official dead by daylight tournament, intresting but the ruleset need heavy tweaks

If you have any experience with comp Dead by daylight, perhaps watched some community made tourneys you know that each killer has invidual ruleset and not a globally shared one
This is the the first issue, global addon rarity restrictions being only common and ucommon, this make no sense.
Lets compare 2 killers: The Demogorgon and The Wraith:
Demogorgon strongest addons are yellow and brown, you never see him run anything above uncommon rarity cause they are to niche. He mainly use barb glasses (yellow) and black heart (brown) as they decrease his shred cooldowns.
Then you have killers like The Wraith, he wont be able to get many downs with weak addons like yellow shadowdance, he will have 0 zone nor bodyblock potential to prevent window vaults.
Here is a standard exempel on what balance looks like on a average community made tournament.
Cenobite are not allowed to run any ultra rare addons
Pyramid head is allowed to run all addons besides 1 of the ultra rare. Why is this? Cause Pyramid head strongest addons are green and yellow so its kinda irrelevant, every Pyramid head player will just stack green and yellow M2 range.
Global addon restrictions simply does not work, to many killers best addons are yellow and brown, while some are green and yellow. This will just discourage certain killers from being picked cause you will have much better options.
2nd issue(?):
So far I see no perk restrictions from either side, so this means boons, call of brine + eruption, no way out + NOED, Enduring + Spirit fury might be allowed.
In tournaments you often ban combined perks so things dont get out of hand.
If you wounder why Survivors have less perk restrictions its due to all those perks being banned as individual choice in the first place.
I mean I guess lack of perks restrictions might allow some killers who would otherwise be destroyed due to the addon restriction to have more of a chance, but again Survivors will be free to stack boons, exhaustions, fast healing perks etc.
3rd issue:
Maps and killer pools:
Honestly? This isnt the worst map pool for killers, but definetly not the best one either, its a bit hit and miss.
But you wont really many of the killers here to be played as you will have far better options to choose from.
No one will pick The Legion Or The Nightmare on shelterwoods, Clown will be the best option cause of movement slowdown + zone potential, overall none of the killers here should in theory get a 4K, it should at best be 2K with first tunneled out and the 2nd killed by NOED.
Dead dawg, its a nice theme, u put all the range killers on a small map, expect one of them being 115% with crowd control while the other 3 will have long chases due to survivors hugging main building and cutting corners a lot to break LOS.
Sanctum of Wrath: If you dont play Oni here you are gthrowing, Plague has no mobility and cant play for a good 3 gen. Hillbilly cant even use lopro chains or green engravin due to addon restriction and no perk build will really help him to secure more then 1-2 kills. Cenobite on such big map wont have any pressure compared to the pressure he get on smaller maps like dead dawg.
Treatment Theatre:
This is probably the only pool where every pick make sense. But knowing lerys in tournaments majority of teams are most likely gonna play Ghostface.
Wreckerd yard: All killers here are good, but Pyramid and Artist being the best options I doubt we will see Bubba or Plague, this is also quarter finals so this is where more of the experienced teams are gonna play on.
This is a weird one, all killers on this map will be kinda decent, dont think we will see the best results from the killers end doe cause this is where we will only see the sweatiest of sweatiest teams left.
Grand finals:
Oni and Huntress are pretty common killer on this map.
If you pick Mastermind you will also have a solid chance.
Twins? Well again cause of no perk restrictions they will get destroyed if survs are allowed to bring in a bunch of healing and anti slug perks. Also Victor best addon combo is toysword increased charge speed (brown) and forest stew, increase movement speed (purple).
Its all joked about how dead by daylight tournaments have over 100 different rules, but there is a reason these rules exists, so things dont get out of hand.
This will also be a prizepool tournament, so people will sweat and run the most broken combos they can get their hands on.
I am still excited to watch the cup, but it has so many flaws right now.
I applaud them for trying it, but yeah, this is kind of a mess. The map/killer pools are going to be a mess from a watchability standpoint. Huntress on Coal Tower in particular is going to be a grind. And Hag shouldn't be in the killer pool for a cross region tournament. NA West-Russia matchups will be an issue
The comp meta for Huntress/Coal Tower is to play Agitation on Huntress, hook behind main, and camp that in the 3 gen. And comp Huntresses are insanely good at it
They need to restrict Mettle of Man on survivor or M1 killers will get zero hooks against the comp vets. Teams like Trauma are going to abuse an M1 killer restricted to yellow add ons with unlimited body block potential. Be prepared for some 1 or 2 hook games in the round of 256.
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this is all true. I remember grinding scrims and tournament practice as Huntress on coal tower, if survivors got hooked around main that was a guranteed kill, and the game would be dragged out 1v3 with a 3 gen.
As for mettle of man, while its allowed so is forced pennance which is a pretty popular choice for M1s in comp.
I already know that a lot of the stronger teams are already planning to sign up, we will see the same teams we always see in finals.
It will be Best of the best tournament all over again, with all new teams being eliminated at the first rounds while the more experiences ones will get to quarter finals with no issue
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Huntress scrims are always pain. Especially cross region. Corner simulator. Don't get hooked near main on Coal and don't go down near basement. Was thinking they could do Wrecker's for Huntress, but it's basically the same problem as Coal Tower. Basement=GG.
I wonder how many less experienced teams will know to run Forced Penance. It's basically mandatory in comp for M1 killers.
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Doubt many will, but again I doubt any teams besides the current top 10 will make it even far, only way would be if all the experienced teams end up facing eachother in the first few brackets, but this means the grand finals would be one of the top 10 teams vs a newcomer team