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General Discussions

No one expects NOED anymore

Member Posts: 913
edited October 2022 in General Discussions

Has anyone noticed how effective NOED has become since 6.1.0?

I've started running it in a few games, and it seems like it's actually become more viable than before if for no other reason than the fact that survivors don't expect it. It's completely saved matches, especially on my more gamble-y anti-chase M1 killer builds with no slowdown.

Before 6.1.0, I'd be lucky to get one down with NOED before someone would find it and take it out; it usually didn't last more than 30 seconds. These days, it'll usually last long enough to get real value out of it, because they just don't bother looking for it anymore.

Its nerf can also be used to your advantage depending on the situation. As soon as you get your first down with it, they're going to be heading straight for it, which means you know exactly where they're going to be for 20 seconds or so. And if you manage to hit one of them while they're cleansing, you can hook right next to the totem. gg.

Post edited by hailxsatanxeveryxday on

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  • Member Posts: 327

    Noone expects DS anymore either. Well, at least doesn't respect it because it's effect is trashed

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    It's often pretty obvious that the killer has noed, but there's not much reason to go cleanse all 5 totems to prevent noed compared to letting it activate and then finding it with the aura.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I always expect Noed, I just ignore Dull completely because I have to do Gen.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    I always expect it as a possibility. Unless I have worked out the killer's four perks during the match.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    I always consider it. And I become more wary of it as the game goes on if I can't figure out all the killer's perks and if the killer is really bad or not protecting gens at all. Plus certain killers, like Wraith or Trapper, tend to use it more often than others.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    I always assume the killer has NOED at endgame, I gotta be prepared just in case.

  • Member Posts: 505

    its not noone expects it, its that all noed does now is get 1 down (not even a down if its a dead hard) before its revealed to all survivors from half the map away so it can be insta broken

  • Member Posts: 267

    I always thought NOED was healthy for the game.

    I just love when you gotta be super paranoid when the last gen pops and you try analyze the killers movement speed.

    "Oh #########! I think the Killer is faster! Or is he..? Yeah im sure.. Maybe..?"

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    I think the OP's point is they've been getting more value than that out of it both despite and because of its changes.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I hope for it when I play survivor. Endgame is often a forgone conclusion especially if the killer doesn’t have many hooks. NOED can turn that around making for an exciting endgame.

    DBD shines when the killer is a force to be feared and NOED does that well.

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    It's always the killers that dont know how to run a single loop.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    I still expect it generally as much as I expected it before. The noed nerf wasn’t really that bad honestly, it’s still a pretty decent perk in the right hands and on the right killers.

    Personally I don’t use it very often, but I didn’t use it at all prior to 6.1.0 because I thought it was too unhealthy pre-nerf and I didn’t want to promote its use.

  • Member Posts: 94

    If it's a relatively weak M1 killer like Wraith or Trapper, they probably have NOED.

    Sometimes I'm surprised at killers like Bubba, Slinger and Trickster having NOED. You already have a chase oriented power, why would you need your M1 to be stronger in the endgame?

  • Member Posts: 869

    As per your title, I would like to make the following change.

    NOED will now stand for No One Expects Dead.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    If they're bad and/or have the frosty eyes cosmetic on, they are almost always running NOED. On the plus side, if they're bad, NOED won't save them. It's the occasional good killer running NOED that will get you.

    I used to, but I gotta admit it has seen a downturn in usage to the point where I don't anymore.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    I've always thought Slinger was a good choice for NOED. The speed boost helps mitigate one of his weaknesses (slower speed) and, unlike Bubba or Trickster, his chase power ultimately boils down to an M1 attack.

  • Member Posts: 162

    I mean if someone run NOED, you just have to stealth for some time then go and look for its aura. Its not really that good of a perk anymore (in all honesty it has never been that good of perk to begin with and got nerfed due to new players not knowing totem spawns)

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    Nobody expects it because after a massive nerf it’s no longer worth the time to preemptively cleanse dull totems. It’s now a D-tier perk not worth using. I’ve seen it used maybe twice since it was nerfed

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    I still expect NOED I just don't care,if I start hunting down all totems in solo Q I'll just get my team killed so it's better to just deal with the lit totem when it activates.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    You can add Ruin to this list as well. I must be one of the few who actually still checks for it in the beginning of a match, despite not seeing it for a month (not an exaggeration).

    I say this because my Ruin totem stays up for a very long time, these days. I imagine it causes dilemma’s/confusion because now they’re faced with either looking for it once they realize it’s in play, or return to the gen they got 50% done when I chased them off. I think they usually choose the latter, then I either get value from surge, returning and chasing them off that same gen again, or both- surge/hook/chase off that gen. All this time, Ruin stays up.

    I personally haven’t seen too many NOEDS, but I STAY ready for it every single match like I do Ruin. All those years of expecting both leaves me with routines that I’m just plain accustomed to.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Yeah agreed, NOED is even less likely to help these days but they still seem to run it. However I see it far less than I used to...

  • Member Posts: 464

    NOED works just fine if used correctly (especially if you have a special attack that can hide the fact that you have it). I find it works best as part of an end game build with No Way Out and Blood Warden. All you need to do is get someone on the hook without a basic attack. Then wait for the other survivors to try and make the rescue. Don’t swing until you have at least 2 near the hook trying to body block for the save.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I never run NOED, if I played well they should not make it to end game in the first place

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    Better rename it to No One Expects Death

  • Member Posts: 763

    I usually do the same job because almost no one else will in solo queue. Even when it's obvious a hex is up, no one looks for it until it's snowballed and too late. I run Small Game a lot, and pan my camera around when moving from place to place. If I get a ping, I get rid of it.

    Also, in before the terrible Pentimento excuse.

  • Member Posts: 790

    mine gets cleansed in like 20 seconds

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    My totem jockey build is small game overzealous inner healing then usually like DH or SB for chases. I feel going full Detective's and Counterforce just makes the build to reliant on having a hex since otherwise youre wasting 2 slots to cleanse dulls, with inner and over you can get some of the time lost not working on gens back and a heal.

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