Bonus BP items.

I usually play killer, it was super easy before and with the new killer boost being killer is a walk in the park.
Sure, if I play a killer that I'm not familiar with than I might find a challenge and they might get away (without me wishing it). But I have not yet had one round were surviviors could have escaped when I gun in with my main killer approach. Even with the most trickiest loopers, they're #########.
I almost stopped playing survivor because of this.
Anyways. When dealing bonus items like flans and cakes and streamers, I believe there should be a way to punish unfair and unsportsmanlike killers (or survivors) by being able to take away their bonus XP from any cake/flan/streamer.
Anyone dealing such a bonus item should also be in position to decline anyone to get it.
Make this happen. Tnx ❤️
People would use it even if someone was not unsportman so flans could not work like that. Best thing what you can do is to not use them. That way there is no bonus bp for gen rushing survivors or tunneling and camping killers. I sometimes take the risk as killer but then I also bring my strongest add ons like mother daughter with spirit or compound 33 as blight.
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Well, some people would for sure punish people that did not deserve it, but still, I think the one using such an item also should be able to take it away from whoever.
If the solution is not to use such item then such items are worthless anyways.
Same as if playing as survivor, and the other survivors does not do unhooks that would have been safe and easy. (When I play killer I punish selfish survivors that leave people on hook when they had plenty of room to unhook them, it's kinda funny because often they hide on the other side the map from the hooked survivor, and that is how I find them and then they die)
The dealer of a bonus BP item should be able to refuse any player from getting that bonus. Sometimes people would abuse that sure, but it would still make these items more fun to use. Instead of using one as survivor and then being tunneled down as the first one before getting anything done. It's just a ######### feeling, and one should be able to counter that with cutting off that bonus BP from whoever.
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Well only thing I could imagine working fairly is that you only get the bonus as survivor if you are tunneled out and if 3 or more escapes you are the only one getting bonus as killer. Killers would go for hooks and survivors would not gen rush hard. But better option is just to make tunneling and camping unviable tactics and give killer better control protecting gens and avoid gen rush or just more chase power in general.
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Typical forum content.
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For me it's not an issue when playing killer, it's super easy being a killer with the latest patches. If I play one of my mains it usually does not matter if survivors rush gens, I'll find a way to get em.
And when I play killer I can punish survivors that play unsportsmanlike and leave co-survivors on hooks etc. When I play killer I usually have control and can "direct" the match however I like. (Unless I play a killer that I rarely use, but its good with some challenges also)
What sucks is being a survivor that posts a bonus item, and then being the first survivor tunneled or camped down because of some unsportsmanslike killer. There is no way to punish the killer. One can always just leave the game to deprive them of a hook/sacrifice, but they still get that bonus BP. It should be possible to take that away from them.
It's my cake/flan/streamer and I wanna decide who benefits from it 😜
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Or as a survivor and other survivors leave you hanging on the hook when they easily could have unhooked you, safely for both them and you. I don't wanna give them bonus BP in such situation, it would be cool to be able to "reply" to them by taking that bonus BP away.
Again, some would abuse this and be unsportsmanlike in the way they could have refused others to get bonus BP, but its their cake/flan/streamer :p "Leave me on hook? You don't get cake!" 😎😜
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Even if I play a killer I'm not familiar with and meet a bunch of die hard rushing looping unsportsmanlike suvivors that I'm chanceless against I can still punish em if they f@#$ up my bonus BP item.
Here by doing a "what comes around goes around" and switch to an unsportsmanlike playstyle myself. Either by tunneling/camping down their weakest link, or rather just let em rush them gens and send em away without any chase/healing/unhooking, making em all get somewhere between 8 - and 17k BP ish instead of all being above 30k. It's a bad playstyle, but I allow myself to counter bad playstyles by returning the favor.
So in pretty much all scenarios killer have a way to punish unsportsmanlike behaviours. Survivors dont. A better way to counter it would have been if we could refuse other players that extra BP.
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Literally does not work, people goes salty for absolutely weird reasons.
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It's a little weird to obsess over whether or not someone else benefits from an offering you brought. No matter what, you get your double blood points. If you're so paranoid that you might give someone extra imaginary currency when you lose, maybe a fog offering or luck offering is more your speed.
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Lol, u funny guy 😌 It would just be satisfying to refuse them to get it 😜
Oh well, I rarely bother to play survivor these days anyways, killer is way easier and more fun, it just suck that I have a giant stack of flans on my main survivor.
I never understood the killers here whining about how overpowered survivors have been and how difficult it is/has been to play killer. Killer has been super easy to play for ages.
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It would literally work, such a solution would fit perfectly into a game like this. Sure thing, people go salty and some would abuse it, but it's still their bonus item.
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I wouldn't say it's weird. No one is going to thank the killer for tunneling them out with 8k(16k) bp while the killer is swimming in 30k (60k). Perfectly reasonable to get tilted in that situation.
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I just stopped using flans on survivors altogether. Dont have swf and not gonna pay for purple range and green recharge add ons of that nurse who hard tunneled me from the start.
I rather use personal offerings. Wish we could change flans for survivor cakes / puddings
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Thank you! I was starting to think that it was maybe just me thinking like this 😅
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Post match BP offerings could work