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General Discussions

2 years ago since Billy got the overheat, 1 year ago since he got his last buffs.....

a instadown killer with high mobility and he is still somehow a bottom 3 on kill% wise global MMR.

While yes he sits on a solid 59% killrate in the top 5% mmr its mainly cause the only people who play billy, are us veterans who have played him for years now, any new player will most likely play him a few games, struggle to get a single down, then just go a head and buy Bubba who does what he does but better.

Any wins I get Billy, I would have gotten with Blight or Oni but easier and with way less effort.

Just rework some of the addons and remove overheat once and for all, please :(

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  • Member Posts: 517

    I second that. No good reason not revert the most unpopular killer rework they've ever done

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I’m just trying to figure out what the major issue with his add ons were to warrant complete removal. Huntress kept her cooldown and charge time through her pass so why shouldn’t billy have his?

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    I honestly think he needs another look at, but in a way that keeps Overheat

    Ive made a post a while ago that has an add on pass and a change to Overheat, which can be found here:

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Its also the fact that billy feels so horrible to play that contributes to people playing him which leads to less kill rate. I love bumping into a random low hanging tree branch just to ######### over billy and huntress. But yeah I would like overheat removed and possibly his old addons back with some restrictions. Obviously cant stack charge addons with less pallets than there were back in 2016-2017 and maybe reduce some of the effectiveness of them.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    As a survivor main I miss playing against Billy. He was fun. They need to do something to make him better sl we can see more verity

  • Member Posts: 2,207
    edited October 2022

    I mean, one benefit is that it made people realise billy was only near top 5 because of charge add ons paired with engravings. Without them he was just meh.

    He received no compensation, considering you were forced to run doom against good players, so he got the worst of both worlds. No clue why.

    Would love to see either doom engravings made base without the charge penalty, or for him to get unstackable charge add ons.

  • Member Posts: 575
    edited October 2022

    Anyone who believes overheat is even close to be the main reason of his downfall is a blockhead who likely never played him back then.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    That's actually a really good attempt to rework him, I like it :D

  • Member Posts: 19

    it definitely didn’t help him on top of everything else. the worst nerf was the addition of constant grunts since i can’t stand playing him anymore

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Overheat was just one of a thousand cuts. His rework gave him that, added sound cues to his attack, gave him drunk cam for some reason, and completely gutted his addons. Even now, engravings are close to the only addons he has that feel like they do anything - it's them and Lopro, really, and maybe Spiked Boots (but why is there a penalty on those?!) Tuned Carburetor is noticeable, but I wouldn't call it good. And both his iris are memey and focus on stealth when that's not really who Billy is as a killer.

    The addons are more important than the overheat, but overheat's still worth bringing up because they tacked on a bunch of pointless and unpleasant aspects to playing him.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    And bring bump Billy back

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Billy has many issues other than overheat. Removing overheat does very little as you don't really overheat anyway. More problematic are hitboxes. It's painful. Next up is his reliance on addons. Not running engravings means that many curves will not work. Survivors have more than enough time to react. Last but not least his addons are either good or straight up horrible. I really tried but I can't get any value out of the Off-Brand Motor Oil, Big Buckle, Leafy Mash, Black Grease and Pighouse Gloves. All of these addons are not just weak but pretty much useless.

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