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What are your survivor builds right now?

I'm curious of other people current survivor builds right now. I sorta want to try new things


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  • Member Posts: 1,684

    Just figure out what works best for you.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Do you want meme builds as well or just serious builds?

  • Member Posts: 4,699
  • Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,751

    It was Head-On Deception, but I'm trying out Hyperfocus/Stake Out and yes you can absolutely blame Mandy.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Whenever I try and use deception It doesn't help. How do you get use out if it?

  • Member Posts: 82
    edited October 2022

    My current survivor build is Dead Hard, Off The Record, Unbreakable and Adrenaline. That's a pretty good build that will take your games far. You can switch Dead Hard for Lithe if you want. Both very solid perks.

  • I've been bored to tears doing gens so it's been Flashbang, Bond, Sabotage and Breakout. I simply do a gen until I get a flashbang then follow a chase around in hopes of getting a flashbang or breakout save. I'll even give a bodyblock if it saves them a moment. Sometimes it works and sometimes it's throwing the game away.

  • Member Posts: 702

    Dead hard always

    Residual manifest for clickies



  • Member Posts: 1,386

    adrenaline,hope,parental guidance,smash hit

    no mither,iron will,resilience,windows/dark theory

    sprint burst,self-aware,vigil,reassurance

    my 3 current presets,all a ton of fun

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    I have a healing build I like: Empathic Connection, Empathy, Renewal, and a flex perk (Usually Autodidact)

    Lately I've been using:

    Kindred, Distortion, Lightweight, Inner Healing

    This one had a killer remark that thought I had Lucky Break (though it was a farm map for what that's worth)

  • Member Posts: 545

    I'm using Fixated (Self-Aware), Lightweight, Kindred, Off The Record. It's a build good for during chases, getting around the map stealthily, or during/after hooking, so it's actually very good in my opinion.

  • Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,751

    I do it as Mandy does, especially if you put Quick & Quiet with it, Deception a locker in chase, and bounce into another one as that one is getting checked. Too much fun!

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    You may receive a few more than what you asked for but hopefully some sound interesting to you. As you can see, I'm a big fan of both OTR and meme builds. I've run all of these and I found them fun.

    1. Serious: OTR, Deliverance, SB (and either Reassurance (Rebecca), DS (Laurie) or Adrenaline (Meg)

    2. Heals Go Brr: OTR, BK, Self Care, We'll Make It (I normally bring a med kit for healing other survivors at roughly 200% speed without any boons)

    3. Run Forr.. I mean Dwight Run: OTR, BT, Guardian, NOLB (I'll either swap Guardian for UB or BT for UB or Sprint Burst depending on the character. The unhooked survivor will run faster than the Killer at endgame).

    4. Totem Hunter: OTR, Small Game or Detective's Hunch paired with a green map, Overzealous, Inner Healing (Good for not throwing during Tome Challenges)

    5. Gens Go Brr: OTR, Built to Last with a good toolbox and charge add-ons, Hyperfocus, Stake Out

    6. Secret Santa: OTR, Plunderer's, Ace in the Hole, Appraisal (Do the Tome Challenge quickly and give good items to other survivors)

    7. Unlimited Heals: OTR, Built to Last, Desperate Measures paired with a med-kit (Purple MedKit with 2 charge addons is roughly 10 full Heals with this)

    8. Anti Tunnel: OTR, SB, DS, Renewal (Have the Killer throw if they target you)

    9. Blinds All Around: OTR, Flashbang, Residual Manifest, Blastmine (if I want a more stun/blind build I'll switch out Flashbang (if I bring a flashlight) or BlastMine and put in Head On)

    10. Strictly Stuns: OTR, DS, Head On, Parental Guidance

    11. What A Choice: OTR, Wiretap, Blastmine, Residual Manifest (Either reveal Killer's Aura or the Killer can't see gen or hook auras along any other aura reading for 30 seconds)

    12. See Everything: OTR, Bond, Kindred, Open Handed (Kindred at 32 metres is essentially a wall hack)

    13. Pick up Everyone: OTR, Low Profile, WGLF, Deliverance (Low Profile keeps you hidden if the other 3 are slugged and WGLF gets them up safely and quickly)

    14. Saboteur Build: OTR, Empathy, Saboteur, and either Breakout or Breakdown

    15. Heals Here: OTR, Empathetic Connection, Desperate Measures, BK

    16. Where are they?: OTR, Overcome, Lucky Break, Quick and Quiet (Get a decent distance away with no scratch marks and jump into a locker)

