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Why do some survivors do this?

I've noticed before as killer that if there are two survivors left, and one is in chase they will beeline towards the other survivor. 9/10 times this just results in both survivors dying and no one gets a chance at escape with hatch. I understand the mentality of "if im going down, then no one else is going to escape", but this just makes the solo q experience even worse.


  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756


  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    I mean, if they are both soloq, it can always happen by accident, but if it's my friend, you better believe his first thought is to beeline it straight for me to try and get me killed, lol

  • Xaggy
    Xaggy Member Posts: 330

    This happened to me last time. Fortunately, I played killer. I was chasing Claudette on Dead Dawg Saloon and she led me to Jake hiding in a corner. Maybe she did it because she was mad at Jake cuz he was apperently just hiding and doing nothing.

  • BringShaggytoDBD
    BringShaggytoDBD Member Posts: 412

    This happens to me plenty of times and I have definitely done it to others, mostly unintentionally but also when another survivor has played selfishly and made little effort.

    I think there are many reasons why it happens, but I'd say the most common situation is probably between it being an accident or an attempt to make the Killer go for the other person.

    It could also be an attempt for help (body block) and to spread the load if the person being chased is on last hook and the other survivor still has hook states left.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Just kill the snitcher and let the other escape.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I feel like most times it's going to be unintentional. I've definitely done it by accident before.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    Sometimes it happens in solo q,, i usually have my last chase and give up on hook so last person can have a chance but if i notice they were a dead weight during game i might accidentally (not really) run towards them or hit every single of my skill checks on hook so killer can find them 😂

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    It's most likely soloQ and they didn't know it better.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    If they haven’t been a team player the entire match and I happened to catch it, you best believe I’ll try to take them down with me. But yeah, with my load out I usually have no way of knowing where they are anyways. So I’ll just struggle if I’m in second stage, getting some BP and hoping the killer has time to find them.

  • Hexonthebeach
    Hexonthebeach Member Posts: 443

    The last downed survivor should no longer see the last survivor. Maybe that would help?