Boons need a rework

Hi! I'm a player that enjoys both killer and survivor equally. With the introduction of Boons there have been plenty of ways to spice up each game with them, but there are also some problems I've seen.

If Boons are supposed to be a polar opposite to Hexes then why does their strength vary? From the four boons we have two of them are viable, one is situational, and one is seemingly a waste of a perk slot (COH and Exponential, Shadow Step, and finally Dark Theory). Sometimes Boons can change the momentum of the game into the survivor's hands and sometimes they don't. Here is my rework to Boons and to some of the perks.

Circle of Healing should be buffed only slightly though, maybe by 10 or 15%. Or just enough so that self healing gives a gray bar. Dark Theory should also be buffed to a 7% movement speed. This way Boons would feel like a true parallel to Hexes and now you would have a reason to run and pair Shadow Step and Dark Theory.

This isn't the only change I would make for Boons, as Killer I understand that you have absolutely no time at all and really no reward in snuffing Boons. So here is how I would change that.

Snuffing a Boon now counts as kicking a totem. Once your foot (or weapon) hits the totem it immediately breaks and you can move freely again. Forcing survivors to find a new totem.

Shattered Hope would be changed so that you can no longer kick Boons but each Boon is on a timer. The more boon effects on one totem the faster the timer and the possibility of the totem breaking.

This is just an idea I have on how to make Boons a bit more balanced and viable. Sorry for the long read and feel free to give opinions.


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    I don't like it.

    CoH is already huge time-sink (measure your healing time considering finding totem, booning it and then healing. Or moving injured across the map and then healing) + it can be snuffed (very quickly if not counting some specific spots like top main of ironworks) or it can be used like a lure for injured survivors.

    Now compare it to slow 42s SC heal. Or better yet - any medkit. Or built to last and green medkit with gel dressing. And if you allow killer to destroy totems, then medkits and inner healing provide you with same amount of heals, but quicker.

    And I am not going to talk about other boons that basically require you to show the killer where the boon is to get any value out of it.

    Also for dark theory. 2% are indeed wasted perk slot (as killer ping variance is much bigger than those 2% - so you'll never know when you get benefit from the perk - even if it just barely helped you get that pallet - you will just never know), but 7% would make it OP. I think the balance would be somewhere around 4% maybe 5%, but it's hard to guess without trying it out.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    The dark theory buff is a no. 7% doesn't sound like a lot but in practice it takes the killer SO much longer to catch you, especially if its a 110 killer. I would make it so you vault 5% faster and thats about it

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,009

    I like the shattered hope idea. Cause im lazy and like perks that automatically do stuff

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    CoH can already give a grey bar with botany.. i dont think it needs any buffs tbh, especially when you can put resilience on as well to get gold bar healing

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited October 2022

    Eh makes sense, tho personally i would put it to 4% move speed and 7% vault speed

  • Masterninja
    Masterninja Member Posts: 443

    No and no. Circle of healing needs a rework and dark theory needs 4%, not 7%.