Proper ranking system needed.

Yeah we need a proper ranking system as let's face it the current ranking system is a complete joke.

change from rank 20-1 to a more gold/silver/bronze type system

Remove swf from ranked. obvious change. would need to have incremental time penalties for leaving lobbies.

Base peoples rank on their WLR and have a hidden MMR to match ppl.

Have a picks and bans system in lobby- basically each survivor picks a killer to ban an the majority vote gets banned for the match and allow killer to ban a perk choice. this would actually give incredibly useful info on which killers and perks need nerfed and also which need buffed.

it would also be nice to have an actual leader board for each killer and one for survivors, based on WLR. and one that shows who's in gold etc.


  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    One can only dream about such stuff. I'd love something like that I have zero hope for that.

  • Tiyr
    Tiyr Member Posts: 52

    4 survivors 4 bans , there go your top killers and what would the killer ban perks?