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The fact that this even works really says a lot about the balance of this game...



  • Member Posts: 54
    edited October 2022


    No argument that survivors can also bring in their own BS and that maps definitely tend to favor survivors more than killers. But I think we all can agree both sides can be toxic. And it’s just the fault of the game devs not knowing how to balance their own game and create balanced maps.

  • Member Posts: 51

    wow its almost like 99% of the survivor's perks right? here, have an advantage over the killer for getting outplayed haha funny

  • Member Posts: 325

    I still don't understand why they allow hitting someone on hook. Have it block an attack but don't make it sound like someone is getting hit over and over. Maybe have it that the entity is putting a field around them and instead it would be like hitting a wall. It's only used for being toxic but I understand how using a survivor as a shield when unhooking playing against a killer like the huntress. If a killer was hitting you like a wall over and over again, it would actually be funny to see. Like "lol you can't hit me I'm protected"

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    This is just sad honestly. Name me one other game that has such cheap gameplay that takes so little skill be even nearly as effective as playing like this. The fact camping still hasn't been nerfed, especially after it being buffed in 6.1.0, is mind boggling to me. Camping is the exact opposite of healthy and good game design.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    I can't understand half of what he's saying.

  • Member Posts: 506

    This guy is the saltiest Killer main out there. Nothing but negativity. And the fact that he got exiled from twitch (😆😆😆) didn't really help his mental health.

  • Member Posts: 30

    Pinky finger has no negative side effects? Have you ever played clown before?

  • Member Posts: 30

    I've watched every video he has uploaded for the last 1.5+ years. I have seen his internet go down, but I've never seen anything like you're describing. He usually has a really low ping. I've also seen him stomp comp teams.

  • Member Posts: 30

    A large percent of DBD players have mental health issues. Nothing to laugh or make fun of someone about. People don't end up like this by choice.

  • Member Posts: 29
  • Member Posts: 444

    Yep, on some of the larger maps I've had three gens pop before I can even find the first survivor.

  • Member Posts: 259

    Players like this ruin the game for everyone else. No question. If only the [REDACTED]s that played like this put the time and effort they spend on trying to upset other people into instead trying to be the positive change I guarantee the game's playerbase would be much happier and healthier as a whole. But nope. Too much to ask for apparently.

  • Member Posts: 1,959
    edited October 2022

    1:45:00 in that video is AWESOME. Make them pay for that obnoxious Eyrie of Crows offering. Definitely following and subbing to this guy. This is a cool build I'm going to have to try myself

  • Member Posts: 707
    edited October 2022

    I honestly believe there’s someone at BHVR who gets some sadistic pleasure out of this. I mean making it like this to start with is questionable but understandable but keeping it this way for as long as they have without even trying workarounds or public experiments and solutions? Yeah someone loves the survivor salt and gets enjoyment out of making others miserable and resists any positive changes that endangers their salt supply.

    This needs to be stamped out hard. The only thing offered is bandaids like reassurance which would do next to nothing in this scenario.

  • Member Posts: 21
    edited October 2022

    Honestly, i'd just say:

    Make Hook timer auto-pause if the killer is to close for to long without being in chase: Bam, face caming is immediatly a Strat that doesnt do anything for you except for being a prick to one surv

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 54

    My bad, it decreases the bottle count by 2. Not really that big of a deal though.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Both sides have the tools to make the game as unfun as possible for the other side unfortunately. Both gen rushing and facecamping are flaws with the game that need to be addressed for the sake of the game's health. Personally I can't think of any solution to balance it for both sides without reworking the entire game flow.

  • Member Posts: 444

    Oh same, I realise as both survivor and killer. The fact there is just so much potential for abuse on both sides is astounding, like I get it. Any game that has even the smallest *hint* of competitiveness/competitive play and you have the sweats out in droves trying to find the fastest way to finish and win games, be it perks, map layouts, discord coms, certain killers/survivors etc.

    I too often wonder how I would improve/balance the game for both sides and find myself in the same position as you, in that I can't think of many things that could improve the game without favouring one side over the other.

    Like maybe at the start of the game, on the larger maps, like Macmillian the survivor's auras are revealed for a few seconds or highlight the general area where survivors spawn just so the killer isn't spending 90 seconds checking every gen furthest from the 1-3 that are being worked on.

