So This Happened...


I do not normally talk much about the awful ventures I have with the DbD community, but what transpired not that long ago has really made me want to talk about it.

I faced off against Myers who brought a Tombstone, which is fine. The issue is that they were working with a TTV Dwight who was purposely giving them Evil Within as well as bodyblocked exit ways to make sure that the survivor would always get Mori'd. The Myers Mori'd everyone, I DCed since I do not want to deal with that BS, and the TTV was left to escape.

I go into the TTV's stream to see that they are mocking me for DCing and saying how Im such a "baby for not wanting to have fun" when their definition of fun is letting me die because they want to play like an a-hole. So I respond with "why are you mocking me? you ruined the match entirely" since they worked with the killer to get everyone killed.

They proceeded to look me up on social media, find an account that looks similar to my Steam account, and then send his followers and chat to go and harassment, which led to me getting DOXed by their chat and followers. They were not a Fog Whisperer, they later ended stream and deleted the VOD.

What do I do in this situation? I am kinda scared since that community having my location could become threatening to me and my family's safety. Im not sure if this kind of stuff is fit for the forums but I have never really felt in danger until something like this happened due to the aggression used.
