Collect 6 void energy by stunning the killer
Is anyone else having issues with this challenge? I've been stunning killers over the course of a couple of matches whilst making sure that my void energy bar is not full, and I'm not getting any points.
At this point, I'm probably at the bottom of the MMR trying get points for this challenge, chasing the killer around, so they start chasing me, I can't do gens and I get no points, regardless. What gives?
If you are full on Void Energy or deposuted all of it it wont count cause you didn't "gain any". So to do this challenge best bet is to just ignore the objective. BHVR's brains have done it again!
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Pretty sure the killer has to have void energy to steal and since the only way for killers to get void energy is by kicking pumpkins, downing a survivor, and hooking a survivor. You basically have to wait for them to catch someone first and then try to stun them before they can secure that energy.
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That's exactly what I've been doing, avoiding gens and trying to get the killer to chase me so I can get this challenge over with and I get no points even when my bar is fully empty
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I think the stuns to killer are inconsistent when it comes to getting void energy. I rarely get any void energy when I stun a killer. I even just had a match where I stunned the killer with a pallet and got nothing. I'm not on the challenge yet but I'm not looking forward to it.
When I played killer I would hear the void energy sound like every time I downed a survivor even when I was full so I think there's some bug or something when it comes to survivor stuns getting void energy.
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Killer also has to have void energy for you to steal. So basically, you have to wait for someone to get hooked (most secure way for the Killer to get points), hope they dont deposit at a rift, THAN stun them without having a full bat of points yourself.
Best case scenario, this has to happen TWICE.
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It's not working and im now 100% sure its bugged or I'm bugged. I even started bringing windows of opportunity to make sure im purposefully running only to places with undropped pallets.
All killers I've been stunning should have points, I even let myself get tunneled. Its kind of frustrating, I can't progress in the tome because of this.
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They probably deposited their points before the stun.
The freddy in the clip probably had his void meter full.
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All of the challenge for survivor this times is very difficult, the killer is just "hook or kill survivor"
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Hmm... And, what if you do a gen, just to have 3 or 6 void point, and going for the loop with a killer, waiting that he slap you near a pallet, and op, immediatly, the pallet in the face of the killer
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So I managed to do it (yay!) with Head On, DS, Quick and Quiet, and Blastmine (although didn't have chance for Blastmine). Killer saw me at start of match, I got in one Head On stun but no void energy. After first hook I missed my first DS attempt (bummer) buuut after second hook I got in a Head On followed by DS and got the void energy I needed. So basically I needed to be downed/hooked for killer to get void energy and then I needed to be tunneled out which lucky me that's the killer I got.
I do think they should either adjust the challenge to be stuns only OR adjust the mechanic to always award void energy from stuns because right now you need the right variables to go your way in order to get your void energy.
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Nope, I've done it all. I've slapped pallets when I had already secured myself 15 points, after a gen, running after the killer after they hooked someone. I even spied on a clown and waiting for him to kick a pumpkin
Absolute desperation
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WAIT WAIT WAIT you're saying DS can give me void energy??? Head on??
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Yeah, it's "stun by any means" which includes with perks.
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Don't secure your void point, just wait on a pallet when he slap you
With that, 3 void point go to him, but when you slam the pallet immediatly on his face, your 3 void point go for you
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So, technically, flashbang and bomb gen also?
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Flashbang no, since that only blinds
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Flashbang isn't a stun
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Good luck, hope you get it done.
Blastmine yes, Flashbang no. Blastmine does stun and blind but Flashbang only does blind.
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This might be the most egregious challenge when it comes to making survivors throw the game to get a challenge. Sure you could get it by accident, but it's much easier if you never touch a gen, hide, and wait for the killer to down someone.
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Its a throw your MMR out the window type of challenge and it only gives 3 rift points
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This is actually how I planned to do it. Cudos :) With this build I also did one of the "stun the killer 4 times in a single trial" challenge. The Wraith got really tilted by all the stuns and camped me, nut I didn't care :)
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Head on always helps with stunning killers (if they are kinda bad), always did. stunning them normally with pallets is hard because they wont allow it unless they have enduring.
