on hook, YOUR TEAM is supposed to. You can only do your own part, but the more people stop lamenting they can't 1v1 and work together, the better survivors do in that situation. By refusing to adapt you literally hold back the ones that do try to punish the killer for it.

    Edit: In regards to the circular logic of gen rush vs tunneling, that is indeed a very big problem that affects both sides evenly, despite a lot of people claiming its only an issue for one side. Its a big part of the reason why a lot of these issues people pose as only affecting one side need to be approached from both sides, since the solution to one often creates new problems for the other.

  • rattus210
    rattus210 Member Posts: 51
    edited October 2022

    Sorry, I'll correct it then. I do not believe it is possible even if the 3 other teammates who aren't being camped, can complete all 5 gens even if they had hyperfocus and hit greats 100% of the time. Since perks like dead lock and no way out buy enough time for the killer to guarantee at minimum 2 kills. But as I said, I could be wrong as I've yet to see anyone attempt to genrush a facecamper with those two perks and manage to get a 3+ man out. Or maybe the survivors are blessed with the best rng spawns of gens/pallets and can manage to get a 3 man out.

  • KhamuraTal
    KhamuraTal Member Posts: 42

    I semi-agree with that. The thing with Hatchets is that you can cross-map someone if you're accurate enough and that's something Pinky Finger can't do in a billion years. There are stronger add ons then Pinky Finger that don't have downsides even besides that, and I feel don't really need downsides.

    The best thing you could do is just make it not work if you're within 24 meters of a hook, imo. Same with Bubba's Chainsaw or what have you. I don't even like that solution because I feel if you try to bomb the hook you should be punished severely for an unsafe rescue, but I think it';s the best thing you could do to keep the game fun and ultimately it just hampers this one particular add on.

  • rattus210
    rattus210 Member Posts: 51

    There definitely is other broken add ons, but yea that's an entirely different topic lol. Until the devs can figure out a way to disincentivize hook camping, while also keeping gens at a fair pace, the game will probably always be an unbalanced mess.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited October 2022

    You're welcome to think thats impossible, but others do it all the time. And while i'm not going to use their success to invalidate your failures, i'm also certainly not going to use your failures to invalidate their success. Deadlock doesn't itself guarantee 2 minimum kills, and you're trying to take away a tool that is legitimately one of the only defenses killers really have to gen rushing (especially early game) because killers use it while camping and tunneling, which are problem responses to.... Early game gens being too fast and determining the pace of the game in the first few minutes. You don't even need those two perks to genrush someone enough to prevent a 2 man, and if they truly are facecamping then deadlock does literally nothing if you understand how to rotate gen pressure.

  • rattus210
    rattus210 Member Posts: 51

    I'll give you a point, since it's definitely not impossible. Granted the survivors got good rng with a survivor sided map (which is the majority of maps anyways) and played it extremely well. But if you gotta play that hard against a person who is just standing next to a hook, is where the issue lies imo. And that's not even counting if the killer brought noed which is another thing that would require time waste from the survivors and aid in securing extra kills with low effort from the killer's side.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,233
    edited October 2022

    If you're somewhat decent and play as sweaty as possible on killer, you'll win 99% of the time. The game isn't balanced around good killers. It's balanced around absolute average ones.

    Also, I've played against Pro before, and I don't know if he's playing on dial up or what, but it's hard to loop a killer that hits you from halfway down a C wall. I thought I was playing against someone from Asia on a VPN

    I do get annoyed by pubstompers like him though. Gets by simply by trying harder than any of his opponents. Would get 2 or 3 staged at best by any comp team.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited October 2022

    It takes a lot less than that, it just takes efficiency. In the situation you posit, the killer is completely unable to pressure other parts of the map: That means the only way they can defend anything is if the hooked survivor is in the center of it. Anything less than a 3 gen with a survivor in the middle is still plenty winnable through efficiency, which needs to be understood by as many survivors as possible to be effective. Every survivor who gives up or sits there hovering trying to catch the killer taking a bathroom break is actively sabotaging all of their teammates who are doing the right thing in that scenario. You can lament that your teammates aren't doing the right thing, but if you aren't either than you are kinda being part of the problem itself. Again, Deadlock does absolutely nothing about any of this other than slow down the max efficiency that can be attained through multigen pressure, and it only slows it, not stops it. If the killer has to leave to capitalize on deadlock then they can't be facecamping, which means you're stacking worst case scenarios to try to justify not trying.

    All you can do is do your best in a given situation. If your teammates don't pick up on it and follow suit, you can't control that like every other thing in every single match thats beyond our individual control. All you can do is not be that teammate who holds everyone back, and do your best to make up for them when you see them. None of that has anything to do with removing legitimate tools from killers that also provide value in unsavory tactics, nor does it make your game impossible or unplayable.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    That Streamer piqued my interest when I heared about his series of really long win streakes, but when I watched a couple it was just hard-core tunneling and camping, while severely BMimg the survivors and cussing then really mean.

    Every single one of this aspects would make him undesirable for me to watch again, not to speak about the combo. To each their own, but my amazement about his long streakes quickly vanished when I learned about his MO and all the unneeded BM.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    It's pretty funny that survivors can just do whatever they want to tilt the game in their favor. Eyrie of Crows, Garden of Joy, Fractured Cowshed offerings, saboing hooks, high efficiency gen rushing with hyperfocus/brand new part/stakeout, bodyblocking with OTR and BT to keep the killer from going for someone else, exploiting no pick up zones, snap running to infinites on garden of joy, obnoxious flashlight clicking, teabagging, etc but when the killer camps/tunnels to win the game, he's a toxic piece of ######### ruining the game. Like anyone finds it fun at all to play against obnoxious ass 4 man SWFs with Eyrie offerings