Low Profile doesn't activate multiple times

Zensunim Member Posts: 157

Platform: PC

From Peanits: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/342544/developer-update-low-profile-question

He states this perk can activate multiple times.

Trying out "Low Profile" and I had it activate in the middle of the match when 1 person was dead, 1 hooked, and 1 downed. Low profile activated and my grunts of pain went away. When I was no longer the last man standing after doing a rescue, the perk was still active and counting down, grunts of pain were still gone.

Later in the match, it was just me and another survivor. When the other survivor went down, Low Profile did not activate and I was still bleeding and grunting, even after the survivor was hooked and killed and I was alone.

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