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Killer in my match definitely was not pleased with me, shook no at me when I was on the ground before death hook. I went in figuring it was going to be a short match, I'm just glad I managed to do it my first try because most times I stun a killer in regular match I get 0 void energy.
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All stuns count towards the challenge, DS, Blast Mine, Power Struggle, Head On, etc all steal Void Energy, so I would recommend bringing a stun build.
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The thing is that this time the killers have it a bit easier. Besides pumpkins the void energy chain begins with survivors on a gen, they are the ones who mine the precious energy for everyone to use in the first place. Killers get 97% of their void energy by ripping it out if the bloodied grasp of freshly downed survivors, so for the survivors to bonk it out or a killers head with a palette/flashlight/mine/head-on, said killer must have first gorged themselves.
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hmmm, I'm about to start the second tome line and felt dread when I saw this challenge. If using PS, do you think it'd be better to drop either DS or Head On for Flip Flop? Just curious.
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Power Struggle + Flip Flop is too gimmicky unless youre SWF.
I would recommended Blast Mine, Head On, Vigil or Parental Guidance (to make Head On better), and DS.
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no swf. Thanks for the rec!
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Is the same as for killer, when you down a survivor, if the survivor has 0 void points, you cannot steal from him any points, you need to stunt the killer after he hooks someone and before he deposits it in the rift.
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You actually need to stun them 6 times. Bhvr and their descriptions 😑
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No you dont. You need to actually gain the rift this way. Meaning the killer needs to have unsecured rift when you stun them. You should be able to tell this after the stun because there is an animation of the rift leaving the killers body and get going to you. I got 3 points with a head on play and 3 points with a pallet. You can also get the points if you wiggle out. I am including a clip of a game to show the animation.
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Wasn't the case for me. I always had only 1 point for each stun
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You must have gotten insanely unlucky with the killer only having one spare point from kicking a treat pumpkin. Sadge.
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Definitely wasn't the case. I played a game vs dredge and stunned him with head on seconds later he interacted with a rift. That was the only stun I got and I got 1 point after that game. So if it was counting stolen energy I should not have gotten anything that game
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I'm having the same issue. This has to be the worse task to do. They made this event so difficult for survivors.
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I did it easily with blast mine.
Thanks @OrangeBear for the advice.
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This is a very annoying challenge. It's so random whether the killer has any void energy to give to you or if they're already at a point in the trial where they can't collect any more. And given that trying to pallet stun about half the roster is a bad idea, it almost mandates perks like Head On and Blast Mine. Not a fan.
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There's more than just that, you can't be caught first otherwise the killer most likely won't have void energy (unless they smashed a pumpkin) and the killer can't have deposited their energy. There's way too many factors to this challenge that can make it go wrong.
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Now I'm getting confused. 3 different people are saying what you need to do and that's confusing. So you do need the energy from the killer or you don't? Some are saying they get it when they don't have the energy. Either way BHVR rushed this event. Some of these challenges are hard.
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Yes I know some will say it was a cake walk for them but it's not as easy for some of us.
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So the killer has to have void energy in order to steal any from stuns.
You also need to not be carrying the max of 15 void energy or have already gotten 30 void energy in order for it count as stealing.
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I use Blastmine for every stun challenge. Otherwise i get frustrated
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I have been using blast mine and flashbang. The killers I have gone up against aren't falling for any of it. Every match I have been in the killers not destroying gens.
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Oh, wow, really? I thought you would still gain points in the background it just would not visually show up. That is pretty annoying. I am just going through the killer track on this one. I ain't touching that challenge.
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I went through a game where I was capped, stun the killer twice and got rewarded with more void energy, gave 0 credit.
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Can you get the Kate stuff by playing through the killer tree?
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Yes, fortunately. All the important nodes crossover with an either role challenge, if I recall correctly. The only exception is that you have to play one survivor game to finish 2 generators.
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Oh I did that one. It's the stun one I'm stuck on.