Map RNG needs to be based on the killer

AnnoyingNarrator Member Posts: 222
edited October 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

You load into coal tower as a survivor and are ready to have fun when suddenly...

  1. You are facing a cannibal but have no vaults
  2. You are facing a huntress with only four lane style loop

After that annoying match, you switch over to killer only to find yourself back at coal tower but

  1. When you play the Mastermind, every loop are those weird eyrie loops with no straight lines
  2. When you play the Artist, every loop is a jungle gym that connects to another

This horrible reality is what many players face daily thanks to BHVR's terrible map rng system. In a game like DBD where different killers have different mechanics, to have all of them use BHVR's sub-par map rng system causes a lot of problems.

For example, a killer like the Cannibal wants pallets while a killer like Clown would much rather have a vault. The map rng does not account for this when creating maps, which can lead to Clown being stuck in a pallet depot while the Cannibal can end up in vault city.

Okay, so the current system is bad, but how does making the map rng be based on killer fix the problem?

Clown is a killer that wants vaults and does not want pallets. Therefore, the map rng will have to keep the ratio of vaults to pallets in a set amount. Some places that have pallets might be changed to vaults to maintain this ratio.

Huntress is a killer that wants line of sight. Therefore, the mag rng will have to keep the ratio of loops with good line of sight to loops with bad line of sight in a set amount.

Hillbilly is a killer that wants straight lines on loops. Therefore, the mag rng will have to keep the ratio of loops with straight lines to the loops with more freeform edges in a set amount.

If you change the map rng to be based on the killer, you can make sure that both sides have at least some part of the map that favors them. It also opens a new way to balance killers while not having to mess with killer perks.

Post edited by Rizzo on
