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Why aren’t the devs realizing that no one wants to play against nurse



  • Member Posts: 4,634

    To be honest I like playing against Nurse, because she has unique counterplay that is not as dumb as get a high object between you and the killer i would like to have more killers where some parts of the map are usefull for example edgemap and other parts that are good against most killers don't do anything.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I wouldn't even mind loosing every game against nurse, still more fun than playing against legion and spending 2 minutes mending. Bad and mediocre nurses can be outplayed and god nurses will you anyway and end the game in 3 minutes, but then again somebody who puts that much effort into mastering a killer should get something out of it... Same with Blight. A god blight will also wipe the floor with you and there is also some sort of counterplay but in the end just like against a god nurse you will loose the match. Unless you re a 4 man comp squad i guess...

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    “Every other killer’s power counts as a special attack”

    Oh, really? Wraith, Spirit, Hag, and Deathslinger would all like a word with you.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    She hasn't been nerfed because the devs aren't very good at game balance. It took them years to nerf keys and moris, both of which were so ridiculously OP for each side. That should tell you everything you need to know about the devs and their view on balance.

    The people saying they enjoy facing nurse are players who can't gauge how good the opposing player is (or they are nurse mains). If you are skilled at the game and you enjoy facing nurse it means the nurse you are facing is less skilled than you. Period. Or you are running an equally OP tourney-level SWF.

    This is compounded by the fact that Nurse requires probably the most effort/time to get decent with her. That's not to say she is the hardest killer, though. She isn't, so she certainly doesn't deserve to have the potential to dominate as hard as she does.

    SWF is broken too, of course. But the main reason that Nurse is a more pressing balance issue is accessibility. The killer player is alone, so all you need to do to unlock her OP power is practice with her. To unlock the OP potential SWF has you need to have three other strong players on your team. Even one weak link makes the game super easy for a skilled killer.

    The stats show that a full SWF is very rare, and as a top tier killer and survivor player myself I can say that the number of 'tournament level SWF' I have faced in public games pales in comparison to the number of Nurse players who decided they just wanted to win no matter what the other side can do.

    Nurse is the most broken role in DBD right now. There are other things of course, like SWF, Maps, some perks and addons, that need to be looked at. But Nurse is the biggest balance tragedy in this game. The only thing sadder is the number of players in this thread defending such a broken character.

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    Or just nerf the loops instead and make it a really close situation. I mean look at TL walls. That's the good stuff.

  • Member Posts: 442

    It is very rewarding to outplay her. I doubt you know that though. You definitely have not put any effort into learning how to run her.

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    Not to everyone. I remember all the times I started and heard the noise and was like "Oh god, please don't be her..." Then when I DO play well, it still feels so mind numbingly boring.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Honestly LegionMain, I find versing Legion mind numbingly boring and one of the most excruciatingly tedious experiences in DBD. I am sure I am not alone in that but either way fun or boredom are subjective

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Yes but that's true for every Killer. For example, I find Ghostface, who is a weak Killer, to be annoying since my escaping now depends on whether my teammates rotate their camera for observational awareness. That's not a reason to nerf Ghostface. If anything, Ghostface still needs buffs.

    Nurse, who is a strong Killer, does have counterplay and the counterplay is far more intricate than Ghostface. That intricacy is part of why I like facing Nurse. My games are exciting. Neither of our feelings are reason to nerf or not nerf Nurse.

    What is reason is stuff like the old recharge add-ons speeding up blink speed. That was unintended and created an issue. I'm not sure what I think about the whole blink attacks should be special attacks but there is definitely an argument there.

    Nurse changes the game though which is what I like and probably what many people who complain about Nurse don't like. But there is counterplay and if the stats behind Nurse do show an issue I'm sure she will get changed eventually.

  • Member Posts: 228
    edited October 2022

    You are aware these tactics are used because people commonly go against SwF? My builds for example are designed to go against SwF because if I use meme builds to troll around against the off chance I happen to go against Solos then I'll just lose against an efficient SwF. Now picture if the game told you if you were going against SwF or Solos I'd be able to have multiple build sets to use for the two.

    Solo is miserable to people because SwF exists, they are the causality on why Killers sweat and run the strongest builds they possibly can, it's retaliation for when a SwF bullies or dominates them while the Killer was just doing a Daily or Tome challenge but then 4 Solo get the wrath from it to which point they come to forums saying how OP and boring Killers are.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited October 2022

    most of her counter-play revolves around mindgaming her long-range blinks. I think I just dislike playing against a killer then can m1 lunge attack out of the an ability and blink through walls emulating the vault through pallets that legion has in feral frenzy. I also dislike how strong nurses can zone by just existing. All the maps virtually have a dead-end so eventually you get into positions that even if your successful at dodging the 2-3 blinks. you will inevitably get hit by being the corner of the map. Its hard to enjoy going against a killer where each chase is like a timed down.

