DC Penalty Removed

I have seen enough people DC against 3+ slowdown/gen perks I would almost call it a religious practice.
I have yet to have a DC when I am playing killer, not a single one. I don't tunnel, I don't camp, I don't even hook the same survivor until I have hooked the other 3 in 66% of matches, I don't run 3+ gen perks because I don't even run ONE. I have had no issues with survivors DCing in matches where I am a killer, nor do I play terribly as a killer either; most of my matches are 3K with hatch given to the last.
I HAVE seen two teammates leave within the first 30 seconds of a match, not even downed. Killer was rocking 4 gen perks that match. I HAVE seen someone DC over being tunneled out. I HAVE seen countless DCs the moment Pain Res/Dead Man's are in play.
I feel very confident none of those killers had much fun without ever playing a match, maybe they changed their build and noticed less DCs occurred. Maybe they kept it as is and continued to have DC after DC, I don't know.
What I do know is that there is no 'in-game' punishment for a killer playing in a way that is considered "boring" or "unfun". This could lead to a 'chicken or the egg' paradox of who caused the "boring" playstyle to emerge, but I believe the answer lies in who had gen regression automated by a perk. Yes it goes back that far.
The data is there for the Devs to work on; they can see what perks, killers, maps, addons, offerings, and all that comes in a match where people DC. There are trends that are obvious for them to notice and make changes on to fix things, it all comes down to if they care or not.
Say whatever negatives you want to me, I simply come with observations and conclusions that you, reader, could make yourself. Look less into kill/escape rates, and look more into the root cause. Why do people give up/DC, when do they give up/DC, and what situation (map, killer, perks) were in play when they decided to give up/DC. It doesn't only apply to survivors pulling the plug.
Slowdown perks should be limited like exhaustion. With the increase in gen times and the proliferation of secondary objectives (especially when there are also event objectives), it should error if you try to load out with more than 2 slowdown perks.
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Amm... no? xD
I mean, I know how quickly gens can be repaired, so definitely no for that one.
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Trying to shame killers for using slowdown perks while survivors are bringing in mega strong medkits, Commodius/BNP/hyperfocus/stakeout, and map offerings every trial. Good for you man, you're a survivor's favorite killer
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No people are just leaving due to entitlement.
I dont like this killer, I dont like this map, I went down to fast, I'm not gonna win, this killer isnt playing how I want, this killer isnt farming etc.
Dont go blaming it on slowdown perks, killers have every right to use the perks they want just like survivors do. Difference is killers need some slowdown unless they're versing very bad survivors or people WAY below their skill level.
I can run multiple slowdowns, have fast chases and my games can still barely reach 6mins length god forbid I dont run any and my games are over in 4mins... like seriously i want to be able to play the game and actually go for multiple chases and hooks.
Dont have an issue with it as survivor either, all you need is people to do the objective and its pretty easy and I dont think you should be able to win if people arent doing gens...
People DC because of their own entitlement nothing else.
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"Say whatever negatives you want to me, I simply come with observations and conclusions that you, reader, could make yourself."
The phrase you are looking for is "anecdotal evidence."
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This sums it up pretty well. Romanticizing people quitting over killers builds is nonsense. Maybe play more matches as killer and you will realize why most of them are using gen defense. Very few killers can get away with 0 gen defense perks, like a good Billy, nurse, blight.
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The other thing is, it's always "killer thing should be nerfed, because survivors are d/cing over it". You really don't see anyone suggesting to nerf survivors over killer d/cing against them.
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Someone who has a brain. Yes, if you can't stack multiple exhaustions, and speed of a gen decreases with every person, why are slowdown perks, healing perks, and gen speed perks okay to stack? It's the same hypocritical logic of the devs as "we changed Ruin because people can't hit skillchecks" as they add in Merciless Storm, a perk entirely based around hitting skillchecks, and add in the new wiggle feature which is once again, based entirely on hitting skillchecks.
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Frick's sake. Just meet in the middle and rework all the gen regression and gen speed perks. Legit had a soft rework idea for hyperfocus: Guaranteed skill check every 10 seconds you're on a generator with the stack lowering it by 1 second per great skillcheck. No extra bonus, just quicker skill checks that are GUARANTEED. Hell, same could be applied with autodidact but I'd be getting off topic.
