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Why Twins and Hag are the least played Killers?

Here is my quess:


- You have to rely on her traps. You can't chase at all. You have to camp and patrol idealy an area or hooks to be effective. Running around the map and placing traps without any chains together isn't effective, so you have to camp.


- Clunky, slow and destroyed by any anti-slug and healing items/builds. You have to Split damage and sometimes chain slug and hope you will not get punished for it to be effective. Too slow at normal chases and hooking. You need to slug + camping is good for them. Also Victor has no skins and people call them "ugly".

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  • Member Posts: 1,230
    edited October 2022

    Funnily enough, I play with very weak killers that people never expect and I win ONLY because survivors have very little experience vs them since nobody use them 😁

    I used nurse only for tome challenges last month or so.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    To be honest I'm actually okay with people barely playing those two killers, they're just boring and annoying to go against and i would be a happy boy if i never encounter one of those two for the rest of my life... I'd rather have billy buffed and more people playing him, he's at least fun to go against but way too weak for how hard to play he is...

  • Member Posts: 309

    Because these killers are all or nothing. If you encounter groups who counter you with team play and certain perks it can be very rough even if your good.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    Well with those 2 Killers there are ways to play them but if Survivors know what they are doing then it's an easy win for the Survivors (same as Pig)

  • Member Posts: 707

    I don't play either because Hag is just unpleasant to go up against and Twins while you can play them without being a jerk it's not particularly enjoyable and for me at least. I try to make the survivors have fun too.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Twins is one of my most despised killers as the optimal way to play them is so unfun (slug and camp slugs).

    Hag has been kinda ruined by the boon/healing meta, large maps and also people hate her so DC's are common. Though I personally don't mind Hag I understand why people dislike her and so many random team mates appear clueless as to how to play against her

  • Member Posts: 575

    Twins aren't destroyed by anything, really. Their "strange" gameplay and appearance is why so few people use them. Hag just is boring and a punching bag against bully squads.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Oh Trust me, they can be destroyed very easy with right tools.

  • Member Posts: 2,065
    edited October 2022

    I've occasionally put a bunch of traps together for fun. It's funny to trap the hell out of Killer Shack, carry a survivor there, then let them wiggle out and trigger them all.

    But yeah, I'm only an occasional Hag player but you one need a single trap, two tops, at any given spot.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I started the game playing Hag (and Legion), and I'd love to see her getting some more attention. I love playing as her, but she's painfully slow and with absolutely no chase power, which makes her actually worse than a simple m1 killer if you're against competent players.

    I don't think I've gone against her more than twice in the past months, I hope the new chase music can lure a few out !

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    Hag is a 110% killer that requires different gameplay and tactics from everyone else.

    The Twins... well, they are the most stressful killer to play in the game and one of the clunkiest. Twin matches often last for really, really long, as you injure and down survivors quite frequently but still take really long to get hooks and kills.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Honestly, I've leveled up the Twins pretty far, and there's just one thing that is really frustrating. You can't see scratch marks as Victor. I find it really hard, because you can be searching everywhere with him but it won't matter until someone is bleeding. :/ He's also really hard, if someone just does tight loops it's incredibly easy to loop him and it wastes a LOT of time. I find that I can slug with her, but I cannot get people to the hook easily because I'm wasting so much time with Victor. :/

  • Member Posts: 3,250

    For a position that plays as a killer, it is not used because the playing experience is not enjoyable. There is a slight sense of exhilaration when Victor runs a little fast and jumps at you, but that's it.

    For the seasoned survivor and SWF there is a lot of counterplay, which causes more frustration than fun.

    Even as a survivor, these women are probably not well-liked because their effective tactics almost always involve slugging.

  • Member Posts: 170

    The hag is supper noob stomper (but really, which killer isn’t?).

    You can get beat up by experienced survivors who have some flashlights more than most killers.

    Twins can do a few things that other killers can’t. I’ve gotten 4k’s from games I would have been stuck with 2k cover both gates at at the same time, the speed and lethality of Victor to wounded survivors. . . but she has been nerfed and made frustratingly clunky to play with.

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    they're difficult and their gameplay is unique and counterculture to your average killer.

    They are both also camp-centric killers and the majority of the killer playerbase would rather not bore themselves to death.

    That's why they are the least played.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Twins make everyone miserable and Hag is Hag.

  • Member Posts: 6,358

    Hag, at least for me on console, is both not fun to vs. or play as. You need time and cooperation from survs to set up an effective web of traps, and as others have noted experienced survs counter her badly. Also I get a frame drop with each and every teleport, so insta-hits are out as well.

    Both Hag and Twins benefit greatly from slugging, a hated play style which is being made super ineffective in an upcoming patch.

  • Member Posts: 233

    Hag's gameplay is just not fun. I never bought her because the concept is pretty meh, and playing against her pretty much is accurate to how I thought people would use her. That playstyle being usually placing a crap ton of traps by her hooked survivors or worse in the basement, and watch as everyone gets caught off-guard and grabbed/slugged.

    Twins on the other hand is a bit more bearable, because Victor is a good tool in concept. But the slugging is the main thing that makes them boring for certain.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Issue with Hag is she is destroyed by bright maps or maps that contrast her traps. Survivors can see those traps a mile away and can avoid to pre trigger them to bully her constantly.

    I play her only if I have Shackles and Severed Ear combo....I trap Gens known loop areas that sort of thing and watch the fun when they don't realize they triggered the trap.

  • Member Posts: 23

    As a competitive player who was a Twins main for quite some time and a person who heard a lot from competitive Hag players they all fall in the category of "all or nothing", they either get a clean 4k if survivors make mistakes or 0 hooks if survivors know how to counter them.

    Hag: The main problem I see with Hag is that she is a killer that requires A LOT of practice and game knowledge to succeed. You must know every map of the game and good trap placements for each of them, you must have good reflexes to insta teleport and overall need a lot of micro and macro skills... only to be countered by teams who play well around your traps and harass you with flashlights, no matter how good you are.

    Twins: Twins rely heavily on slugging and keeping people injured which can be easily countered by anti-slug builds or teams who always play in pairs, bodyblock and heal quickly. Also many people find them super unfun to play as and against.

    Not to mention that the anti-camp and boon totens meta hurt them both immensely. Overall those are two killers that, in their current state, no matter how good you are you get heavily countered by good, organized teams.

    Hag specially is 99% dead in the competitive scene due to the huge amount of time and effort you need to invest into mastering her only to get 0 hooks against the best teams.

    I personally gave up on Twins due to the fact they can't do anything against competent teams and the new meta sucks for them.

  • Member Posts: 1,700
    edited October 2022

    Twins: stressful

    Hag: boring

    Freddy: weak, almost pure M1-Dude

    Here we are with the bottom 3 in terms of pickrate.

  • Member Posts: 1,619
    edited October 2022

    Both are boring and force you to play scummy if you want to play them correctly.

    The Hag camping with her traps, and Twins camping and slugging.

  • Member Posts: 21,229

    Because they suck to play as and they suck to play against.

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