Hey here's a mori change that wouldn't suck.

Give us custom moris. Earnable or purchaseable. Id drop money for some cooler moris. Money shot for BHVR and enjoyable for the community. It's a win win.
Also instead of the godawful mori changes that have been suggested. Make cypress mori offering basekit. Last survivor is guaranteed dead when downed if the killer wants anyway. Give us the choice to mori them or not. I personally like giving last surv hatch and would appreciate not losing my ability to carry them to hatch. And sometimes if they were a toxic little goblin I'd like to mori them.
Mechanically it wouldn't change the balance of the game. The only time in my experience it would've done was a game i had as GF on midwich. I busted all the downstairs hooks and had to re down the final surv 3 times to get them to a hook. And i still killed them, just woulda saved me 4 mins of pointless gameplay. But that is an issue with the map because the midwich hook spawns are garbage.
Mori cosmetics would give killers advantages if they happen to be shorter, or disadvantages when they are longer.
With the finisher mori, they can add mori customization with no problem since it can be as long as they want them to be without the problem above.
And talking about the mori changes, I think it would have been cool if they added mini-moris, that all have the same length, to all killers, which then are used for perks like Devour Hope instead of changing it to an instant hook sacrifice for example.
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I'm sure they can standardise the length of mori animations. Are they not already?
Also I straight up hate the suggested mori changes and don't think they should be implemented. I don't want to have to sweat a 4k just to get a mori animation. Plus I like giving last surv hatch and some of the newer players struggle to get the message so i have to literally drag them kicking and screaming to the hatch sometimes.
Side note rancor and devour hope etc are really only fun because they let you mori. Instant hook sac is boring af and also a nerf because you have to carry them to hook instead of just triggering the mori. They are both so situational you should get the reward for getting them off.
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To be fair, survivor cosmetics and some killer cosmetics also give some advantage or straight up are a hindrance. There's a massive difference between a survivor dressed in dark clothes trying to hide and a neon pink survivor trying to do the same. There's tons of memes about this.
People often do not care about taking a small disadvantage if they're looking good, and people that want to min-max will still ignore any cosmetic that would give any sort of disadvantage, just like right now some people avoid survivors and killers that would reduce their win rate even by a 0.1% screaming "Trash character! Trash perk! Literally a newbie trap! Rework! Rework!"
I'm 100% sure there would be entire guides on how to win in 2 minutes with X perk, Y cosmetic and Z mori and people would still buy the ######### out of cosmetic moris that are ridiculously over the top and take 5 seconds longer than the standard mori.
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Yeah and cosmetics give an advantage if they fit the general hue of a map. I don't think people would care about that too much.
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I've seen this suggested before. It's a great idea really but I dunno if they'd implement it in a world where we DON'T get these upcoming Mori changes since you wouldn't see them as often in the current system. In a world where the Mori changes actually come (ours) this would be sick.
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The devs have already said that the Mori changes on the PTB are getting changed, and that what we got to play with was more of a prototype more then anything
i'm sure that they're going to change it in some way or another to make giving hatch a option (they'd ######### better)
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deleted, misread the comment
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Tis why I've made this suggestion. Just getting to choose if we mori last surv would be nice. And I'd rather not lose traditional mori offerings/perks.