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Although some of it is perk/addon builds, much has to do with the killer, and to a secondary extent the map. For example, Nurse. A large portion of the player population is prone to DC on first hearing the Nurse's scream when blinking. Another example is Legion. As soon as many players hear Legion's TR music, they know they're most likely going to either DC or suicide out. If the perception is that the killer is overpowered (Nurse), or the trial is going to be long/boring/unfun (Legion), survivors don't tend to want to stick around.
With maps or map/killer combos it can be similar. Assuming the killers have even a moderate sense of how to play their character, if you're up against a Doctor in Midwich, Spirit in Shelter Woods, Nurse in The Game, or one of an array of killers in Grave of Glendale, the deck is stacked heavily against survivors. Many won't even give it a shot as it's preferred to just leave and invest the time in another trial.
This is supremely evident in solo queue, where there is the expectation of no teamwork/care due to not being able to coordinate much of anything, and where even under good circumstances a loss (by BHVR's own data and intent) is the most likely outcome.
It can be argued until you're blue in the face as to whether it's right or wrong, but in the end, it is what it is. Until the condition is treated, the symptoms will persist.
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Finally no nurses haha
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As if killers weren't shaming survivors for meta loudout whole bringing the strongest meta on A+ tier killers themselves.
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Everything is the Killer's fault, right.
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Most of the entitlement comes from Killer mains themselves. You see it all over the forums, always fun to have killers dc because they got looped for a gen.
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"What I do know is that there is no 'in-game' punishment for a killer playing in a way that is considered "boring" or "unfun". "
Nor should there be. The killer is not here to entertain you. He is here to kill you.
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Your killer luck is extreme.
So extreme that I legitimately doubt your story, and wonder if this is a thinly veiled camping complaint thread.
I play by similar 'rules', and I'd say I have 1 DC, suicide or AFK in every 2 games I play, guaranteed. Hell, people will DC/suicide into a flan because someone went down at 5gens or because I played Hag or Trickster.
This isn't a matter of killers being unfun, this is a matter of some survivor players being far too entitled to an easy win or perfect teammates - but mostly a matter of there being no penalty for going AFK or suiciding, and a pitiful penalty for DCing.
Merciless Storm is a weak perk. The wiggle feature is barely even challenging.
Pre-rework Ruin was changed because people were a lot newer back then, as a whole, and because the meta back then was very different. If it were introduced now, it would be a two star perk, at best.
Shrug. Gen speeds are mostly okay. There are some outliers, like PTS and PR, but as it stands the game is in a better state variety/balance wise than I think it ever has been.
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Tbh, I'm feeling that my mental health is in much better state when dc penalty is disabled, if I got tunneler who just target only me, then I can skip that trial and move on to the next
1. People who crashed due to bugs or connection lost still can play
2. People who faced cheater(s) can quit and move on to the next trial and their mental state also will be healthy
So like a true joke: no dc penalties it's already a better anti-cheat that this game has
And I'm sure that cheaters or tunnelers / campers is much biggest problem that rage-quiters
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I've played at times when the DC penalty has been disabled.
It's almost impossible to get an actual game in, as killer or survivor - because someone either cable pulls the second they see a killer they don't like, get a map they don't like, have someone go down too early to just because they want to smurf their MMR/rank down.
Cheaters make up a tiny minority of the playerbase. You don't want to punish...basically everyone because of this minority. It would destroy the game.
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I agree with the developer if the reason for the loss of the DC penalty is compelling. For reasons such as cheaters and frequent crashes.
But what if the DC penalty is eliminated at all in the future? No. I disagree with the DC penalty should be eliminated.
I am not convinced that there are players who already insist on DCing for selfish reasons and because it is boring.
A survivor who was sure he was going to lose because none of his generators had completed by the time he hooked the first one DCed.
If we accept this, we must also accept the DC of the killer who had 3 generators repaired and complete by the first hooking.
I don't admit neither. There is no game that ends properly when it is possible for anyone to become arrogant, meditating on the point that online games are made viable by the good nature of the game.
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I'm going to play devils advocate here. If the killer DCs no one gets to play if a survivor quits there are still people to play. With that said DCing is wrong.
