How do you counter Eruption in Solo Queue?

I honestly don't really know how to counter this perk in Solo Queue. When playing SWF it makes sense that you can just say "I am about to be downed" and your teammates will let go of gens. However in Solo Queue you rarely, if ever, have any information about when the person being chased is about to go down. The only exception to this is if the person being chased is looping the killer rite in front you while you are working on a gen, which isn't something that should be happening in the first place.
The only semi-reliable counters I can think of are to either run Empathy (it has more range than bond and its easier to tell who is being chased) or to not work on generators that have been kicked if someone is injured in chase.
Obviously there are flaws with both of these:
- Running Empathy relies heavily on your ability to make educated guesses on when someone is about to be hit based on their pathing, it also (more importantly) relies on the killer you are going against not having a 1 hit down mechanic. If they can just instantly down someone then they might just down someone before they show up with Empathy. The only other solution here would be to run Bond + Open Handed, and running 2 perks to counter 1 perk also doesn't seem like a great idea.
- Often times there simply isn't any generators that haven't been kicked, or completing the ones that remain untouched by the killer would result in you setting up a 3-gen for the killer which is obviously not a good idea.
Normally I am pretty decent about figuring out counters for different perks and perk combinations but Eruption just seems like there isn't a good solution for the survivors (again, specifically Solo Queue). It almost makes me wonder if maybe Eruption shouldn't have an infinite duration or shouldn't be allowed to be applies to every generator at once (I am aware of the 30 second cooldown between uses).
For the most part, you don't. The perk needs to be reworked.
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Simple, you take chase for 5 gens /s
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in total solo queue? the only thing you can do is let go of the gen if you see the "obsession being chased" effect and they are injured. aside from that, nothing
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Game sense? Idk.
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Pretty much impossible im afraid, thats why that perk should be tweaked.
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I hate to say it but you don't. I hope they'll reconsider this perk in the near future.
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co-op generators that been kicked. Don't go down in 30 seconds when your teammate are working on generators.
co-op+strong looping neutralizes the effectiveness of the perk.
they really should make the perk have global AoE of 6-8 meters so SWF are not getting an advantage over the perk.
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Locker hop in the basement and wait for hatch.
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How does co-oping generators that have been kicked help? Isn't that a bit risky? If your gamble doesn't pay off now you have 2 players that can't do anything instead of just 1.
If my teammates consistently were strong at looping I wouldn't want to bash my head into a wall every time I played solo queue.
So you want to make the perk stronger??
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you dont.
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That's the neat part - you don't.
Even Empathy won't reallyhelp you, because it's not enough to know somebody's being chased. What matters is how close the killer is to them and whether or not they have a resource. If you can't see it, "will they go down in the next few seconds?" is a question that only receives ????? as an answer.
Been facing a ton of Eruption+CoB tonight and it's pretty miserable. The perk is not healthy in its current state and the Incapacitated needs to be reduced. 25s is way too long, especially applied across several survivors several times in the match and comboed with other gen kick perks. It creates matches where you can't get gens done because the killer will only commit to chases if the survivor goes down easy (and screws over the rest of the team) and just hard defends gens otherwise.
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Realistically you don't, but I had a single game where I perfectly timed avoid an Eruption proc.
Honestly the perk as it is, is just poorly thought out. At least Pain Res you can reasonably avoid it by letting go when the killer has picked up the survivor.
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How does co-oping generators that have been kicked help? Isn't that a bit risky? If your gamble doesn't pay off now you have 2 players that can't do anything instead of just 1.
killer will kick generator that have been started. If a generator is 52.5% completed. the killer kicking a generator will set it to 50% which means you need progress 45 seconds of generator to finish it. Your teammate need to survive 45 seconds in a chase. It is possible but less likely. With two people, you need survive chase for 26 seconds. Surviving a chase for 26 seconds is not that long assuming killer has left generator. The risk varies for how far generator has been progressed when the killer kicked it.
If my teammates consistently were strong at looping I wouldn't want to bash my head into a wall every time I played solo queue.
Its not killer problem that your teammate are bad at the chase. He is getting rewarded for downs and kicking generators through the perk.
So you want to make the perk stronger??
Only vs SWF. The perk remains unchanged for soloq.
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Maybe with bond or other perks that you can see the survivor who's being chased aura. Not foolproof but could help.
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You don't.
