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General Discussions

As a killer main, and after 1.5k hours of gameplay. I'm genuinely tired of this game.

So im a killer main, i always enjoyed this mode. I always thought it was fun to haunt for suvivors with different killers that had their unique powers and playstyles. Before 6.1.0 i thought it was fine. But after this update, besides the buff to killers. Which pretty soon after was pretty much reverted, i face a sweaty team each match i play. By sweaty i mean gen rushers with the best of perks in Dead By Daylight. I can start with the most problematic ones in my opinion. Prove. Fast gens, paired with hyperfocus and toolboxes. Even faster. And the most problematic case for me, Circle Of Healing. This boon has a great range and provides a great advantage for the survivors. If you have a team with 2 CoHs. You spend time kicking them, rebooning and that's the whole cicle. Meanwhile you got the other survivors doing gens which with the perks it's fast as hell. So the problem here is, a coordinated good SWF with the perks i mentioned above. They make it very difficult for the killer to do anything. And now i want to ask, is any of this fun? Is it fun gens going so fast you can barely react? I have tried quiting Dead By Daylight before. I tried to find my own game but i didin't suceed. I eventually came back because i loved this game alot. And with the recent approaches by BHVR i feel more and more demotivated to play. And i have to do it, because i have no idea of what else to play because i started playing this game almost one year ago and enjoyed it alot. But now, not so much. It just feels tiring with all i said above. Am i just a bad killer, or are sweaty teams just overpowered? Thank you for reading this, just wanted to share my recent feelings about this game. That i once enjoyed alot, nowadays. Not so much.


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  • Member Posts: 82

    Taking a break from gaming in general? That sounds like a good idea but yeah i don't know what to do that's fun other then gaming.

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    No, take a break from DBD. This game should not be taken that seriously- it's not balanced for it.

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    I am on break #4 since 2016. It is normal and healthy.

    There are some games where the combination of factors like map version, the perks and add-ons you chose, the ones the survivors chose, and the decisions everyone makes during the match make it impossible for you to win. That is OK.

    Just do your best and live with the result or love yourself and play something you enjoy for a while.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Not even really because of DbD, it's just good to have variety in gaming.

    Go play something else you like for a while, a break from DbD did me wonders back in 2017.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Well i'm not talking about a break until the game changes, just talking about keeping yourself from going insane.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    I imagine that's what would happen after 1500 hours in a game, yeah.

  • Member Posts: 141

    I don't know if this will help, but when it comes to boons, I ignore them. I feel like they are distractions for a killer. If you're spending time snuffing out boons, then you're not chasing survivors or kicking gens. No matter the perks, you have to try your best to focus on the survivors and keeping the pressure on them. Someone else mentioned Discordance - I swear by that perk. If you are getting gen rushed, Discordance will help you break up those group repairs. I feel you, man; it's hard out here for a killer main. All you can do is stay calm and focus.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    If one does get those "chill vibes" then it's time to think if you actually still want to play the game at all.

    Another reason why breaks and variety are a good thing.

  • Member Posts: 94

    You can play a completely different genre, preferably something that isn't multiplayer.

    If I feel stressed after multiple difficult matches in a row I play Stardew Valley to relax.

  • Member Posts: 918

    You could also let your MMR drop by continuing to play and getting rolled until it stops happening every game.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    Did you find that initially after 6.1.0 you were having a lot more success as a killer? Getting more 4ks than usual? I only ask because it's possible that maybe you got a nice big bump in MMR as a result and are now being matched with more experienced players

  • Member Posts: 371

    "so im a killer main." There's your problem.

  • Member Posts: 828
    edited October 2022

    Circle is fine and fair after the w deserved nerfs, but gen speed perks and bnps need to be deleted of the game,, i can tell that if every survivor not in chase is on gens game goes out the window for most killers even if theu end their chases in a reasonable amount of time,, what is even more triggering is that bhvr in their balance patch gave 10 secs to gens necause they were too fast and not long after release hyperfocus,, a solo survivor doin a gen in 45 secs with a a green toolbox isn't right

    Post edited by Entitled_survivor on
  • Member Posts: 504

    derank, don't sweat, have fun.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    If you're getting tired of killer try switching over to survivor.

