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Newsflash: Killer makes team of 3 eat poop after immediate DC



  • KreeG
    KreeG Member Posts: 11

    You aren't making any sense. When I play killer and the first person I down dc's immediately or suicides on hook of course I feel bad, yes I understand how screwed you are because I also play survivor and have played through this situation countless times.. but I'm not going to go easy on anyone. Sorry man, your teammate tilted and threw the game for you guys, that isn't my fault and I'm going to continue playing the game as I am supposed to doing my objective to get out of this game as fast as possible and move onto a real match. I do the same when I'm survivor and a teammate dc's or suicides on hook, I attempt to do gens, take chases, save teammates etc. There is no sportsmanship conversation to be had here unless you get to end game chat and the killer is actually being toxic in chat or berating you(which I highly doubt is the case or has ever happened).

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,055
    edited October 2022

    This is how I usually handle it. Rarely I farm, sometimes I just sigh and proceed to kill everyone, to get the whole thing over with.

    Honestly, making the killer into the bad guy here is counterproductive. The villain in these situations is always the person who DC'ed.

    Your teammate DC'd at 5 gens and the killer proceeded to flatten the remaining three survs? Get mad at the teammate.

    As soon as you set the standard/expectation that the killer takes it easy in these scenarios, you give people who might be on the fence about DC'ing a "out" for doing it. Like going from "If I DC I'm screwing my team" to "well, if I DC the killer will just let up and farm with them, or let them escape, so it's not a big deal".

    Now most people who DC won't care either way, but there are some for whom that would make a difference, and we don't need any more people DCing. People shouldn't misdirect their anger at being left in an unwinnable situation and not winning.

    Killers shouldn't be held responsible for everyone's fun, and DCing survivors should be the only ones vilified here.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 710

    I wish I could upvote posts more than once.

    When I first started playing I showed mercy quite a bit as a killer, especially if I destroyed the survivors. I still will occasionally but having experienced over 1k hours in this game, I'm now more ... experienced? Jaded? Take your pick.

    In my 1k+ hours in this game, a survivor has attempted to give me a pity kill after a rough match a total of three times.


    And yet I'm the unsportsmanlike one for wanting to finish a cursed match quickly so we can go next? Mmhmm, yeah.

    I've simply given up following any kind of rulebook anymore; you will get yelled at whatever you do, so I have decided to play how I want, and as a result I have more fun.

    But, just to be clear, when someone DCs right off the bat, it bothers me a lot as well. I'm not sitting there excited, thinking how much easier the match will be to win. The DC robbed survivors of their ability to win, and in so doing robbed me of any challenge and therefore meaning in the match. It sucks for everyone.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 410

    Why does not camping or slug at 5 gens mean show mercy? Play your game, but maybe with a DC in play...take your boot off the survivors throat. That's all I'm saying.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    When I see a early Game DC I roll my eyes and continue the match

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Depends on your mmr and personal skill, i've been fortunate enough that it's not always a loss. 3 survivors can manage quite well and still apply pressure when not giving the killer free chases.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    A baseball game between team alpha and team beta. Currently, Alpha is dominating the game; one of the hitters on the Beta team has suddenly left the field for selfish reasons.

    Do you think it is good sportsmanship for the α team to intentionally lose to the β team?

    When translated into English, this analogy may not come across. My point is to question why it is sportsmanship to cut corners when it happens.

    If 5 gen's were repaired with 0 hooks on the killer, should they all be executed?

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,608

    When playing solo, I play through as normal. Quite often we get squashed but sometimes we still escape. It's worth a try.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 710

    To draw out a doomed game? That seems sadistic, not merciful.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 410

    It's not sadism to let people play the game, albeit in a way that will ultimately fail. Leaving them slugged for 4 minutes is sadistic and is contributing to survivors just dc'ing out of games. They don't dc because they are having fun....

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    "Oh no! Your teammate ragequit because (INSERT 1 OF 10000 REASONS HERE)? Guess i better completely throw the game and have no fun!"

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,533

    Killer should go easy and maybe do bit of farming in this situation if there are cakes or party streamers so everyone can get some bloodpoints and it's good opportunity for killer to max out all bp categories. It's fair to kill everyone after that or give one hatch though. Some killers just hard tunnel one out in that situation well that is unfair but then better just move to next game.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 710
    edited October 2022

    What? Nobody is talking about leaving them slugged for 4 minutes. This comparison doesn't make any sense; you're conflating ending the match quickly with egregious BM.

    Letting people try hopelessly to win may not technically be sadistic, but it is definitely cruel to torture them with the hope of escape.

  • Ravenlord4711
    Ravenlord4711 Member Posts: 115

    im not here to farm im here to play as "killer" if one dc's im gonna end this game as fast as possible so i can get into a "good" game. just go stand in front of the hook and ill put you up really fast and get us all able to move on with our day.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I had a game a few months back (even made a thread with postgame comments), where I'd brought streamers and another survivor had brought one of those cakes from last anni.

    They had a DC on The Game, on an early first down.

    I decided 'okay, let me ease up and make sure they get some BP out of this, ditto myself'. Didn't AFK, but I'd injure and then drop chase.

    After about 5 minutes, another survivor DC'd, I killed the third one and gave the 4th hatch.

    Postgame I got cussed out massively. 'Just end'. 'Everyone report for taking game hostage'.

    It's a lose/lose, I swear.

  • NITRAS42
    NITRAS42 Member Posts: 170

    I’m learning nurse right now. Amazing how many survivors just rage quit when you hit them once. . .