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just gentap 4head
honestly though, I think you should only be able to affect one gen at a time with eruption
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The perk should make an AoE incapacitate around the affected generators, so that SWFs using voice communication will still get hit by it. Solo q survivors should be perfectly fine with this, since their complaint is that SWFs had more counterplay than solos.
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Assuming you do not have the blind status effect you can watch for the aura of the survivor being placed on the hook, as soon as you see that aura show up you can let go of the generator, then shortly after resume. You don't have to stop as soon as someone gets picked up (and sometimes letting go early can screw you over if they bring Thrilling Tremors instead of Pain Res, or if Deadlock is already activated).
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Run Alert so you know which gens have been kicked and try to work on the other ones.
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You don't.
Playing SoloQ in the year of our lord 2022, you have only yourself to blame.
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That’s the neat part you don’t
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To add to this, if the killer doesn't slug then on a eruptioned gen that's part of a 3 gen you should have one person let go of the gen when it has enough progress that there's no time to re-kick the gen after a down and hook so that you can guarantee the gen gets done
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Seriously you just ignore it. If you get hit by an Eruption then so be it. The Killer still has to invest time to erupt your generator and sometimes gets no value out of the perk at all when the only marked generator is finished before the down happens.
Applying Eruption takes time and then you have to chase somebody and get two hits. A Killer who erupts multiple generators usually has invested significant amount of time for this. Also if you go for an Eruption kick you give the survivor a pretty big headstart most of the time.
Damn, you were faster...
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Just don't play solo queue
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The complaint is it is a poorly thought up perk...
Plenty of perks give SWFs more counterplay than solos. Probably the least healthy perk in the game right now is Eruption, and hey, look at that, it is in basically every killer's build.
Making an overly oppresive perk even more oppresive is idea. It would be like suggesting giving the old Undying perk a secondary effect of respawning ruin into the game even after both totems have been destroyed.
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You don't.
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Huh???? Hahaha what? Just don't do gens if killer chases obsession? That's the funniest comment I read so far hahaha
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This thread is titled "HOW DO YOU COUNTER ERUPTION IN SOLO QUEUE"? The focus of this thread is clearly on SWF having more counterplay.
And my suggested change wouldn't affect solo q at all, since it "has no counterplay in solo q". The intention of the perk is that in can catch people by surprise, and voice communication is bypassing that core mechanic.
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Alert is probably the best bet, but still not great. I do think the perk needs to be changed.
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The incapacitating effect included in this perk
Until the fallen survivor is picked up
I think you should do it.
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You don't, this perk has zero counterplay outside of swf being on vc and warning when you're about to go down,, needs to be reworked,, weak vs swf /destroys solo
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I'm not saying that's a GOOD way to counter it. I am saying that is literally the only way a solo player can see "maybe eruption is about to go off"
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First step
You need to know if he has it.
1'5 step
If the gen is regressing notice that it may be affected by eruption.
Second step
Once it start chasing notice if your reammates are potatoes or good.
Third step
If potato surv dont repair more than 5 secs since pitato surv got injured.
If good surv 10 secs might be good
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This I can't recommend, Eruption would become bad in that case.
Maybe 2 or 3 gens at a time might be better?
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Try not to work on gens you know the killer has kicked, or if you know he's chasing an injured person.
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This is a good idea in theory, but what if you are in a 3 or 4 gen situation and the killer has kicked them all?
Or what if you are in a 5 gen situation and the killer has kicked the 3 gens closest to each other in an attempt you make you exclusively only do the other 2 gens to create a gen for later? Its really silly that a Single perk has the ability to create a 3-gen so effectively with little to no thought from the killer. They don't even have to baby sit the gen after kicking it, just set and forget.
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Bad perk design, just eat it and move on.
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I think y'all are underestimating the amount of time the killer would have to spend walking around to kick each gen, giving survivors a free lead btw every time they do that, to even get to that situation. You 100% can do gens faster than the killer can kick them and then down someone with Eruption. Are y'all just going down to the killer every 30 seconds or what? You should know that when the killer has a 3-gen, you cannot afford to go down, and that's your misplay to make. I don't even want to go into the (in your minds) ever-present ideal scenario of a 3-gen, that the survivors were somehow unable to stop, where every single pallet is gone as well. Regardless, the scenario you're describing makes the survivors have to weigh whether they want to stack on gens or push multiple individually, because if they're pushing multiple, which they should be, the killer has to spend time kicking those gens again every single time before they down the next person, and in the time they've done that, how much progress have those gens made? I swear I hate arguing about 3-gens, because y'all make it sound so effortless.