    17. Kate's Gone: OTR, Lithe, Quick and Quiet, Dance With Me

    18. No 3 gens: OTR, Situational Awareness, Prove Thyself, Deja Vu

    19: I Will Die For You: OTR, Mettle of Man, Empathy, CoH (Run in, take a hit, run out activate Mettle, repeat , watch the Killer tunnel you for being so annoying. Empathy is to see where to go)

    20. Watch The Killer: OTR, Mettle of Man, Object Of Obsession, either CoH (heals) or Sole Survivor (stop Aura Reading when Killer gets close). Once Mettle is used you and the Killer see each other's aura)

    21. Protect Your Tap: OTR, Wiretap, Repressed Alliance and something else (Use Repressed to stop the Killer from destroying the Wiretap)

    22. Can't Keep Me Down: OTR, UB, Soul Guard and something else

    23. I'm Asking For A Facecamp: OTR, Flip Flop, Power Struggle (and then either UB, Tenacity or Boil Over)

  • Member Posts: 349

    1. Windows of Opportunity

    2. I don't know

    3. I don't know

    4. I don't know

    Not addicted to this Perk at all no never not in a thousand years. (I changed the Icon for it to the SpongeBob: I don't need it)

  • Member Posts: 112

    Here are my three loadouts:

    1. Flashbang, Lithe, Off the Record, Windows of Opportunity
    2. Boon: Circle of Healing, Detective's Hunch, Lithe, Off the Record
    3. Kindred, Lithe, Off the Record, Prove Thyself

    My builds are typically an Exhaustion perk, an anti-tunnel perk, a team perk, and then something else of my choosing. Lithe is my preferred exhaustion perk, as it is very simple to use. I tend to run my first loadout the most. It's a little more selfish, but it's good for looping and saving with Flashbangs. My second loadout is probably the most powerful. Detective's gives a ton of helpful information, and it pairs well with the already powerful Circle of Healing. My last build is my solo survivor build, or my co-op action build. Kindred and Prove are both great when you are playing solo.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I noticed that off the record is literally in every build you suggested

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Idk but something tells me you like windows of oppurtunity

  • Member Posts: 112
    edited October 2022

    You are welcome! I also forgot to mention Off the Record. It's a pretty self explanatory perk, but it's biggest benefit is you don't lose the silence and your aura is still hidden for the duration, even if you perform an action. You only lose the Endurance. Most times though, if you are going to get value out of the Endurance hit, it's going to be before you could even perform an action to begin with. It is arguably one of the strongest perks survivors have access to at the moment.

  • Member Posts: 685

    My "I'm still getting a grip on this whole survivor thing" build:

    Windows - Because I suck in a chase as survivor. The easier it is for me to see what I have to use, the more I can put my melon to work on the problem of how to use it.

    Kindred - SoloQ 100% so knowing if it's worth going for the save vs staying on gens, or if the killer is making a beeline to my location is huge.

    Distortion - to help reduce the chances of the previously mentioned scenario of a killer making a beeline for me.

    Spine Chill - In the again previously mentioned scenario of a killer making a beeline for me, I can see from my new hiding spot how close they are to finding me and if they are leaving the area. Also not bad with chases to know when the killer has broken off as I'm still bad with the third person camera.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    It's definitely safe to say I'm a fan of the reworked perk.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I have not used it at all since its rework so I must really be missing out

  • Member Posts: 94

    Nothing special, just Kindred, Windows, Adrenaline and OTR.

    If I wanted to try something new, I'm willing to replace Adrenaline with something else. I do have diversion and own all RE characters, which have at least one fun perk each.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    I've personally been enjoying what I call "The Recycle Build" which consists of Small Game, Overcome, and Inner Healing

    Fourth perk can be anything, I just opt for kindred because solo q, lol

  • Member Posts: 437

    i use balanced landing, because i like to jump off buildings

    off the record for tunnelers

    resilience for no reason; that my swap perk slot

    and eboony: circle of healing for the bloodpoints and also helps out myself and other players

  • Member Posts: 2,358
  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Currently it's Kindred, Prove Thy Self, Borrowed Time, and Circle of Healing. I used to run Blastmine instead of Circle of Healing but they nerfed Blastmine to not be worth running at all.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    I find it a lot more useful than pre 6.1 DS. I did, and sometimes, still try both but I generally evade the Killer for more than 60 seconds with OTR so the DS timer runs out too much for me to use it regularly.

    Another advantage to OTR is that, even if I'm not tunneled, I get 80 seconds of old Iron Will and Distortion so it's hard to find me after.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    I'm still rocking NOLB, Adrenaline, BT Guardian.

    More often than not Guardian is my only perk but hoh boy... if we make it to the last gen then that's where the magic happens.

