Game Stat Spreadsheet I made

This is something I started doing a month or 2 ago, where I started tracking data throughout my games, here's a link to the spreadsheet:
I've since made an updated version of the spreadsheet that I'm using for the current Haunted by Daylight event and will be making a public version for people to use once the event ends
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Rough recent games in the gameplay department I see !
I thought about making a similar spreadsheet, but I'm not really bothered keeping track of all my survivor games, my friend already complains about me taking too much time chatting with the killer or solos. (all good things generally !)
I started doing it for my killer games, but I was learning a new killer at the time and I got embarrassed by my, hm, humble beginning. So I stopped tracking haha ! Might start doing it again at some point.
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I started doing it, after seeing a video of someone tracking 10 games (I think it way Kyto but it was so long ago I can't be certain). I showed it to my friends recently after they got curious and now for the event I made it open so they can edit it too because they wanted to put their own solo games in. I'm not sure why but this sheet has made the game far more enjoyable for me even with the rougher games in there
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Nice, that's a lot of matches. 🙂 I took the liberty of running Deaths by Appearance by killer and map in case you're curious.
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That's awesome!, I did want to put that data in and just hadn't gotten to it yet. I had a 100 game data set before this one which I did this for and it, I'll post the link for that first set here as well.
Far less data but I'm still proud of it
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How do you know if they were SWF? Assumption or did you ask?
Wouldve been interesting if you added time of day and timezone. You probably would've seen some interesting trends.
One more interesting thing to track is offerings. If you see a team of all flans they could either be casuals looking to farm or gen rushers looking to maximize bloodpoints and leave
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The SWF was purely my own, if I was in a SWF at the time or not as these are all games from Survivor perspective. I think adding time of day could be interesting but these were largely same 4 hour period over a few months and offerings are being implemented in the next sheet I'm working on