    The only difference is going down 30 seconds vs going down in 60 seconds. I do not like playing against strong nurses because they're not interactive in the chase. I rather play against old deathslinger or old Spirit where there is a lot of mindgames that you can predict correctly over a killer where mindgames exist in some places but leads to inevitable downs in others. I like facing strong chasing killers, just not nurse-type strong.

  • Member Posts: 186

    I play as nurse most of the time when i play killer as i just like the back and forth mind games that are played between killer and survivor. On the other hand i love playing against nurse as survivor, best killer to go against in my opinion. I think if survivors actually played nurse i played good survivors they could understand what it takes to outplay her, instead of just complaining because you ran into the open and got downed.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Your opinion is just as valid as mine so I understand your point. Some people enjoy facing Nurse and some don't; both are valid viewpoints.

    I might have misunderstood but one point on which we might disagree is the timed down. In my opinion, every Killer, if MMR is matched appropriately and given sufficient time, has to be able to down every Survivor. If not, there is either an issue with MMR matching or a problem with game balance (either general or specific to the Killer or map). If not, then the game is too weighted to the Survivor side. As such, I view every chase as a timed down but my goal is simply to delay the chase long enough that the Killer either chooses another target or my teammates get enough time to work on gens that we can escape.

    As such, I view every chase as a timed down where I try to waste as much of the Killer's time as possible. I don't think I should be able to consistently evade the Killer unless there's a huge skill mismatch (which happens), the map is skewed, or the Killer is one BHVR needs to buff.

    I don't know if that viewpoint could affect our difference in enjoying going against Nurse but I thought I'd throw that out there.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Only thing she needs is range addons nerfed, otherwise she's fine imo.

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    This is absolutely worthless to discuss here on the forums,here you can find people who unironically defended 5 blink Nurse when she got reworked.The Nurse mains are overdosed on copium.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited October 2022

    Oh i completely agree with that idea. every chase is timed down, but other killers that commit to long chases end up losing because your chaining loops in smart manner. a bad chase for like other killers is like 1:30-2 minutes which is game-losing. for nurse, 60 seconds is like a bad chase for veteran nurse. there is low chase variance in chases which is why she is strong killer when the player is good at her. I like when gameplay is more explosive where the killer is consistently strong chase but the survivor has opportunity at every turn to make a good play. nurse is too monotone for my tastes.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I like playing against nurse.

    A good nurse can be terrifying to run from and loop.

    Its pretty rewarding to outplay a good nurse.

  • Member Posts: 60

    She is just unfun to play, even goddamn Blight, Wesker, Spirit are mobile but they're not ignoring game mechanics, but not nurse, this killer breaks basic game design - range addons (no distance gain), no palettes, no windows, teleports throught game obstacles, thos that say that she can be looped or outplayed are talking about guys that are play her for a few times

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    People play swf exactly because killers sweat like it's olympics. Most survivors play just for fun and it's only that top1% swf:s who dominates killer and 99% of survivors are very beatable. Killers hard tunnel because it's braindead tactic to win they do it agains't bad soloQ teams even good nurses use it when single gen is not done.

  • Member Posts: 442

    I never said everyone, and thats your opinion on whether or not you have fun playing against her.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Nurse wont get reworked cause Nurse gives killers the feeling of I could have done something different which you wouldnt have had in certain games.

    For example: You are plague, go to the artist map, every survivor spawns on a different gen and immidiately sits on it. They are an swf and they are on comms so they tell each other where u are and which killer u are. U find someone instant cause of lethal and have a 20 second chase lets say. When u hooked him/her and go after another survivor on a huge map theres a very big chance that 3 gens are gone. Repeat that with the second chase cause u dont want to camp or tunnel and the game is over after 3 minutes and even though u didnt play bad, cause u had very quick chases theres nothing you could have done. At least u can think to urself, this would have probably been doable with nurse instead of having to think yep it was just impossible to win and get frustrated.

  • Member Posts: 1,619
    edited October 2022

    I heard that currently with the DC penalisations disabled one of the Nurse mains streamers stopped playing Nurse because everyone was DCing, haha, I hope BHVR see it in the statistics, maybe in this case they stop to treat the Nurse like their spoiled child.

  • Member Posts: 1,619
    edited October 2022

    Maybe against mediocre nurses which can be more or less countered by simple changes of direction while they are charging a blind, playing against a decent nurse is a pain in the ass and not fun at all.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    BHVR's data don't indicate that Nurse is problematic. That is probably the main reason. Also they don't focus too much on individual killers right now. They have their hands full with cheaters, the event and the PTB stuff.

