99% Killer WinRate - Try me
Right? It's amazing how much they are actually hyping this up, lol
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Oh, I can completely understand it being considered negative. Myself, I only see it as negative when it's meant to be personal and harmful. If a fighter is loud mouthed, wins the fight, and then goes over to shake the opponent's hand, or even if they lose and still go to shake their hand, hug them, or whatever. Then I don't see that in a real negative way. I see that more as good sportsmanship with a lot of showmanship/entertainment beforehand. They gotta sell tickets. When people commit to personal insults, or family insults, or when people continue to kick someone while they may be down or out, then that goes beyond bragging or being a good sport and to me I don't feel it should have a place in modern day competition.
In this situation I don't think the OP has done anything bad or hurt anyone. They seem to be more of wanting to prove a point that killers aren't as weak as some people claim. The difference in the example I gave is that those people might claim to be this or that but if challenged, would face the best opponents to prove it. Whereas OP said to challenge him, and yet it doesn't sound like they want a competitive team to challenge them. So, I'm not sure where to even go with that lol.
I guess that's how I want to say it anyway. I honestly don't watch a lot of fights or sports in general lol. But I will throw Ali up because he's from my home state and I've just always been a fan. More so of the way he saw and treated things than watching his fights.
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I won't say too much here because I think I started to ramble above. I didn't mean to make it sound like I meant the other way is universal either. I can completely agree with you. Especially with the greats can be insecure too. I imagine any sport, whatever it be, that most are probably insecure in some way or afraid of what could happen. Even if they've made it to the top, they probably have a lot of confidence from getting there but are probably still insecure on how quickly they can go back down. I'm sure there are some exceptions to that as well. Some people are just mean through and through. Me personally, I'm insecure all the time, just trying to overcome everyday things lol.
I should've also made a point that it's often a case as well of certain people just know how to bring fans to the seats. Which in the case of this post, doesn't really apply unless someone streams it.
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You know nothing.
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You should stream your match. How can we know if you're legit and not using hacks?
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"Looking for friends"
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Woe is you
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Here's the problem here, and with every other person who drops in and makes bold claims that strain credulity:
The only way to prove it at all would be to provide large blocks of contiguous recorded gameplay. Like a lot of it. Screen caps or small stretches of play don't mean anything. And doing that is prohibitive unless your stuff is getting saved online.
So pretty much unless they are a streamer or are willing to record and upload a ton of gameplay, anyone can claim anything and have no ready method to verify or disprove it. And people know that before making those claims.
So this will almost certainly go on the pile of wild unverifiable stuff people said, and in a while we'll see the next one.
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I'm not a streamer
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I believe him.
Because it is not strange that there are actually players who can achieve a 99% kill rate without camping or tunneling.
I am not in the EU so I won't be able to watch it at the time it actually takes place, so I will have to watch the recorded version.
If I may wish, why not take this opportunity to start streaming? I would love to see your point of view. I want to learn from the top killer players playing. Please could you search for some simple instructions on how to use OBS? I really would like to see the top players play.
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Because I'm not entertaining enough to be watched. I can play games good but I'm not very talkative. I enjoy playing the game by myself.
To me not worth the hassle at the moment
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Oh no no, I don't want to see you speak.
I just want to see the top players play. You can mute your microphone if you like.
There is more value in you and your streaming than you think. I am already a fan of yours.
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A fan of me? I didn't do anything yet.
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You have written a sentence.
And now you are going to do it, right? I have high expectations.
I support you. Good luck๐ฅฐ
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Statistically, in a game where the hatch exists let alone the other cacophony of variables present, 99% is an extremely unlikely number. Saying you can get at least 1 kill in 99% of your games is believable because it would be a statement that respects the lack of constants in the game, but saying that 99% of every single person you play against has died is extremely unrealistic. That is well beyond the maximum possible skill variable no matter what your sample size, especially in a game that uses cadences of 25% for all outcome data.
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unga bunga only 4k
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I also agree with the others here. Do some streaming, you can be quiet if you want. Your unfiltered gameplay is what people care about. If you have a 99% kill rate, 10 matches should be enough to give you some backing.
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Itโs weird that people are getting upset at this guys post. I think itโs pretty cool and would love to watch it.
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Not to mention that Otz's kill rate is lower than 99%, I think?
If this person is telling the truth, they are basically better than Otzdarva and several other major DBD content creators, and would be on the same level as some of the legends that show up in Otzdarva's comparison videos. Which... isn't impossible, but they should be prepared to prove this.
Should be easy to demonstrate if they 4k 99% of their games...
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I understand that these numbers are far from feasible...
But... Wouldn't it be possible for a top player?
There are good players and not so good players. I am not a good player.
(Actually not, but just as there are players with a 100% kill rate, there may be players with a 0% kill rate. Then between the two players the kill rate will be 50%. I'm not going to use this to discuss balance here.)
I have complained about killer. Someone said to me. Skills issues.
But it is about to be proven exactly now. The top players teach me the most skills! What else could be so exciting?
