So Killers get an easy time for this event, since they get their refilling while downing survivors

Why even bring "stealing" in this already toxic community?
Why we cant keep the stuff we collect?
Its part of the job to down a survivor, landing stuns is not always possible against a skilled killer.
Snowmans who where bad against killers and now survivors getting robbed. Why not just have an event who is fun for both sides, while noone can steal each others event stuff?
PS: Sure, survivors can stun killers. But eventually get caught and its stolen again. Especially, that killer can hit 2 times.
Yea, i don't get stealing either, it's feels toxic for some reason.
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Yeah I don't get the stealing part of the event. They tried to make it equal with allowing survivors to pallet stun the killer to steal, but it doesn't seem equal at all.
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You do realize that you get Void Energy from all stuns right? Blast Mine, Head On, and Decisive Strike steal Void Energy from the killer.
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Blast Mine steals? That’s actually hilarious
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Because Blast Mine is a stun and a blind. If you use Lightborn, you wont get blinded by still have the stun to go through.
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Killers don’t need to run perks to try and steal anything from survivors, though. Survivors shouldn’t need a specific perk build to even try to do well against killers. And I’ve personally never been stunned by any of those perks because they’re easy to anticipate. I can’t imagine many killers really fall for them. Maybe if the killer is kind they’ll allow a survivor to stun them.
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The stealing is just obnoxious and unnecessary. Seeing so much more instadown because of it too. Having to find basically 2 glyphs multiple times in a match is enough, they don't need to make you lose progress as well.
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And survivors dont need perks to still steal from the killers though? Getting stuns is not that hard, even with people respecting pallets, you can still anticipate when to drop the pallet. But just like any game, there is stuff to help you do better. Killers can bring chase perks to get easier downs. Survivors can bring stun perks to get easier stuns. It goes both ways.
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At least it doesn't involve giving a massive mechanical advantage, like the Holiday event.
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Do you have a choice to steal or not? Cause like... I don't wanna down, but I also want my 8 hooks, lol
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You dont. You need to down as a killer.
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Survivors collect from doing their objective (gens) and killers get theirs from their objective (downing survivors). Adversarial, yes but that is the game. Toxic, no.
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How is it toxic if you can't even define the reason?
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It lends a sense of tension once you have accumulated enough void energy to deposit. Reminds me of Escape from Tarkov or The Cycle: Frontier.
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The stealing part was probably added because some people complained about farming during the past events and wanted this event to be more competitive.
But I agree. This shouldn't be a thing.
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Yeah the stealing sucks, stun stealing that is.
After about 20 killer games, I've been unable to get 30 void energy even once.
Either the survivors wreck me and I don't get 4 hooks without eating a load of pallets, or I wreck the survivors and I'm unable to score enough hooks due to DC's, hook suicides, and failure to rescue their team mates.
It's virtually impossible to secure your 30 void energy as a killer. While as survivor, all you have to do is a gen and a bit. I haven't failed to get 30 void energy as survivor yet, and I play solo. I've managed to score all 12 cosmetics by playing survivor, completing 60% of a gen, banking my 15, and repeating that a second time. Whether is escape or die, I've secured my 30 void energy.
It's actually completely within the survivors control to secure their 30 energy, you just don't get caught, you do about one gen and a bit of another one, and you're set. Bank your energy and whether you escape or not, it doesn't matter. As a killer, you are completely at the whims of the survivors, who can prevent you getting energy by giving up, by DCing right before a hook, and that's when they lose, let alone when they're a SWF that wrecks you with pallet stuns. Survivors control how many hooks you get. There are 12 finite hook states in the game, and survivors can eliminate 3 by DCing, 2 by killing themselves on hook, and more when they fail to rescue their team mates and let them die on hook. I've had games where I've absolutely wrecked them, and they've literally prevented me the possibility to even be able to acquire 30 void energy to start with, let alone stealing any, and I don't camp.
For all the talk about killers preventing survivors from playing by camping and tunnelling, well survivors are doing exactly that for this event. The power of the DC isn't something to be ignored, and there is currently no penalty for it.
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Well you get points easily by doing gens, like so many points from a single gen...
Killers have to get hooks otherwise which is harder than just holding a button on a gen.
But it should be noted a stun can be done by many things it doesnt have to be a pallet, it can be headon, blastmine, DS etc. And the killer loses their energy.
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I don't like the stealing either. Especially once I've already banked 30 points. I can't collect more, so it's just stealing from somebody else for no benefit -- and it's not optional, because unless you stop playing as killer at that point, you can't avoid it.
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Dude. It takes 40 seconds for a survivor to get 15 energy off a gen. Not to mention you can also steal it. Stop complaining.