DEVS please look at this...Doctor weapon SEIZURE inducing flash...

Am I the only one that has come across this extremely brutal to the eyes issue?
Something in this cosmetic set I am using makes the entire screen flash when the Doctor is on screen at any point and OMG it is HORRIBLE in game. I can only imagine what would happen if someone prone to seizures had this same setup.... Pointing it out as soon as I noticed it...
My cosmetics are as follows:
Weapon - "VOLTAIC RAY"
I am pretty sure the weapon is the culprit due to the amount of flashing when you simply swing and hit a Survivor or any part of the environment also. Here is to hoping this gets fixed not months from now as some person out there could run into serious trouble being unaware that this can occur with these cosmetics. Screen flashes on the main menu when you have The Doctor selected and in Killer lobby viewing front on or over the shoulder view and AN IMMENSE amount of times during a game in the 1st person camera perspective.
Let me know if any of you are able to replicate this.
Oh, btw where is the FOV Slider?
Wow lmao that actually hurts just to look at
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Believe me...its horrible. Someone would seize up instantly upon seeing this if they are prone. Luckily for me I run the game in windowed mode so it was a bit less ...brutal.
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Ugh, they need to killswitch those
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Survivors will be doing you a favor flashlight blinding you when you trigger that effect.
It looks painful. I can only imagine if someone is not in a well-lit room.
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IKR... hopefully it gets sorted out..
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Might be worthwhile to have someone else test it on their machine to make sure it's not just an issue with your settings or pc specs.
It'll otherwise likely get more visibility as a bug report to the devs. Though it might be a technical issue.
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That is exactly why I posted it here. I don't know anyone personally that has the same Cosmetics. If anyone here has them, please try it and let me know if it does it for you as well.
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Its probably that damn head again, when he first got a visual overhaul his head would reduce fps extremely low to the point I would have to dc from matches to play it
But the effect on the HUD is whats messing with me here, how is a flash caused by a cosmetic applying to the hud as well
EDIT: The discord usernames have me giggling btw
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Oh geez that looks bad. Thank you so much for spreading the word about this!
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There should be option to turn off doc visual effects - it's irritating and seizure inducing and hurts people with epilepsy and such
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Thank you for your comments! Yes I hope it gets looked into.. I'd hate for it to seriously affect someone with a vulnerability..
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The way you keep wording things sounds kinda disingenuous. I'm not accusing you or anything, but you might want to be careful after how people have been acting about the flashlight changes. Also you really should submit a bug report as well so they can research the issue internally in case its one they can recreate in testing.
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Negative Nancy? Some people can find fault with anything. I'll pretend I didn't read that. This is about an actual issue... Just trying to bring it to light. Thank you for adding nothing to the conversation... Completely off topic. Already did the bug report way before posting this thread. Thanks though.
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Already did the bug report way before posting this thread. Thanks though for your very...unhelpful comment that points something out that clearly nobody else is thinking of. And I'm the "disingenuous" one eh?
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I already said i wasn't accusing you, just warning you. Also I didn't see a post about it in the bug report forum after someone had already suggested it, so I was reiterating their point. Kindly keep that "people like you" stuff to yourself, please.
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Might as well tell me that fire hurts if you touch it... Again. Thank you. Pessimistic people? Lol thanks partner thanks. Pessimistic people. That better? Adding pointless banter to a serious thread issue.
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Somehow I don't believe you after that edit but sure, you're welcome.
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Cool, I would have posted this in the bug report thread to try to help, but I still haven't found one:
The first image with a simple Division mask with an opacity of 200 creates a very similar appearence, which could be helpful in determining what effect from the cosmetics could be causing it. Could very well be a lighting mask issue with the effects.
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Feel free to look as deep into it as you want. Like I said, just pointing out the issue. Not trying to put anything under a microscope or go any deeper than that as at the end of the day if they fix it, they fix it. And if they don't well...nothing out of the ordinary.
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Can you link to the bug report please?
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I saw you just posted the Bug Report, so I'll close this here, but the best place for these is Bug Reports; that way things such as bugs or serious issues that can cause problems for players can be seen by the Development Team as soon as possible, and not wind up getting lost here in General Discussions. Thank you!