Catch-up mechanic?

Best Answer
If you had a character up to P2 when patch 6.1.0 dropped, you will get 2 bonus prestige levels when patch 6.3.0 drops. If you bring a character to P1 or P2 right now, you won't be able to get the bonus prestige levels.
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So what about all the people who prestiged before the patch and lost out on the chance to use all the items addons and offerings they had so they could get the extra prestige levels that are now being given out making sacrificing all those things redundant.
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So this is for dumb people like me who didn't quite understand how the system worked and ended up having a truckload of 50s unprestiged and then realized how majorly they messed up.
This is kinda a blessing and a curse, to be honest. A bunch of my characters will get free P3s, but then again, some will get some excess levels that I wish I gave to other characters.
Ah, well. At least I won't need to put any more BPs on bubba 😄
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Was this announced anywhere before? I thought I have to prestige my characters to get perks permanently and now I have a bunch of p1 characters and an bunch of p0 level 40 characters, as this was the level to unlock all perks before.
All level 40 characters will stay on this level. That's a bit frustrating.
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Will there be a catch-up for the level 40+ characters?
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Yeah this? I mainly leveled up my characters to 40 for their teachables and stopped. Focusing mainly on my “mains”. I think it’s odd they’re only doing level 50 or higher. @Mandy any way to bring this up with the developers? Because I have 17 survivors all at 40 before the 6.1.0 patch I unlocked their teachables.
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The intention was to catch the players who'd levelled to 50 right up to the Prestige level, there's no further catch-up planned for those who levelled up to 40 I'm afraid.
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That sucks. I only played as a couple of survivors since they all play the same. I kept ones I didn't play at level 40 (huge majority) so I could get their teachable perks. A lot of people I know that play this game are in the same boat as me. I get zero benefit from this update. Can't they give 1 Prestige level for people who got to 40 and then 2 Prestige level for people who got to 50? or why not give everyone who had a character unlocked before 6.1 two Prestige levels? Why be greedy about it, the grind is the worst part about this game.
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So you felt the need to "reward" the players who'd levelled to 50 right up to the Prestige level and then explicitly chose not to prestige.
Did I get that right?
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Again… a ton of people myself included, just leveled to 40 to unlock the teachables. Why would we feel the need to level someone we didn’t intend to play all the way to 50? Also on top of this I did P3 Nancy and Steve and I hate that their “teachables” that I did unlock are always at level 1 for any new survivors just because the license was lost the system should still recognize who had those characters leveled (sorry I know this last part digressed from the actual topic).