    Maybe for survivors and to stop face camping, hook/entity progress is completely halted while the killer is within a certain radius, without completely negating the strategy of patrolling near hooked survivors.

    But yeah, I agree, they'd have to completely rework the gameplay loop just to balance it all out and make it fair. Especially the map layouts and the RNG of pallets, jungle gyms, windows, vaults etc.

  • Member Posts: 62

    When i saw this post i showed it to my boyfriend cause i thought it was hilarious how absolutely bad that killer is, and what do you know he went against him yesterday with his friends lol. He got completely destroyed by them, 3 gens popped on his first hook, and then they got the other 2 really quickly as well, since clown was getting destroyed he started slugging and the only reason he got a 3k was cause my bfs friends weren't running unbreakable. And after facecamping, slugging and hitting, clown still complained calling unbreakable a cancer and calling them sweaty when all they did was spread their repairs while he camped to counter deadlock lol that add on should make it so he can only have 1 bottle at a time. All pink add ons need a negative side effect. That dude is extremely toxic and when survivors do good he gets mad and even calls them cheaters at times, BHVR should look into this imo.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Well at least slugging probably won't be as strong with the new mori update. If the devs even decide to bring it to live, considering the community being strongly against it. So this playstyle probably won't work out as well. But I still see a lot of casual players falling victim to it still even with the update. As for the pinky finger nerf, I think 1 bottle might be too overkill lol... I'd say either 2 bottles or 3, and probably make the reload even slower. Though actually, 1 bottle but slightly faster reloading sounds about right too lol.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Wow that streamer is a massive tool lol. Surprises me that people watch that content, like 80% of it is just him BMing slugged survs and talking trash 🤣 boring watching.

  • Member Posts: 62

    Huntress only gets 1 insta axe so clown should too. All pink add ons that are extremely strong need to have a strong negative effect. Theres no balance in clowns add on if he can just spam bottles constantly (which already slows down survivors and doesnt let them fast vault) until he eventually hits it. Or at least he shouldn't be able to combine it with add ons that give him more bottles.

    The way something like this is allowed is off-putting, especially cause this dude intentionally does this to make other players miserable while thinking he's good and trash talking when all he does is use an unbalanced insta down, BM on hookband insult players when they are actually playing well and giving him a hard time with his dumb playstyle. He got outplayed by my bfs party and he got salty when they just....did the logical thing to do with a killer that plays like this. He's used to survivors just falling like flies trying to save the teammate when a smart SWF will let the hooked person buy them gen time. Reassurance cant do anything for a camping situation like this because of how small its radius is, only a self-reassurance kind of perk could actually work. And no, not steve's ha.

    BHVR needs to analyse situations like this and work around trying to prevent intentionally malicious gameplay cause its really off-putting knowing i can encounter players like and makes me not want to hop on the game, knowing solo q and even duo is a miserable experience on its own is already off-putting enough.

  • Member Posts: 597

    My god that looked painfully boring not only to watch for more than a few seconds but I can't even imagine playing like that lol... oh well ppl are strange

  • Member Posts: 93

    Devs, please do this. This is my favourite solution I have seen thus far.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    I don't see why we can't make Reassurance basekit, then make the perk extend the duration for 20/25/30 more seconds.

    Can't see why not when we are already adding BT basekit, UB basekit, and etc. The devs are trying to get rid of these unfun strategies.

    And I do believe genrushing should be addressed to, but specifically focusing on camping since that's the topic of the thread.

  • Member Posts: 30

    How does a killer get outplayed and destroyed yet 3K? That's called a win. I watched all those games from yesterday. There were a couple games where the team got an unhook and prolonged the game because he was blasting eggman music the whole time and spamming m1 hitting the hook. I'm guessing you must be talking about one of these few games where all the gens were finished and he picked everyone off while no way out blocked the exits. Your boyfriend's SWF got wrecked on one of the most survivor sided maps while Pro was meming. That's the fact of the matter. And since you don't know, pinky finger already has a negative side effect. It reduces your bottle count by 2.

    He sometimes questions if players are cheating because of the high number of cheaters in the game. If someone is always making the right calls on 50/50s, you can't help but wonder if they are using wall hacks.

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