Does anyone think if Jason came to the game...

That it'd be the Remake version? I'm sure it would save a little money, the Remake of F13 and Nightmare on Elm Street are both produced by New Line and distributed by Warner Bros. and we know BHVR already has a relationship with those companies from the ANOES chapter.
No Tommy Jarvis would be a little bit of a bummer but it's still Jason and people would still pay for it, we'd probably just get Jared Padalecki's character as the survivor
Like a lot of people on the forums, I'm a hardcore fan of the F13 franchise. That being said, I can only speak for my self. And personally, if the Jason we get in DBD isn't the slow-moving unstoppable undead superhuman colossus, then words won't even begin to describe my disappointment
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I don't see a reason to add the sprinting Jason from the remake when most killers don't sprint.
They'd probably make one of the older Jason models (preferably with the axe wound on the top of the mask), make him a 110%, and give him a glut of special abilities to make up for his lower speed.
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Yea. I wouldn't exactly prefer it, I'm just kind of expecting it off of the track record with licensed stuff. Any Jason is better than no Jason I guess
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I'd love to see him drop without a PTB/announcement (they could fine tune him later).
Imagine opening the game on Halloween or anniversary or something and he is just there, available for purchase, with the background being the new Crystal Lake map.
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That'd be hype af, I wish people would do riskier marketing tactics like that more
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The burlap sack mask Jason from Friday the 13th 2 would be an awesome and terrifying legendary skin.
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I LOVED Jason's look in Freddy vs Jason. I'd pay double for that skin!
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Honestly, same. Also the looks in Jason X and Part 7 are awesome too. They should make this chapter happen honestly, but people are tired of licensed characters.
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I respectfully disagree that people are tired of Licensed Chapters. If we went on a, lets say, two year stretch with no new licenses, even just six straight original chapters, that would suck. As much as I love original chapters, they just don't bring "excitement". When done properly, licenses are absolute showstoppers
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Well that's just what I've seen in the forums, people said they want more original chapters and they've had enough of the licensed chapters for now.
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I think we'd get whatever the new Friday the 13th is that's been teased a little by Cunningham and New Line Cinema.
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I can only speak for myself, but my interest tends to dwindle and stop entirely when they go on long stretches of original chapters, only for it to be reignited gloriously when something licensed is added
I still keep up with the original chapters to know who the new survivor/killer is, but the licenses add a Christmas morning-like excitement to the game
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I think a good ratio would be two original chapters, and two licensed. Whenever it veers from that, its starts to get stale. Remember when we got Pyramid Head and then we had to go through three original killers (blight, trickster, and twins) before we got to Nemesis? That sucked and my interest in the game, like yours, stated to wane heavily. At the same time, we also shouldn't want too many licenses in a row. Yeah, its exciting, but that means we're overdue for a long original chapter stretch, which I dread heavily. So like I said, two and two works
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Remake Jason would only become an option if OG Jason isn't an option the license holders are willing to let BHVR use, the devs have said in the past that they always aim to get the original version if possible.
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For me the Jason would either have to be Part 3 or Part 7