    I’m not that good at nurse. Like a decent survivor and map could loop me for 6 minutes. Even 3 v 1, they have a decent chance at surviving.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,533

    Those were some very weird survivors usually when there is early dc survivors come to me like please farm. Well last match I had early kill so one came like that but I don't always in the mood but I would still go easy but that match ended then quickly when all suicided on hook. Last one dc:t before I tried to gave her hatch.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    They were probably the most memorably bizarre, but I'd say in every 5 games where I ease up after someone DCs, I get QQ'd at in postgame in 1 for not ending fast enough.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    This is what makes me hesitant to pick up Nurse, even for a match or two just to see how she plays. I don't want to have people DC just because I'm playing Nurse, but then I also don't want people to yell at me for being "bad" at Nurse. Like when people yelled at me for being bad at Trickster and Meg when I first started plying DbD. It really is loose/loose, in some cases.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Youd be surprised how fast survivor salt grows on you. Embrace Nurse. Start having fun again.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,986

    I personally don't care if the killer wants to play for hooks or fun chases, by all means have some fun since you've basically won the game for free.

    But it feels like the overwhelming majority of instant dc games end up with tunneling, face camping, and slugging at 5 gens anyway. It's not just 'playing the game', it's like the killer wants solo q to be extra miserable. Do you want 100% SWF games? Cause that's how you get 100% SWF games.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    That's not what I generally see. Those games happen, but they are pretty rare.

    Think of it this way.

    If a survivor DCs, the killer is already losing out on BP and some emblem points.

    If they facecamp and/or mass slug on top of this, they're getting less BP and probably depipped themselves. Folks who'll cut off their noses to spite their face definitely exist, but they certainly don't represent the body of killer players.

    'Tunneling' is different, as A. This seems to mean something different for every survivor, B. It frequently happens inadvertently, C. It's a lot less effective now and D. Chances are the killer is just trying to wrap the game up fast so everyone can get to a new match and they don't get grizzled at in postgame.

  • Nyxsie
    Nyxsie Member Posts: 39

    I main Legion. Let's say after the next rank reset I let every group go that has a DC. Do you realize what that would look like for me?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Maybe people don't have to farm just because you them want to.

    And the award for irrelevance goes to...

    Seriously though lets draw a line on the floor and we can see how far you two can spit your dummies. 🤣

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I played against a Pinhead yesterday. The Jonah who was found first immediately DC'ed after getting downed. The Pinhead hooked everyone once, but the rest of us were dead pretty quickly at 5 gens (once it's a 3 v. 1 against a Pinhead that early, you're pretty much boned).

    I was aggravated -- but at my idiot teammate, NOT the Pinhead player. They didn't farm, but they also didn't tunnel off of hook (which they easily could have done). They were definitely very good, and they ended the game quickly. I didn't blame them, and while I'm one of those old-school types that actually values showing good sportsmanship in an online video game, I do NOT think the Pinhead player was being unsportsmanlike at all. There was only one person who was "unsportsmanlike" in that match -- and it was the rage-quitting Jonah who ruined the match for the other 4 people involved. If the killer is hard tunneling after the immediate DC or face-camping a hook, etc., you could argue differently, but playing out a match normally in that situation is NOT unsportsmanlike.

    When I get an immediate DC playing killer, I'll usually play as normal as possible while trying to make sure I hook everyone twice before eliminating anyone, and then the last survivor standing gets hatch. If there are 2 DC's, I'll farm the entirety of the match, unless someone gestures to the hook that they want out, and then I'll give it to them. The idea that there might be people our there who think that my playing "normally" in any of those situations (or, as some have pointed out, the ones that might think it's equally "unsportsmanlike" to farm or give a hatch in any of those situations) is simply mind-boggling to me, and I think some people need to reassess what the actual definition of that word is.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,689

    It's a pvp game. Your opponent does not have to lighten up because you had bad teammates.

    It's entitlement to think the killer should go easy on you because of it.

  • LylakLavender
    LylakLavender Member Posts: 339

    I remember one game against a Freddy not even 10 seconds into game all 3 of my teammates dced so obviously a SWF and I was just going to let the killer kill me since I couldn't solo 5 gens. Instead he had me do 2 gens 3 cleansing totems and I let him kill me.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    I had something similar, but I was playing killer.

    I was playing Trickster and got sent into the Disturbed Ward map, not one of my best maps, but I do alright with it. I started looking for survivors, and before I knew it I found two by a gen, so I started throwing knives they look at me and started "pointing and me" wanting me to follow them, so I do. They start pointing at the hooks nearby, I was pretty confused but obliged the hooks. Once they were hooked they immediately suicided and then one of the others DC'd. The last survivor must have been directly near where the hatch spawned so they jumped through it before I could even register what the hell had even happened.

    Ultimately, in hindsight, I figure that it must have been a 3-man SWF, because the final survivor and I were just super confused in the post-game chat. :-/

  • CheesyBabyBoi
    CheesyBabyBoi Member Posts: 236

    Personally I always let one live for every dc or suicide, but i get that not everyone does that. The best you can do in most situations is either to put in the effort, and see what happens, or resign to the next match, and try not to think about it.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986
    edited October 2022

    Do I think killers do it because they want "in a real game as soon as possible"? No. Most killers try to turn the game into a 1 vs 3 from the very start of the game most of the time (tunneling/camping). They enjoy easier games. I don't blame them for continuing to play the game though. Farming is just boring. I'd rather join a different game.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Only time I go into farm mode after a DC is when I see all streamers or cakes. Even then I rarely do because I had matches where all survivors brought streamers and cakes but all had stacked tool boxes and Gen rush perks and just got out asap....I learned if they don't show signs of wanting to farm with those things then you'll go down as fast as I can do it

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    Heh, I think I'll start preparing a salt bucket. Thanks :D