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I could not physically stop my team from DC'ing against the three Iri Box Pinhead's.
I do not really blame them.
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Sorry, I'm calling BS on never seeing a disconnect. Just two days ago for instance I had someone disconnect 30 seconds into the match for literally no reason. I was playing Pyramid Head, I hadn't even chased anybody yet, and the person DC'd. I don't know if they didn't like the map or don't like Pyramid Head or what but it had zero to do with anything I did as a killer. Likewise I never facecamp and I haven't run a slowdown perk in probably three weeks but I still see people disconnect or ragequit on hook every few matches when they think they're losing.
90% of disconnects are just petty sore losing after a down. That's really all there is to it most of the time. And sometimes it's not even losing, it's just something ridiculous like "I don't want to play against a Pinhead" or whatever.
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I never DC in games, I enjoy the game and even playing against Nurse I try my best. But I m playing Solo-q, so its bad now.
After update I have seen only one DC. But now they removed DC penalty for reason the game is crasghing ? Now my teamates DC so often, its crazy.
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It's removed right now why? I wonder why now and not when people were complaining about hackers a crap load like 4 weeks ago
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I just had a game where one survivor DCed because they went down early on, and then another DC because I downed them and walked away for a second in an attempt to find the little void thing, all in the same game. Then a game before that I had someone DC because they were the first hook. I don't camp tunnel, hell I didn't have time to camp or tunnel the people in these games because they DCed to quick, and guess what no slowdown perks either.
Specifically picked anecdotes and blind statistics like the ones you're referring to is the reason the game is so messed up as it is. Balancing around who DCs and who doesn't is balancing around the most toxic part of the community of people who will disconnect when they just feel like the game isn't going their way every single time.
It is foolish to say that this is a good way to tell what works and what doesn't, because not every survivor / killer is the same. Some will DC when they go down first or feel like they don't like the killer / perks, some will DC when something silly happens and gets them killed, some won't DC at all. You can't balance around "Who gave up during the game, seems like they know what they're doing!" because that's why there's an unsportsmanlike report button, its unsportsmanlike like to DC. It shouldn't be encouraged and the game DEFINITELY shouldn't be balanced around it.
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I think that people who want the DC penalty off have never played with it off. They complain about camping and tunneling every game and can't play the game. We'll with the DC penalty off every game is either a 3v1 because someone dcs 3 seconds in or you load in and boom the killer dcs.
Your lucky to play 1 out of 10 games and chances are someone will DC in the middle of that game because why not.
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So you've seen people DC 30 seconds into a match assuming the killer had 4 gen perks because if someone has went down in 30 seconds of the match to proc PR well thats only one gen perk and they haven't kicked gens and then downed a survivor to proc eruption and if they kicked a gen and got an overcharge skill check that still only confirms one gen perk so how your teammates know all 4 killer perks in 30 seconds?
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If BHVR balanced killers based on survivor DCs, all 28 killers would be Pig clones because survivors only want to play against killers they can loop for 5 gens easy
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People still defending dc/suicide on hook. Disgusting. NO other game allows for this kind of behavior.. It's not a small penalty, it leads up to a ban real quick in any other multiplayer game. So yes if you dc or give up often you should just leave dbd. You clearly don't like the game. If I dcd vs 4 old dhs every time I would never be able to play the game. The literal only time I dc is on pale rose with adrenaline vial which is 1 in a 100 games.
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Complete opposite.
If the killer DCs, all the survivors immediately escape, win, and get to play their next game. They're all happy about it, and get to revel in their belief that they triggered a salty killer.
If a survivor DCs, it becomes a 3 v 1 that the survivors cant win, nobody enjoys that game, and the killer has no correct course of action because for every survivor that thinks the killer should 'go easy' after a DC, there's one that just wants the game to be over.
The game should just immediately end when anyone DCs.
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Of all the comments. I like this one the most. Simply because other games do allow it. In fact MOST games allow it in some form or another. They have more than one mode though, DBD does not. Think of what DBD would look like with just TWO queued modes and how well it would go, then realize why other games have multiple queued modes. Not everyone wants to play the same way every match, and with as big as DBD is, it really SHOULDN'T have such a 'meta' to it with how many perk/addon combinations there are in the game.
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