I get to see with my own eyes the unrealistic numbers being run. It is exciting.
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If you took the time to read through OP's response posts you would see this is trolling. I would love to see the match too if they would actually do it but conveniently OP has many excuses to not back up the statements made.
This dude made this exact same thread about this same subject/bait a few days ago. Only that one was much more obvious with the trolling and trying to make people angry. Look at other previous posts of theirs in other threads and see the pattern.
They are fairly clever with it though, I'll give em that.
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The numbers presented go well beyond the variable of skill. This isn't a perfectly balanced game like chess, far from it. Every game you load will have a variety of factors skewed in one direction or another, in a game where all outcomes are forced into cadences of 0/1/2/3/4 kills. You then have factors that can have an overwhelming impact on said outcomes which goes well beyond the maximum possible influence of skill, like killing 3 then the hatch literally spawning under the 4ths feet.
There is no possible way to compensate for enough factors to reach an offset of exactly 1% from perfect no matter your sample set, its impossible to have that level of accuracy making it an impossible claim without having a tremendous degree of conditions to force that outcome (i.e: claiming "that match didn't count" and other such arbitrary disqualifiers) as the variables would force a factual outcome to have more than a 1% standard deviation from an otherwise absolutely perfect record. The game is nowhere near balanced enough for that, so it then becomes a flawed claim by default. Simply put, the game does not have enough standardization to make a claim that specific, which means it has to then be either exaggerated or simply fabricated.
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Gotta read their own responses in this thread and in others and be able to read between the lines. People that play DbD a lot know. Follow the clues and discover your answer.
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my man ๐
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I understand that what you are saying is correct.
But he said.
He told that it will now be proven.
(I am asking for streaming because I want to see the moment from the killer's point of view)
We may or may not be about to find out that it is not an exaggeration or a fabrication.
But he said.
I believe him.
Whether I was right in believing or disappointed in being deceived is something I will find out later.
Then I will believe. Wouldn't it be a better dream come true to have a great super killer player who keeps on winning?
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All the top players have 99% win rates. Nothing unbelievable about it. Only for casuals who idolize Otzdarva.
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The person you are replying to is being equally disingenuous in the opposite direction to counteract OP's lack of good faith.
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Yes some got what me was saying
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Facts. It's honestly not that difficult to get very high win rate as killer.
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*sad grunting noises*
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I wish I were, this would be much more amusing. You've wasted enough of my time with this thread. Enter some tournaments, or stream to back up your statements of 99% wins against everyone that plays DbD.
Until you provide some proof people won't believe you. Even if it's true, what's your point here? That killers are OP and should be nerfed since it's too easy for them to win?
There are no prizes in this game for being in the top 1% of pub games. Congrats on being good, pat yourself on the back champ.
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I'm on a 78 game win streak right now with a mid-tier killer. Prior to that, I had 1 tie on one of the most survivor-sided maps, then another 50+ wins on the other side. 99%+ for mid-tier. Drops to 95%ish for trash-tier killers for me, but I've only been playing about 1.5 years. Still a noob. :(
Can't wait to see the results of this tournament coming up.
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bro thinks he's the main character ๐ญ
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Itโs not unheard of. My cousin plays mainly killer and is obsessed with his personal stats etc, puts everything in a spread sheet. Last we talked he was hovering just below 90%. He plays all killers but Blight is his main.
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He doesn't realize he's in one of Shakespeare's works.
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I would but I suck. However it's pretty obvious that he's trolling, he keeps dodging everyone.
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well most of his threads are "killer op" or whatever so maybe he just made this thread to try and get killers nerfed
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I think I've discovered what this guy thinks a win is
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May I ask why Milady knows so well about Neanderthals? I know them mainly because I live right next to the Neandertal (the place where the first bones were discovered) :'D
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Still don't get it. I find it very interesting.
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Nah 1v1 Rust, 360 no-scopes only.
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I am sure you have to play sweaty killers with sweaty builds (and to be honest, that's fine) to get around 99% kill rate. But have you tracked your games and checked that this is accurate? You can get a really rough dice roll and get a couple of games against top tier SWFs on a bad map with very bad pallet RNG.
You and whoever you play really should commit to record and posting the game(s).
Best of luck, I hope you win!
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That's fine if you find it interesting. Myself and others that can actually see what this person is really doing with these posts and with the forums in general are just annoyed by it.
No need to tag me in this thread anymore. It's been going on way longer than it ever should have. Have fun with the reading and enjoy the show.
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Invite henz and his deathsquad. *smile*
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I'm at work what you talking? I said weekend we do it let's go. Where am I dodging???
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You're pushing it off. A true player wouldn't wait until people have forgotten.
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You said everyone was chickens and nobody stepped up, but here I am willing to play, I thought you may have misinterpreted what I was saying so I was reminding you I'm here ready to go
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If you aren't playing nurse then you aren't getting close to 99 percent win rate. There, I beat you.
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You see nothing
Sure. You do the organisation and I show up.