During this event, are party streamer/cakes/flans not working?

I havent be able to test it myself yet, but people on twitter are complaining that non-event bp offerings are currently not working. Wondering if anyone else has info, or is a dev is willing to chime in. I will say this the screen shot only showed the match review screen not the pip screen, i know it only shows bonus bp on pip screen.
Best Answers
Bloody Party Streamers DO NOT work, Survivor Puddings DO work, Killer BP category offerings (the various wreath add-ons) DO work, and I can't confirm or deny about any of the Anniversary Cakes but it's better to save them IMO since you have a finite amount.
I also can't say anything about Escape Cakes or Survivor BP category offerings.
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Flans/Anniversary Cakes don't work.
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BPS and Flans seem to work as long as nobody uses one of the halloween Arcane Dowsing Rod offerings. If they do, the offering doesn't work (but it's still consumed.)
Thanks for the info everyone! I really appreciate it!
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The group bp offerings like envelopes and streamers will get rejected. The accepted offerings will be burned and used up, but the group ones will literally get tossed off screen.
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The real question is do we get our offerings back?