Who else plays both roles?

Just curious.
I would imagine the majority of the player base plays both roles, though I could be wrong.
I play both sides. It used to be more killer sided split than survivor sided split but now that the incentives have made survivor get 100% BP more often, it's probably more survivor than killer now. But either way, I play both roles pretty regularly.
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I play both, but mostly survivors
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I would say I'm a killer main but, I do play both sides equally as I feel only playing on one side you'll juts be missing 50% of the rest of the game.
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I would hope most people play both roles, evenly or not
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Play both sides. Play more killer but like 55/45
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I might as well be a survivor main but I do like killer. My main issue that keeps me from playing killer more is it feels like often I'm in higher MMR than I should be and get my ass beat by a 2k hour swf (I have just over 400 hours). I'd say I do a killer match for every 6 survivor matches.
I don't mess with meta slowdown or top tier killers tho so going into a match expecting to win as 'slinger with sloppy, dms, tinker and jolt is a tad optimistic I suppose.
All of that said % wise I get more 3/4ks than more than 2 man escapes.
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Admittedly I play much more survivor than killer, which I then balance by observing other killer players. I feel even just understanding both roles makes you better at your own due to the perspective and awareness it provides, it helps you think out what your opponent wants to do more often and understand how to limit their options more effectively.
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It's about 60/40 for me. It used to be 60% Killer but ever since 6.1 it's been 60% Survivor.
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I play both but more survivor. I feel like it's easier to chill playing survivor than killer.
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I wonder why that is?
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Yup yup.
I think most players do, it's just far from an even split.
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Both roles but the incentives have me on survivor most days I play, before 6.1 i'd say 65/35 split (killer survivor) but now it has easily reversed.
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I wish I can agree...sometimes I stress playing both but im Solo Q half the time lmao. I still enjoy myself though.
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I use to play both evenly, but I have been playing killer less and less and less. Now I only play killer when I have challenges or dailies for them. After that I just stick to survivor. Killer just isn't fun anymore to me.
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For me I think it's because if I try to be a chill killer then survivors think I'm a farming killer and it seems like survivors want a serious game from the killer. Just seems like my impression for the most part.
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I probably play killer a little more than survivor, but not much. Survivor is definitely more fun than killer these days IMHO. Which is good - it can't suck to be Survivor - but yeah... it's tough to be killer.
Post edited by UMCorian on0 -
No main at all here.
I play survivor and killer roughly equally.
There are about a dozen killers and even more survivors I play regularly. And I try to make sure no survivor or killer goes unplayed for very long.
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lol that was sarcasm my friend
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me, but god i wish some hacker lowered my killer's MMR bc i just want to play sadako ONE TIME without feeling like i am walking into my own suffering.
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I’d say it’s around a 75/25 split for me, in favor of survivor. It used to be around 70/30 before 6.1.0 but now with BP incentives mostly going to survivors I play killer a bit less than I used to.
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I play both just about the same. If my SWF is on, survivor. If not, killer.
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I tend to play both but I usually do killer.
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I play both and enjoy both. :)
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I play both. Used to main killer, but got tired of all the bs bugs in the game
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I play both but it’s lopsided. I mostly play survivor. If I had to put it in percentages, I would say it is 90% survivor and 10% killer.
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I mostly play killer, but I've been playing a lot of survivor lately! Gotta get those rift tokens.
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I play survivor for challenges and swing with friends other then that I play killer. Solo queue is mostly just boring and frustrating, watching other people be dumb can be entertaining too but I usually get a better view from killer anyways.
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I play both with which more depending on dailies and rift challenges. Or depending on mood.
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We will play both.
As you know, I can't play Killer at all during the time I play Survivor at SWF, though.
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It's a 60/40 for me as well. Fluctuates if I have a rough few matches in one or the other.
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I play both. I'd say i have 60/40 ratio. I play more survivor only due to the fact that i can play it with friends more often. So survivor 60% and killer 40%
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You gotta play both or your wasting half the game.
I'll say killer is the bigger draw card but survivor can be fun too.
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Playing both roles but mainly survivor (yeah, i know its hard to believe).
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Yep, though by far I play more survivor with the matchmaking incentives I will switch between roles. Though honestly I find survivor far more relaxing than killer, killer can stress me out at times
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Both, used to only play Survivor but its hard to understand the balance of the game if you don't play both sides.
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100% killer main for the first year. Since 6.1.0 I have been duoing with my survivor friend more than I play killer(blight). Just because there is more to learn on survivor than killer for me at this point. And mmr is rng whether I get an even match several games in a row or play one match where I'm so far beyond them that I get off right afterwards.
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I try to, but I don't get any enjoyment out of playing killer these days.
I either lose to SWF, or I 'win' and invoke the DC and hook suicide from entitled survivors. So even when I 'win', I'm losing due to stolen hook states and unfinished, anticlimactic games where everyone gives up. It makes it impossible to win on my own merits.
Meanwhile the exhilaration of getting that exit gate open when I'm the last remaining survivor is some good #########.
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I play both. Probably survivor a bit more as I'll usually do surv when my friends are on.
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I play both, but not equally, I tend to play one role much more than the other and switch it up over the 5 years I've played. Starting to get back into killer in the recent months though.
1 - 3 Years: Killer 80% (Survivor 20%)
4 - 5 Years: Survivor 95% (Killer 5%)
5+ Years: Survivor 60% (Killer 40%)
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75/25 between Killer and Survivor. If my friends played dbd I might play both roles evenly.
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I play both roles but i'm kinda switching my prioritized role every now and then. It depends if my friends are online. If i play dbd solo, most of the time i will play killer.
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I play both, usually killer in daytime and survivor in the evening.
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Play both, 60-40 in favour of survivor but I always back the killer in arguments 😅
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Used to, around 40/60% depending on queues, mood, etc, nowadays I rarely play Survivor anymore, maybe 1 or 2 games per week, not been playing much Killer either because queues are a bit of a pain in the back.
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I play A LOT more killer because I dislike survivor gameplay. I only enjoy looking for totems and chases, but I hate gens lol.
Killers are more unique to me and due to my laid back nature, i end up having nice interactions with many survivors :)
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I'm main killer, but since the release of the BP bonus and the rework of the prestige system I play survivor way more frequently than before.
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I'm usually survivor during the day, and killer during the night, because of queue times.
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I hardly ever play survivor, I only do it occasionally when I don’t happen to have a daily ritual for a killer.
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I've played killer significantly more in the past (only like 3-4 killers away from having all killers 3+ prestige), but in the last few months I've been playing survivor almost exclusively. Partly because I want to get better & mainly because I find it much more chilled than playing killer these days. I guess I'll finish off all the tier 3 killer perk unlocks and then focus on unlocking all the survivor perks at tier 3.
Survivor also feels more rewarding when you make good plays when in chase & looping.