Zombies are still just a map Cosmetic I see...

They do absolutely nothing.... It pains me to see as Nemesis deserves better... Just because people can win without their help doesn't mean they shouldn't be fixed... They are part of his power I thought.? He literally just stood there the ENTIRE time while I did the generator.
Ah, but you see, when I play Nemesis I get zombies like this. When I play AGAINST Nemesis, I may as well be playing CoD: Zombies.
No consistency I’m afraid.
18 -
Reminds me of that time I made a friend.
He stood by me for the entirety of the gen.
11 -
I do play Nemesis often and they never find anyone... IF a miracle occurs and they don't get stuck on anything, they never hit anybody anyway. Even if the Zombies are running at max speed, they have no momentum so they instantly stop and swing at the air in almost every scenario. They've always seemed like such an afterthought.
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Lmao...the devs probably see this as cute... Its not... Fix it..
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Whenever i play against nemesis its the complete opposite. I cant even touch a generator without both zombies being glued onto me. Every nemmy game i have to waste a pallet just to get rid of an annoying zombie
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CoD 2 zombies? You better say yes, cause that's the best one
Change my mind, lol
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Oh absolutely 2. Though I do prefer the maps from Black Ops 1
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That's fair, I personally lost interest of the franchise after 3, cause zombies was really the only thing me and my cousins played and CoD zombies 3 was a bit too...weird? For me, lol
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I agree that the zombies AI is - well, it's consistent with them being brainless, I suppose.
Though I do find it interesting how they interact with Discordance! I saw a video demonstrating and it seems that really seems to attract them for some reason.
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Seems like Discord Ants and Call of Brian are essential for getting somewhat consistent zombie results
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I used to main Nemi. His zombies were fun, but mostly pointless with moments of absolute OP fun.
the truth is that zombies need to weak, otherwise he’d be OP.
Some better pathing would be nice and some add-ons not related to zombies would be nice.
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I think their biggest issue is their pathing logic, they don't really seem to have any means of getting themselves "unstuck" from certain geometry consistently. If they don't run into it they're usually a pretty useful tool for passive tracking and occasional meme pressure (or even the occasional anti-loop) with a completely chaotic nature. They likely just need to improve their ability to reroute their pathing when stuck for more than a second or two and they would be a lot better.
For now, as nemmy all you can do is slap the stuck ones and take a bit of mutation for your trouble.
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Pathingwould go a long way for us. I dont mind them mostly being useless, I see the zombies as like sentient Hag traps. Sometimes the traps come up and have the option to be played around
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Better pathing is all I ask..please <3
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Dude I swear to god.😂😂 It’s like there’s a damn zombie at every gen.
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Yeah..its very upsetting to see a Zombie aura walking in place, because you know if you don't go over there whack them, they'll be there forever.
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Yesterday I (as a solo survivor) arrived at a gen with another survivor when... "God damn it, a zombie", I thought. "Now only one of us will be able to work at the gen at first, damn".
But then we just stopped for like two seconds, and waited for him to pass by. The zombie walked right past us, kept walking straight, we started doing the gen right behind him. He didn't notice us, kept walking forward and got stuck in the corner of the map right next to us.
"Oh, nevermind I guess".
The zombie had walked insanely close to us and did nothing even when we started the gen. It's ridiculous.
Post edited by Malkhrim on2 -
So frustrating when you take into account that Nem is weaker because of the zombies.
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I've honestly come to hate Sandwich Elementary for him because I'll have BOTH zombies stuck behind those lockers that you can hide behind in the hallways
One time I killed both of those stuck zombies and they respawned only to both get IMMEDIATELY stuck in there AGAIN like damn.
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You know, the zombies on the original ptb were perfect. Don't know why we can't just go back to them.
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You mean... the facecamping zombies?
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No, the ones that actually hit survivors.
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Wouldn't be surprised that killer mains want to optimise facecamping even more.
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Same! Zombies are the next killer when I play, the killer automatically knows where I am because the zombies keep following me and they body block me more often than actual survivors do. They always follow me around gens preventing me from doing them, until I loop them around a rock trying to get them stuck but it never works. Where are these braindead zombies in games that people are talking about 😄
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I’m kind of hoping that after they add bots to custom matches this year that if they work well the bot pathing can be imported to the zombies to improve them.
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I've played a LOT of Nemesis. The zombies are weird. The best thing to use them for as Neme, is for information. If you see arms extended, someone is near that zombie. Often times, and on especially large maps, they don't do much in the way of bothering survivors. The map that I have seen them do the most work on, is Lery's. Other small maps, like Haddenfield or Badham, they do pretty well on too. The other thing is when they get stuck. It definitely happens, but rarely do I go out of the way to fix it. If I am nearby, sure. Often times though, it's never worth it.
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Use discordance with zombie speed addons and suddenly they aren't that useless
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or Call of Brine
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There is actually a way to make zombies useful. They're attracted to sound. So screams, explosions, all that stuff attracts them. The trick is to keep survivors in one area with your zombies. Still they might bug out.
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Weren't they just hitting survivors a lot because PTB Players are usually less skilled (no matchmaking at all) and were also getting surprised by a new feature they weren't used to deal with? Also, almost everyone was playing in RPD on the PTB, a confusing map with tight corridors that was perfect for surprise zombie hits.
Oh, and also, they literally facecamped survivors, it's a little hard not to get hit in that situation.
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Discordance is one of the best Nemesis perks because of that. But still, if the survivors split between gens and discordance doesn't activate often, there's a good chance all the speed add-ons will do is make them get stuck faster.
By the way, EVERY Nemesis add-on has some chance of making absolutely no difference in a match. He competes with Pyramid Head for the killer with the worst add-ons in the game.
Honestly, Nemesis needs a big rework with new infection mechanics, better zombie AI and full add-on overhaul. He is way too poorly designed.
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For real zombies need a fail safe, like if they don't move for xSeconds they change direction or just respawn if changing wont do anything.
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I'm surprised this is still a thing tbh
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didn't know it attracts them, thanks for the info
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Zombies get stuck on the environment like 80% of the time for me...and if they are stuck on a bush....none of this perk/addon stuff matters.
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Boy oh boy... That AI sure is good..
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It's 50/50 they do nothing, or they are like camping hooks and gens and you absolutely can't do #########. I'm telling ya tho, if you get Nemi with the add one where zombies walk faster, it becomes obnoxious.
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Shouldn't be a 50/50. Any designer okay with that is..lazy.
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BO3 Zombies was the start of the Easter Eggs being mandatory.
He's coming up with a way to attack you.