How did this blind work?

Am I crazy or is this blind a little sus?
The beam was over to my right, not even in my face. And all through the match I kept missing everytime I swung at the Claudette. She could have just been that good, but I've never wiffed that much before. And at the end game screen she didn't even have a flashlight, and there was none on the ground at the gate after she left. Of course she insulted me when I said it was sus,
She probably got the flashlight from a chest (she has the perk for it and its a spooky light). As for the blind itself, idk what BHVR did with flashlights so you'll need someone else for that one, but the dodges arent that hard if you got blinded (if you missed while not blinded, id have to actually see the swinging).
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You accused her of hacking when even I don't think she did. it looked like a normal blind.
so I get why she insulted you.
and the beam does not need to be head on to get a blind.
also she has the perk that guarantees a flashlight from a chest, she also has the perk that adds extra addons. i think orange light is addon or just Halloween flashlight
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Men have to aim for the chest, women have to aim for the armpit. That's the new flashlight location with the new update.
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I'm dumb. The endgame screen shows what you brought, not what you left with. The wiffs were probably mostly me,but that blind made me wonder. I bet it is just the new changes that let it work.
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Saying something is sus doesn't necessarily mean she was cheating. No need to insult. And I know it doesn't need to be head on, but it was literally off to my right.
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Flashlights can be wide too, though admittedly that requires an add on to my knowledge
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From what I recall the patch notes said something about flashlight angles being off.
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I watched the video and found nothing odd about it.
The flashing lights in this video are fair because the survivor in the screen is blinding you. It is actually a very similar lag issue, and even if you change your viewpoint to directly behind you at the moment the flashlight save occurs, you can still drop the survivor.
What I feel is not fair with the flashlight is that you are dazzled by the flashlight from a survivor who is not within your viewpoint. It doesn't matter if you face the wall...