Will there ever be Multiple Powers for Killers?

I notice that where the killer power description is, is like yknow a slot, where you might pick an item, so in theory right, you could have powers in blood web that completely change everything about the killer's power, I guess that's what add ons are for, but imagine Freddy Kreuger has an alternate power that pulls survivors into a 1 on 1 confrontation in the boiler room once you fall asleep, things that just completely change a killers power, but give everyone the option of using the default power as well
I'd settle for being able to choose between old freddy and new freddy, add ons and all
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well i wouldn't say that, what I'm proposing is a way to completely change the killers power, see old freddy is still very similar to current freddy, this would have to change his alarm clocks, his interaction, mostly everything, just a complete reimagination of a killer, but you can still use the current freddy if you'd like to
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they would never do that, it does not make sense from the financial sense, as a new power can mean new killer = new DLC to sell
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I wish they'd do this too. Freddy's dream pallets for example should be an alt weapon instead of an add-on.
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just like Clown:
Tapping CTRL = Switching Snares/Pallets / switching Bottles
Holding CTRL = Channeling Dream Projection / Reload Bottles
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Old freddy and current freddy are nothing alike?
Outside that survivors can fall asleep but even the way to do it is different
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couldn't they also just sell the power? lol
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i think they thought of this too, but as one could imagine, that's too much power to give one killer...
maybe not who knows I would just have to see it to believe it
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The reason why its in a slot like that is because killer powers are coded like items
There used to be a bug back in the day that allowed all killers to use what ever power they pleased (Al though there was only 6 killers at the time, Hag being the most recent)
Most common combo youd see is Chainsaw Myers
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Blueprints really is a strange, fascinating beast.
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It would be intense to play against or as old Freddy. I'd be down for that option, for sure. it would be cool if they added a way to switch between the two.
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They can't even rework Shelter Woods or Rotten fields to make them interesting or add new variants of existing realms nor reskin Hawkins, yet alone create more powers for 25 killers.
They could add a few small powers to some such as trip wires or grenades for deathslinger or Ghostface being able to fast vault given he's a similar build to Legion and Whiskers.
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Seems a lot of work to make a new power for an existing killer. Like literally designing a new killer. Don't see it happening. If you want to customise your killer's power then that's what add ons are for.
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I think their point was more that you shouldn't have to dedicate addons to dramatic changes in how powers function, especially since you end up with purple/iri addons that change the power in a way that also introduces a downside that is sometimes nearly equal to the bonus. If kept as addons, all "alternate power" addons should honestly be common at the very least (with higher tier ones decreasing any tradeoffs relative to their rarity)
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I get that. They should definitely be more common, but tbf those alternate power add ons do usually give the killer a serious buff.
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it depends. Some of them like snares vs pallets have the pallets kinda be worse at all tiers, just because the tradeoffs outweigh the bonus conceptually. They would certainly need to be normalized between the two versions before it could even be attempted, especially on a lot of killers who only have purple or iri versions of the alternative.
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Case by case i guess. Some of them are too rare.
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"it's too much work" is never a valid argument, but yes it's like designing a new killer, if you think that's a cool idea you agree and that's the end of that
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But i don't think it's a cool idea. I'd rather have a new killer with new backstory and aesthetic etc. Than 2 ways to play the same killer. And add ons kinda already do that.
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but if a killer clearly has 2 ways that they could've been made, then it wouldn't make sense to make an entirely new killer just to mediate those desires right? like ther killer is already here
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Can't really think of any killers like that, people have mentioned freddy's old build in the thread, but I'm pretty sure they reworked him because he was broken.
Even if i did like the idea, it probably would never happen. on a more financial level it just doesn't make sense for BHVR to code in a whole new power, animations and ui to switch between it. When it won't benefit them monetarily. Like it isn't causing people to leave the game.
Like i said add ons can change the way powers work. Sometimes drastically, so it does give gameplay variety. But switching between two completely different powers is unnecessary and would just make the killers inconsistent.
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the u.i. is designed by a single person, the voice of claudette, sarah, again, saying it's too much work will never be a valid argument, I stg stop bringing that up, if bhvr wants it to happen, and the community wants it to happen, it'll happen, stop it.
but the freddy thing has been bugging me, because I gave a perfect example of what I meant, I NEVER SAID BRING BACK OLD FREDDY, that's what everyone else said, and it's been peeving me off ever since, read the OP.
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Not frag grenades lol. Gunpowder exposives or something. He built a speargun, pretty sure he could make something go bang.
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I did read the OP. And the concept just doesn't seem necessary or that interesting. My point was not that it's going to be difficult to implement, more that it won't benefit BHVR at all so they won't bother putting any work into it since there isn't really a demand or need for it. In fact it would be detrimental to BHVR because they would basically be throwing away money they could've earned. They lose a lot of potential sales by taking a power that could be applied to a new killer that attracts new players and buyers, and slapping it on an existing killer.
There's no real need for a killer to have two wildly different mechanics. Like what ones would you suggest? Because as far as I can see most killers are defined by their power, like idk maybe ghostface and myers could have different playstyles because they are pretty basically just normal(ish) human killers or huntress could have a stealth build instead of a ranged one. But most killers are defined by their power, plague vomiting, victor for the twins, doctor inducing madness. Alternate powers just feels like itbwould be an unnecessary bolt on for some killers that wouldnt add much to the game.