Dream Year 8

R52G Member Posts: 257

Figured it’d be a fun discussion to have about this, but what would y’all’s dream year consist of for every chapter for next year (starting with the next anniversary)?


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    Chucky/Tiffany, FNAF, or Scooby-doo would be my dream dead by daylight chapters.

    I also want them to continue the story of Felix and Elodie, and introduce at least one more character related to them survivor or killer.

    I want another set up killer, currently we have hag and trapper. just don't make it as weak as trapper.

    Make "the teacher" into a killer

    I want a Ship map. Exit gates are life rafts.

    And most of all. I want 1 MAP PER CHAPTER. no excuse since they seem to have given up on realm beyond. or at least a map for every licensed character, i understand if they don't want a Hawkins leaving situation again. but still

    I also want them to update ALL killer models before pinhead. the skin texture on them is garbage. trickster and spirit are mostly fine.

    Nemmy, legion, and twins are the worst offenders. their skin looks like sandpaper and clay

  • LylakLavender
    LylakLavender Member Posts: 339
    edited October 2022

    Jeepers creepers with Derry and Trish being survivors. And again please add a amusement park map to replace the one we lost due to licensing issues. I'm getting tired of Coldwind and Crotus Penn Asylum

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    I want a full year dedicated to game licenses

    I wanna see Bioshock, Dying Light, outlast, and an update to the Left Behind Paragraph to make it a free chapter with a killer

  • MerleDixon
    MerleDixon Member Posts: 159

    Evil dead part two with Kelly and Pablo as survivors?

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    they could do legendary skins. the Ash vs. license holders seem very friendly. but more perks would be nice lol

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030
    edited October 2022

    He would def have a boon and a skin with tattoos all over his body and the necro out of his chest

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092
    edited October 2022

    Nemesis, legion and twins can't be the worst offenders when we have someone like myers who looks like he's both outdated, who's body proportion is unnatural and on top of looking like he's made of clay or freddy with his sweater being miscolored.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Love to see A chapter for clock tower for the anniversary with the mansion and scissorman.

    Springtrap would make an amazing paragraph like mikaela or Ash

    Then I’d have 2 original chapters. One with a banshee killer (An information/setup killer) and one with a pirate killer (Chase based)

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092

    Dreams are meant to be crushed and disappoint, so here's mine.

    1. More focus on 70s, 80s & 90s movie licenses and less on video game licenses.

    2. Pinhead being able to get skins again.

    3. License holders who openly wants their horror IP in dbd or in a video game be given an opportunity to be included in dbd, so franchises like Terrifier, Hack/Slash comic series, Phantasm and Cry of Fear.

    4. Giving every remaining killer custom menu and chase music, giving every remaining and future licensed Survivors and skins custom menu music as well as voice lines.

    5. More legendary skins.

    6. Completing the Realm Beyond.

    7. Bringing more community cosmetics in as well as allowing more countries to participate in the cosmetic contests.

    8. DBD doing like Resident Evil and be featured in many other games in guest appearances.

    9. More tome stories for characters with alot of story left to explore like hag and the remaining legion members.

    10. Dead by Daylight official comic series.

    11. DBD expanding it's brand by branching out into different game genres.

    12. Charms being added to the store

    13. All event tomes becomes permanently available along with it's tome story entries.

    14. New Line cinema stops being difficult and comes to an agreement with the Craven Estate to bring OG Freddy to DBD.

    15. BHVR overtime adding more and more of dbd's oldest chapters to be part of the base game.

    16. Killer powers becoming visually customizable.

    17. Niche IPs getting just as much of a chance to join DBD as bigger IPs are.

    18. DBD one day becoming a household name in gaming.

  • Carmina_is_cute
    Carmina_is_cute Member Posts: 94

    Since everyone is giving their outlandish idea, I'll give mine as well.

    I really want to see a Dark Souls licensed chapter. I want Artorias as a killer, with special skins that turn him into Gael or an Abyss Watchers. The survivor could be one of the fire keepers I guess. The map could be any location from the series, maybe Oolacile, Anor Londo or even Ringed city.

  • Tsukah
    Tsukah Member Posts: 390

    Here's mine:

    Lara Croft (Shadow of the Tomb Raider) as a survivor

    Paragraph chapter