Thank God DC penalty is disabled

Not only are people crashing games but I also had my 3rd cheater in the game trying to hold me hostage with infinite head on stuns aswell as exploding all gens so noone can get out.
Leave Game, no penalty, re Q.
Live is good.
Absolutely. I think it's a huge improvement to solo q game play, I personally hope they keep it.
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To me it's just good to just leave games with rage hackers trying to hold me hostage. Now I don't feel forced to wait 2 hours for the server to shut down and can just quit instantly the moment some blatant bullshit happens
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What ? Are u serious ? :D u must be leaving matches lots of then. How this can be improvement for SOlo-Q ? Everybody just keep DC for no reason !!!!! How is it improving Solo-Q gameplay ?
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Tell me you DC regularly without telling me you dc regularly
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Now that the penalty is disabled I don't have to worry about disconnected from host errors or cheaters holding me hostage/forcing me to DC
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I've ran into quite a few Chester's lately as killer and not one has forced me to dc. There not going to take me hostage because I'm not a streamer and they get nothing out of it.
Just to be clear these are clear cheaters like running at super speed or blinding me even know I'm looking at a wall or they just fall out the sky.
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No it isn’t. I main solo q and all the rage quitters are ruining it.
I’m assuming from your post that you’re one so please just stop playing altogether if you just want to dc.
Post edited by Marigoria on10 -
Solo has become unplayable, because everyone disconnects for no reason at all and people praise this.
Sometimes i´m not sure if they are sarcastic or not.
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Tell me; how many games have you actually finished?
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Ok, sure. One question though. When am I allowed to play a normal game, then?
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Hmm the smell of trolls in the morning.
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Honestly, while some abuse it there have been scenarios where I have had to be grateful the penalty is off. This is NOT CONDONING DC's but I just had a game where a Wesker camped first hook at 5 gens and then immediately tunnelled the survivor off the hook and everyone just left the match lol. It kinda felt nice to be able to gesture that if you are not going to play the game with some level of decency, we will not play with you at all.
The trouble is people abuse no DC penalty beyond a joke
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Suffering from success, high mmr is populated with many cheaters. I'm happy that you aren't that high mmr and don't face cheaters regularly.
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Within the last 10 hours of gameplay I've seen more DCs than my entire 200 hours. Solo q is miserable and I can't bring myself to finish a game normally as a killer since any game against solo q is always 1v3 or worse.
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Frequent dcers arent high MMR.
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They are.
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Not really, because dcing tanks your MMR i'm pretty sure.
Edit: I meant people who dc, not cheaters.
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Maybe it should, but I don't believe it does.
So DCers would probably be high MMR, since they can quit before they lose.
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DC counts as a lost for challenges so I think the game already sees it as a lose, since it also makes you depip.
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The thing is that's abusing the DC freedom....Camping and Tunneling are part of the game and DCing because because the match isn't going your way isn't the way and just shows the maturity of players....I get DCing if a hacker is holding the game hostage or you have to DC because some Real Life stuff happens or even system based DC issues.....but that's it.
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DC'ing doesn't tank mmr
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Show source for that
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It rlly doesn't
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Show source.
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You can say that all you want to but it isn't realistic as it doesn't take into account the human factor. No matter how much you try to justify it, it will never change the fact that being camped and tunnelled out of the game is a miserable experience for the person on the receiving end of it and it ruins the game for a lot of people.
It isn't even that I don't understand why some killers resort to this, I personally refuse to though as I know how horrible it feels and I don't want to get 'wins' by playing like an #########.
BHVR have made many perks and even added basekit BT to discourage tunnelling off hook, so it isn't like it is a secret this tactic is extremely unpopular and hated by much of the community.
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Show source that it does then? Solo queue matches are now at an unbalanced ~40% win rate or something ridiculously low. If you DC in a round that’s not winnable, you’re just accelerating the loss you would’ve had anyway which doesn’t change what happens to your MMR then because it’s not skill based it’s based on escaping which is common knowledge.
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The game is unplayable at the moment because of the dcs. Every game there is one. Not an overexaggeration. Yes thank god its on what a horrible take.
Post edited by ArchAbhor on1 -
People like you dcing are the reason it is so low.
I also believe people like you promoting dcing on the forums should be banned, afaik it is against the rules.
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Um when did I say I DCed? I said it’s a great update for people who are held hostage by hackers or crash because of the update ofc, don’t make assumptions pls. And tbf in solo queue it was just as bad before this update and was already unplayable so there’s no real change anyway.
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This you?
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You put my first comment and then my second comment justifying my first comment in the same post…? What point are you trying to make?
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Because you say it's good the DC penalty is gone and that it should stay gone, because of hackers and crashes, but on your first one you say it's good that it is good because of solo q being miserable.
Do you realize that a big problem with solo q is also other people dcing? So, you say solo q is bad, but want it to be worse because you don't want penalties back, so it's fair to assume you're one of the ones dcing.
Because I do not DC, that's why I want it back asap.
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Unpopular and hated are not reasons to DC. Players are DCing because they are found first.....they are DCing because they are downed first.... people are DCing because they don't like the map they are on.... They are DCing because they don't like the Killer they are facing.
All can be argued those are "unpopular" or "hated" but none are reasons to DC. All that does is ruin the game for those who are playing the game normally. Before anyone says "But Camping and Tunneling are ruining the game etc...." Y'all have to remember that BHVR has said that those are valid strategies.
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Show yours kek
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It’s good against cheaters, bad for normal gameplay.
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Solo queue teammates just kill themselves on hook if there’s a DC penalty but ok.
And solo queue is now less miserable for people who are subjected to hackers holding them hostage and also crashing. Do you require anymore clarification on my opinion? x
Also I wouldn’t call DCing the big problem with solo queue, DCing is a result of the big problems with solo queue such as getting put with insufferable teammates who are allergic to the objective and throw the round at 5 gens. And also the game needs balancing back to 50% win rate for both sides as it’s unfair right now which is another problem for solo queue.
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I totally get that but I think a majority of survivor mains will agree DCing because you were found first etc is not something they can justify. But tunnelling off hook (in particular) is something most of us will understand (not condoning it).
I don't think you will find many threads on here complaining about being found first etc but the complaints about camping and tunnelling off hook are never ending. Just because you can doesn't make it right
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There is a real simple solution to the problem. If you don't want to play the game, don't play the game. You don't need to dc. You can just not play in the first place. There is no justification for dcing (unless you're held hostage).
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Who Asked?
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No one. Which is why this little piece of wisdom is all the more important.
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You didn't even read the post
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There wasn´t a question mark in the message you are refering to.
Anyway, would you like it, if you coulnd´t play a full match. Because someone always disconnects?
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I have played many many hours the past 3 days. No issues with DC'ing. Sometimes a random team mate DCs as soon as he heard 1St blink. No problem. Sometimes someone DCs when I play killer. But rarely. Still no problem. I rather take these few DCs (which is also a lot of crashing) than being held hostage by Cheaters.
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So in what ratio would you set getting held hostage by cheaters vs someone disconnecting?