Survivors going down and insta dcing now, so why exactly is it turned off again?
I heard it might be because of many people experiencing crashes during the event.
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Also some reports of cheaters maybe being able to cause other players to disconnect.
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Interesting. I haven't had any problems with this event yet
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*brings offering for event*
*down 1 person early*
*4 DC's*
I hope they extend the event or something as a result of this.
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Yea pretty much. I get my first down and people insta rage quit lol
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and its funny cuz they use the event offering as well but still dc 🤣 gigabrain survivors
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I was playing Leatherface, had an ok 3 gen but there were still 2 gens to go and one was super far away.
Had 1 hook, was a rough game for me with lots of pre-throws (they knew what they were doing).
Downed Survivor C and they DC'ed, basically throwing the game while winning.
I let the last one go (via gates), but it was 100% a loss for me, prior, and an easy win/void energy for them.
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Spawned in as Doctor....AoE shock....3 DC's
Not bringing any event/flans/BPS offerings 'til it's back on.
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LMAO. Thats a good one
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i had a survivor dc because my zombie hit her at the start of the match
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Yeah clearly most people have figured it out as I got very few DC's at the start of the day and then they started to increase...
I really wish there was no DC penalty but every time it is turned off I am reminded of why it needs to be there
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Its every time
Dc penalty of DCS skyrocket
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Does anyone know if this is a weekend thing or permanent until issues are resolved?
As a spirit main i feel like its pointless to even log in at this moment. Also yeah soloQ was already full of ragequitters i cant imagine how it is now.
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People are dcing vs trapper, clown, freddy. I can imagine hows it going with spirit 🤣
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I had a DC in 6 of my 7 games i played so far today, had to take a break because it was truly upsetting.
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I'm literally trying to get 1 sacrifice for the Tome and it is impossible.
I'm tapping out after I get it, as well.
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Game is just crashing a lot. Even on my high end pc.
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I've had one DC all day and funnily enough, it was a cheater who got caught red handed.
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Servers are kicking people out for no reason
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Probably just a weekend thing, I'm assuming there will be a patch on Tuesday addressing the crashes and disconnected from host errors
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An excellent first post
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Wow that's... odd.
People seem to crash a hella lot in my artist, spirit, and nurse games, but never in my Sadako or trickster games? Strange.
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I've definitely seen this one. The only instance of a crash I've ever had playing so far. Downed three people with Main Event on Trickster, as soon as the 3rd person went down my game magically 'crashed'.
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Yet people unironically request the DC penalty to be removed way too often.
Sadly, some players clearly like it this way.
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When it's a Nurse game, fair enough.
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Times like these just further serve to show just how necessary the DC penalty system overall is.
I've seen so many people ask for it to be removed in recent times, yet any time it is disabled the game becomes near unplayable as a result.
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They had a post (wherein they necroed a topic) and spewed some vitriol about killers that was deleted.
This is their second post.
Also pretty sure the account is an alt.
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Good lord why haven’t i quit this game yet….🤦♂️
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yea bro, that crash be hittin different 😹
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Thank god.. there is a super high ratio of cheaters this weekend..
I am taking like teleporting, to 3 gems popping at once while only 2 members are alive, to them matching my run speed or faster.
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Last time this happened I remember it calmed down after the first days, lets hope its the same now altough the community is so much burned out than the last time so maybe it doesnt.
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I was in a match where not even 10 seconds into it my 3 mates DCed and it was against Freddy. I was looking at him and he looked at me and I was just going to let him have the kill since no way I could do all gens. He let me do a couple and totems and I let him slap me a couple times and gave him hook. No point in us both being punished for my mates.
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Well guess I won’t be playing until the DC penalty is back on.
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Nurse players are mad
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The DC penalty needs to be turned back on. My last 3 games, each game 2-3 people have DC'd!
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It's why I dont play when theres no DC penalties
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Not surprising. The game is an unbalanced mess.
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Strange, I haven't had a single player DC in any of my games this morning...
Not saying it doesn't or won't happen, but I'll keep my eyes open and see how interesting the match gets when it does...
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Loaded into a match as Huntress and got unlucky to be sent to that sh1thole Garden of Joy. I used Lethal Pursuer to immediately go after a Felix and as soon as he saw me he instantly DCed. Good I didn't want to play that map anyways
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Now I’m getting annoyed. I just had 2 games where someone disconnected near the start of the game... one was a teammate that didn’t like the killer and the second was a Huntress. Both happened back to back.
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Bunch of DCs and AFK survivors at the moment. Frustrating and makes the solo q experience that much more painful
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Damn that looks like a damn quick 180, kinda. (Even with 3 hours in between)
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No point in playing for me right now. I run no regression mid tier add-on blight with lethal pursuer. Almost positive I get that first hit and it's a dc.
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I just LOVE the irony(?) of how often on these forums people create posts demanding the removal of the DC penalty system, and yet EVERY SINGLE TIME the devs temporarily deactivate it, we get posts like this demanding its return!
Before the DC penalty was instituted Back when there was what was coined "the 2019 DC epidemic" (more like a Pandemic because it affected all servers in all countries), The game damn near died because of how many players were dropping it entirely, since no one could have any fun when 9 out of 10 matches had 1 DC or more. I remember that very dark period of this game, and it still took them 7 months after the DC Epidemic peaked before they introduced the penalty system.
I can't help but laugh at this situation tbh, because all the DC Penalty deniers are finally getting a taste of the hell we went through 2 & 3/4 years ago, and now people are realizing just how obnoxiously entitled and petty most of the player base actually is, and why the penalty is actually a GOOD thing.
It's honestly Hilarious!
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Strange I've only had 1 person D/C during this event regardless if im survivor or killer. The game that had the D/C i was killer and all I did was 2 hook everyone then let them do gens and escape because why not.
On the flip side I have been disconnected 3 times so far due to connection error which never used to happen.
I think the issue is with no D/C penalty if one person rage quits because they got downed first then all it takes is one other survivor to say "screw it im gonna just D/C and go next this game is all ready over" then the rest will follow suit.
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Pretty easy to understand why. Killers are not letting anyone have fun and feel entitled to curbstomp the 4 survivor players and get 4ks every single game. Try taking your foot off the gas pedal and having fun instead of tunneling and camping with OP builds.