    I've never got the defining yourself as a killer or survivor main, that just means your forgoing playing one half of the game on a regular basis.

    I think killer is the better part of this game too as survival horrors are a dime a dozen but they rarely let you be the monster.

    Throttle back don't bring any addons and eat a few losses for a bit you'll end up back in the fun zone where players tend to be more casual and less competitive.

    Then just play however the hell you want, forget the unwritten rules and be the killer as depicted.

    Sometimes I just stalk people as Myers and focus on killing the obsession anything else is a bonus. Switch up some interesting builds, basement trapper and bubba are fun. AFK pig was a great laugh but its gone now, which is a bummer.

    If you can't inject some new life into it with a bit of just plain mucking about and switching it up then its probably time for another break.

    I got back into in a big way a week ago. Halloween is coming up so its inevitable, gonna try and burn up my moris before they eventually neuter them again. Goal is to mori at least 1 survivor every game anything else is a bonus.

    Today I went for no hook sacrifices only mori, unless its last survivor and there is nothing I can do but hook them for the kill. Best couple of games yet were with good ol scratched mirror Myers, 2 games of 4x mori so satisfying. Walked away for a bit after that, probably not going to top that tonight. Plenty of 0 mori steam rolls but enough good games to keep it interesting.

    I guess what I'm saying is when the general game gets dull, you gotta make your own fun.

  • Member Posts: 527
    edited October 2022

    I have 1500 hours as a survivor main playing only Solo Q exclusively.

    Let me tell you something. It's not easy to play Survivor nowadays in solo q. My team loses MOST of my games with only 0-1 people escaping.

    Your problem is with SWF's. Funny because that was my problem when I first downloaded DBD and bought the Halloween chapter to main Michael Myers. It didn't take me long to realize SWF's are too strong

  • Member Posts: 333

    I am pretty much the same as yourself in regards to the gameplay experience. You have to accept the fact that at some point, after a lot of wins, you don't have the leisure to play bad perks with bad killers anymore. This is the same for survivor. You cannot afford to have fun with various builds and bad killers until you derank back to that skill level, but then you'll easily get back up anyways (if you are a somewhat decent killer player). It is what it is.

    The harder your opponents make it, the harder you need to make it for them. There's no need to play by fictional rules; simply proxy camp and tunnel them out of the game if needed. Teams don't want you to do any of that so that you limit yourself into their plan and eventually lose playing like a good NPC killer. The moment you realize that the majority of these teams rely on terrible map design and their 16 op perks to win instead of pure skill is the moment you realize you have to rely on the killer counterparts and play dirty. Sometimes you'll get a genuinely good team that is unbeatable, and that is indeed possible. But they are not common at all.

    P.S. Some people's games seem to crash whenever there is a map offering.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    After 6.1., a lot of gleeful killers poked a bit of fun at the survivors who were complaining about the state of their games, saying that they got boosted to higher mmr than they deserved thanks to perks. They'd have to adapt and fall back into their more appropriate skill level in a lower mmr bracket.

    I feel like this recent wave of killers complaining about sweaty games is kind of "part 2" to this situation. Survivors who got boosted went back down in mmr, as it was said they would. But now, those killers are put in front of the legit skilled survivors that adapted, or survivors who fell back from higher brackets (and are therefore better opponents than those killers were used to).

    So yeah, it makes sense in my opinion that for a whole part of killers, the games that were very easy post 6.1 while everyone adapted are now very sweaty and hard. You can't expect boosted survivors to both fall down on the mmr ladder and not get replaced with higher skill ones.

    Game is harmonizing.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Best thing to do is to play something else.

    I did the same and i feel much better now.

    I stopped playing dbd about 1-1.5 months after they forced MMR in the game, my games lasted around the 5 to 7 minutes even when i started to solely playing survivor.

    For me the fun was gone and so i focused more on 2 racing games and been doing that ever since, sometimes i think about coming back but then i think about why i stopped and move on.

  • Member Posts: 38

    Well ######### man, 1.5k hours played? I'd call that $20 well spent. Should BHVR also cure your back pain?

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