Stop Punishing Start Rewarding

liquidlight Member Posts: 344
edited October 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I put this in General Discussion as well so people could share thoughts on it, but I figured it deserves to be here even more so the devs actually see it 😅.

People are still DCing and still killing themselves on first hook, and I get it with all the cheaters and toxic players out there, but it makes the game far less enjoyable. I know the DC penalty has made an impact in cutting down the number of people that DC but it hasn’t solved the issues that cause people to want to DC in the first place. Sometimes as a survivor you get super selfish teammates who do nothing all game, sabotage you to help themselves (such as running at your 90% gen in hopes the killer will hop onto you), or killers and survivors working together, or killers hardcore camping and tunneling – all of which ruins the experience (I get to some people this is a valid gameplay strategy but it shouldn’t have to be because it does destroy at least one person's fun). I don’t think any of the former is something that can be easily fixed since the Devs have been trying for years. Unfortunately, the more they add to the game the more they have to consider, and it can’t be easy. So…

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: We have a THUMBS UP button for a reason, but it seems to serve no purpose. So why not give it a legit purpose by adding Player Reputation? Make it so every season people start at 0 reputation and gain a point (or # of points) per thumbs up they get from other players. When they get a certain amount of reputation points reward them with bloodpoints (less desirable option imo) and/or (most desirable options follow imo) Iridescent Shards and/or an exclusive reputation cosmetic (a new one each season) or special points/currency that they can save up and later use to buy a Battle Pass. I think this would encourage people to play less toxic, which would also aid in making a more pleasant gaming environment where people don’t want to quit because they want the rewards.

I understand this can be abused in some ways, but I have some possible preventive solutions for that, too:

- Make it so players can only thumbs up once per player in a match.

- Don’t allow people in a party to thumbs up each other (if there’s a way to do this) or somehow give it a time limit (such as 1 per day/week/whatever) so friends who play multiple games together can’t just thumbs up each other after every single one.

- Require a certain amount of match points be earned to get a thumbs up so people can’t just give them to players that didn’t do anything in the match.

- Make Reputation Point farming (when a killer and the 4 survivors all work together to get max match points) an offense that can be reported (or find a way to prevent it).

There might be more but I can’t think of them right now.

You can also add a THUMBS DOWN, too, where people can lose reputation. I understand this could also be abused so I think the best way to avoid abuse would be to make it impossible to thumbs down if someone has earned over a certain amount of match points (since high points means they are actually contributing and playing the game).

I also think reputation should be visible to encourage people to play less toxic and not quit matches so much. If lobby dodging is something people might be worried about then show reputation at the end of the match.

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. In other words, people respond better to positive things (rewards) vs negative things (punishment). But yeah, that’s my suggestion. I personally LOVE the idea of earning reputation exclusive cosmetics or being able to save enough points/currency to buy a battle pass (even if it took a long time).


  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Killers wouldnt get any thumps ot would be only for survs and maybe those survs only add up thumps down just to ######### the other one

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I love the idea of making the Thumbs Up button actually useful, but I don't like where you make farming/being friendly a reportable offense. If everyone is happy with a friendly game, there's no reason to make it reportable/bannable.

    I do have reservations about making a reputation stat that would reward you things if it is publicly visible. I don't see the need for a Thumbs Down button as well, if your point was precisely to reward rather than punish.

  • Arbmos1998
    Arbmos1998 Member Posts: 187

    Having a system like this Killers would just be constantly down voted and you would never ever see a Killer player with mid to high rep. Just look at all the stupid comments Survivors leave on Killer Steam profiles. You would literally have to throw games as Killer to recieve rep from Survivors. I never ever see a Killer get praise.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I like the idea of an endorsement system similar to OW. The only issue is that certain killers wouldn’t get any like nurse or legion even if they played nice due to how the community hates them

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    The idea you present is basically the same as this guy :

    but with very few lines and details.

     But my answer is the same:

     This should be automated and tied to specific in-game actions, to prevent abuse.

  • LunaticLizzie
    LunaticLizzie Member Posts: 29

    I feel like even mid-ish-tier-or-slightly-higher-killers who are just mildly annoying to deal with would also suffer this, like Artist (AKA my main) or Clown (AKA my other main).

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    It is for this reason that I say that this idea must be based automatically according to the actions of the players.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344

    I wouldn't want it to be a reportable offense either, but I can see it being abused and I think that would upset people. If it happened too much it would ruin the games for a lot of people (mostly survivors since its more likely they would experience it the most since killers hold the power there).

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344

    Then don't have down votes. Just up votes. That way points aren't lost.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344

    I don't think suffer is the right word. "Miss out" seems more appropriate. I'm sure there's a way around it with a little brainstorming.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344

    That's not true. I've messaged nurses to tell them how much fun I've had playing against them. I probably still have the messages on my PS4. I would have thumbs up'd them if it would have actually mattered. Personally, for me, Nurse is one of my favorite killers to go against (probably because she's so unique and rare to see) so long as she doesn't decimate the whole group before a single gen is done.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344
    edited October 2022

    Why not? It has no serious effect on anything.

    Edit: I'm all for not having a thumbs down option if that's what you're worried about.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I mean, in the case of being able to boost someone's reputation, I don't think the killer would be in the nicest spot either. A lot of people in this community are bad sports and would not Thumbs Up the killer. I actually think a neat thing could be doubling the individual Thumbs Up reward for killer when a survivor gives it to them despite having been killed/4K.

    I don't think there are enough farming games to warrant a fear of the system being abused from them honestly. I do agree though that you shouldn't be able to Thumbs Up your swf members. That would be abusable so easily, and also it wouldn't feel very rewarding wondering how many people actually thought you were good vs your friend giving you props every match.

    But yeah I really wish they did something with this feature. I use it sometimes but it feels meh when you know the player won't know you appreciated them.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344

    I would be all for killers getting double points for thumbs up since it could be more challenging for them to receive any. They need to do something to make the game less toxic. Punishing players isn't working.

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 498

    If you want to know how this system works -- look at the steams profiles of the players and wholesome comments in them. This is a bad idea. Its not that game for that.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 964

    I remember League of Legends used to have that, and people used that only to "thumbs up" their skilled allies while raging over the chill casual ones. I don't think it works at all.

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    The reputation/rewards system may work automatically if it is based on in-game actions.

    For instance :

    Killer :

    - Hit a survivor.

    - Put a survivor on the ground.

    - Put a survivor on the ground in less than 2 minutes.

    - Hook a survivor.

    - Sacrifice a survivor.

    - Hook the 4 survivors fairly without staying in front of a hook for more than 10 seconds.

    - Hang the 4 survivors fairly, hang them in turn several times.

    Survivor :

    - Heal an ally.

    - Pick up an ally.

    - Take a protection hit for an ally.

    - Repair a generator.

    - Open the exit door.

    - Bless a totem.

    - Purify a totem.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    You're right that punishing players does nothing but exacerbate the resentment between people who only play one side.

    I don't even think the community (at least in game) is quite as toxic as we might think. I've taken to being the "cheerful endgame chat player" and I receive positive reactions very often. A lot of players are silent by anticipation of toxicity, but once you show good spirit they're all for a little banter or niceties. :)

    It's the same with games where I'm severely outplayed, most times the survivors are really good sports about it and don't particularly try to taunt me. They're just better than me and don't rub it in my face. I've been offered solid advice and wishes of luck more times than I've been insulted.

    So the situation is very much salvageable, and more than ready for a positive system like making Thumbs Up matter :D