    I like to think my actions inspire my teammates to perhaps pay it forward next match :)

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    For me it's a good all-around build ...

    Circle of Healing, ShadowStep, Lithe, IW

    I find this build it's a good solid Keep me safe and make a safe zone for my team.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited October 2022

    Honestly, my go to is:

    • Lithe. It's always been my favorite Ex. perk, as nobody expects it on survivors that aren't Feng. Can buy you so much time at crucial moments in chase, and doesn't have the drawbacks of SB.
    • Windows of Opportunity. It has a stigma as a 'noob' perk, but this saves my bacon at least once a game. It's so, so nice to be able to see which pallets are still usable, or which windows are open.
    • Circle of Healing. Self Care is now a noob trap. This allows me to heal myself, heal others at lightning speed and distract the killer. If I've got a Medkit, I'll run Built to Last or Kindred instead.
    • Empathy. People sleep on this perk way too hard. It can tell you where the killer is, where someone who needs a heal is, what pallets are being dropped etc.
    • Off The Record. Incredible anti-tunnel tool, gives you a lot of peace of mind. It lasts forever. I don't run this anymore, as I'm not seeing anywhere near as much tunneling as I used to.
  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Dh and woo all the time.

    Other two, I switch it up ocasionally. Currently it is pt and wmi.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    BT,DH,WELL MAKE IT and Windows

  • Member Posts: 181

    A simple strong build I use to vibe on Dwight is overcome,built to last,off the record and desperate measures.

    Bring any medkit especially a stacked green one and you've got about 6 fast heals and the easiest exhaustion to get value out of. Even in matches without healing you get fast unhook speed and a good anti tunnel.

    Desperate measures is really underated as a healing perk

  • Member Posts: 233

    I've been having fun lately with a Loot Goblin build where I run Plunderer's and Ace in The Hole as the core perks; the other two (OTR, Wiretap, Circle of Healing, and Overcome as a few choices that get swapped in/out). I just wish my team would take the items I drop for them half of the time, otherwise any med-kits or toolboxes I just go back to if I need em.

    The one build I want to try out, now that I have Diversion, is from a Yerv video where you blind the killer and toss your pebble to make them think you ran away. I just need Iron Will and I'll be good.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Empathy is not something I see often. Usually I would settle for aftercare or maybe even inner focus

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Lithe, Dance with Me, Off the Record and Lucky Break

  • Member Posts: 217
    edited October 2022

    My current build for Meg(oon) is:


    No One Left Behind

    Prove Thyself


    Before you think I'm a psychopath for not running an exhaustion perk, listen carefully. I'm usually a Balanced Landing or Lithe user, however these perks might put you in a delimma. Do I vault the window and risk to get hit, so I can active my Lithe or do I just run to the next tile and loop normally. Resilience however works always, increases generator speed by a good amount and overall has a great synergy with almost everything (and also butchers Plague to some degree). No One Left Behind is quite useful if you want to know which gate is being opened whild being in a chase and also helps having everyone escaping. Adrenaline is always useful, helps with getting the last generator done (especially when combined with Prove Thyself and Resilience). Overall this build is surprisingly reliable and shouldn't be underestimated.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    The same as its always been. Bond, Borrowed Time, Prove Thyself, and We'll make it.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Lithe for chases

    Prove Thyself for points

    Kindred for solo q

    Bond for solo q

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Lithe - Alert - Flashbang - Inner Healing

    Given im on gens a lot, I try to make them more productive/fun, so I run flashbangs which are fun to play with and very rewarding when you get a blind. Obviously there are way more productive perks. I've just started running inner healing which is a gem for a solo survivor. I'm running into hex plaything a lot so its paying off atm. Alert has been my staple perk for years, its so useful its unreal. Lithe is my evasion perk and suits my hold w preference over looping and mind games.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I find Aftercare to be substantially less useful. Inner focus is...fine, but I find that it does what Empathy does, but worse.

    Here are some examples:

    • I'm against a Plague or Legion. I have basically complete vision of everyone at all times.
    • I don't know where the killer is, then I see someone over the map take a hit and know that I'm safe.
    • Someone's in a prolonged chase, and are on their death hook. This allows me to set up a save or intervene for a bodyblock no matter how far they are away.
    • Someone escapes a chase injured. I can now locate them at my leisure to heal them.

    The big drawback of Inner Focus is that it's radius is a little limited, and it doesn't last very long.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I always randomize, so there's never a set I use.

    However, the randomizer goes through "phases", and currently is loving Autodidact for survivor!

    Killer is more varied, but currently Brutal Strength and Dark Devotion are popping up more often.

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