    Though I do hope, that once they dealt with this they will do something about Nurse. The reason they are reluctant in changing her at all is probably because there is not really a simple solution to please everyone.

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    That's cool, though isn't it weird to be good against something and still hate playing against it? I mean, same applying to PLAYING Nurse but you get my idea.

  • Member Posts: 499

    Maybe let the survivor get guns so they can mori the killer

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    I'd rather mori the locker gnome Dwight and the people crouch walking behind rocks.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    SWF is not fair to anyone playing the game solo. This includes both survivors and the killer.

    SWF should be limited to : No character, item, perk or offering repeats.

    This would prevent bully squads and still allow you to play with your friends. We have plenty of item types so everyone can have an item. We have two perks that let you get a specific item from a chest. We even have a perk designed to have no item in your hand so everyone can be happy.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Does she need nerfs? Yes, 100%. Will she get those nerfs?? Maybe, maybe not. I think they are scared to nerf her if I’m being honest.

  • Member Posts: 69

    It’s also bin proven that you drink 7ml of bleach a day and live… doesn’t make it right lol.

    nurse is hella broken, her blink is way too far, she can do it twice (3 with addon.)

    she needs a rebalanced. If a nurse loses it cause they suck with her… BUT we need a killer like her in the game to force better play style.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    That is not only a terrible analogy, its an extremely dangerous one. Nurse is another factor of skill and advantage coefficients in this game: There will be people who understand how to beat her and will do so, and those who will understand and still lose. There are also those that will not understand how to beat her, and will similarly either lose or win. None of those 4 outcomes invalidate any of the other 3, but one of them does offer room for internal improvement.

  • Member Posts: 592

    I actually wish I could get more swf games because soloq's are easy and there is no challenge to play killer anymore unless it is against swfs.

  • Member Posts: 139

    I'd rather go against a nurse than have the game drag out against thana legion or edgelord trickster.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    The fact that you mention the 3rd blink discredits you, to be completely honest. That addon is throwing and no good nurse uses it

  • Member Posts: 828

    Here we are with another nurse hate post,, get a life get a grip and get better nurse is fine,, id rather play vs 5 nurses than a single legion /hag,, the only reasonable nerf she needs is her blink strikes count as m2

  • Member Posts: 69

    Lol see you got nothing. You take the fact she has an ability as discredited 😂.

    that’s like saying someone is discredited for saying fish could swim….

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    You clearly mentioned it as something she has that makes her too good. Any competent player knows that addon is awful.

  • Member Posts: 69

    No I mentioned is a option she has to display her blink ability…

    buts it’s all good man, you seem like a dude that has worked with balancing teams for over 10 years so you gotta know what your talking about right.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    The only nurses I don't like playing against are the super sweaty try hard ones. I mean the really sweaty ones. Its actually very satisfying to dodge nurse blinks and stun them mid attacks. Almost impossible to do that though against the really good ones.

  • Member Posts: 69

    The nurse has to be in the game. Sweaty or not, unfair or not. Her blinks make her over powered, BUT without her the skull cap is more limited. Sure you got twin that has a high skill cap to do good with.

    Nurse is 100% a pc try hard killer and should stay that way. To master her is high level and should stay that way.

    not to mention the balance problems she has

  • Member Posts: 385

    I am about to hit 1k games won in a row, on stream btw, please nerf her i am very bored

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Oh i like decent nurses. A real challenge! Depending on the map, some true mindgame potential.

    Acording to her kill rates, there are far more mediocre nurse out there than good ones though, So whats the issue? Maybe it has to do something with the amount of people that instantly dc when they hear her screach? Because thats a different issue, isn´t it?

  • Member Posts: 114

    The only nurses which are awful to play againts are the ones who apparently have permanent aura reading on all survivors and run starstruck build. Tho at least games againts them usually last 2min(or 0min because I usually DC againts this build and go play different game) and not 30min like legion games and in the end legion still ends up with 0 kills.

    Decent nurse is quite fun to play againts. My favorite games have been againts decent nurses where you barely clutch an escape. Or die and someone else escapes. Don't really care anyway if game itself was fun and intense.

    And of course baby nurses are by far the weakest killer in a game.

    Don't know how bhvr can balance these 3 different killers basically. You can't really balance a game around people who have no life and play only nurse 10h a day. Even tho I hate to my bone these nurse players.

  • Member Posts: 242

    nah i like going against swfs its fun trying different mind games and having more of a challenge

  • Member Posts: 1,933

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