So why dont we let Incentives to go up to like, 250%?
If Survivor had 250% incentives I would actually put on my clown make up and pretend a solo queue match will go well. Smile.
250% is so much and it would create issues with queue times. 100% bonus is good enough to make people play other role.
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250 might sway the queue times to an excessive degree in the other direction.
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If it would be based also on Killer popularity, Twins would have 300% BP at all times xD
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It's dynamic. It could easily auto adjust as needed.
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If that's the case then make prestige free instead.
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I don't know if I could see them doing this but I'd advocate for it to going up to 200%. On a slightly related note I think they should put incentives on individual killers that aren't getting a lot of play to encourage variety. The top 3 least played killers at any given hour should get +75% +50% +25% blood points. And the next hour it does the next 3 least played, and the hour after that it just goes to the top 3 least played now that it's maybe shifted a bit. Rinse and repeat.
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how could increased benefits create issues with queue times?
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I think individiual killer incentives should be a thing but solely based on MMR and you could switch between them. I dont think we should band aid killer designs being unfun and low played with BPs.
It wouldnt at all if it's dynamically adjusted
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An overkill and will actually backfire, 100% is fine.
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then it would probably even out at something like 100%...
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Considering that We're Gonna Live Forever actually had to be nerfed from it's release version because it gave too many bloodpoints (and that was only 200%), I find that pretty unlikely.
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(mine isn't a question towards your point its a question towards the point of someone who says more incentives to play the needed role will just make queues worse)
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Make it 1000%
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What if the incentive gave you up to 100% more experience? Which in consequence, means more iridescent shards?
Might be a bad idea, but just throwing that idea out there. Sounds nutty tho.
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That would cause massive problems. As even the most hardcore killer main would switch to survivor.
On top of that, the quality of matches would quickly decline, as survivors would attempt to farm their teammates.
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That's where you report them for Sandbagging, but I agree it's a bit too much.
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Remember back when WGLF with a 200% bloodpoint bonus was introduced? Survivor queues skyrocket and the quality of the matches was... well. People farmed their teammates for stacks.
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Awful I'd assume, you do have a point, but things were also different back then. We have things to discourage farming, such as getting fewer blood points. Additionally, worse comes to worse, survivors do get protection after getting unhooked. They can cover at least 44 meters moving at 110% — surely they can reach something useful. Ultimately, you can just report those who sandbag the game through farming. Eventually support will see a pattern with enough reports to know they are sandbagging the game.
I don't think it would hurt to also include experience points in the mix. 100% BP + 100% EXP. EXP is not really tied to gameplay as much as BP are.
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Oh yes, things are a bit different now. But all those players that ruined the game for their teammates by farming them don´t have vanished. Just look at all the players that rage quit during the 6.1.0 release.
Bonus xp wouldn´t hurt. Sounds like a nice idea.
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Yeah, bonus EXP would be a great icing on the cake, but I'm afraid it won't happen because it would mean more iridescent shards. It could throw off BHVR's source of revenue too much.
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Or just two simple changes.
- Make it 100% or 0. Nothing in between.
- Always have one role have the bonus.
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One can dream
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For 250% I still wouldn’t play solo
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Everybody loves Bloodpoints. I never have enough of it. So yeah, I will take what I can get.
BUT: I would rather get 3 Dailys per day instead of only 1. Mixed 50%/50% Surv/Killer.
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On a related note I’d like to see the Daily Ritual log always have 2-3 killer rituals and 2-3 survivor rituals. That way whichever side the matchmaking incentive is boosting you can have a daily ritual you can do for it.
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or the ability to just pick a side for your dailies!
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they dont,it's maxed at 100%.