Why killers queues taking so long?

Even at night, when its supposed to be fast its still pretty slow. And I know for a fact theres a fkton of survivors playing this game so why take so long to find a game?
Perhaps more people are playing killer. At night usually there's an equal amount of killers and survivors (not constantly, but according to matchmaking insensitives it is). But most of the time there are more killers and less survivors, meaning you have a long queue time. And since killers are only one person, the have longer queue times in general (unlike survivors, which have low queue times since in each lobby can be 4 of them. Also there aren't as many people playing survivors).
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Because there are more Killers than Survivors, simple as, even if there is a ton of Survivors they may be not enough to fill all Killer lobbies.
An easy way to confirm this is if you have a long queue with any role switch to the other and check if it finds you a game in a matter of seconds, thats a dead giveaway on what role lacks people, even when incentives suggest otherwise (sometimes they bug and still give them to roles with queues).
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There are not more killers than survivors. But there are more killers than needed for the amount of survivors playing.
I'd wager the 4:1 ratio is definitely closer to 3 : 2 at the moment, and that's why killers have longer queue times.
But from experience this past weekend and Tuesday evening, despite a +100% on survivor, my queues did not exceed 1min30, which is fine by me.
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Are you surprised? People don't like playing video games to be on the side that loses more often than wins. Survivor mains are tired of not being able to play in a fair contest because of BHVR's handicaps to make it easier for Killers to win.
Until Survivors get actual useful buffs, better perks, better matchmaking, and QoL changes you can expect this to be the norm.
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Soloq is a meme, so unless you have friends to play with at that time, it gets boring pretty quickly (hard tunnel at 5 gens,hard camping, useless team mates...) and you close the game and go play something else 🤷♂️
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I play on EU West (but I am EU EAST honestly) and can confirm this as a survivor. I don't think I've ever seen survivor incentives anything but 100% from morning to midday (in fact until around 8pm give or take). I joined two months ago.
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I started playing solo q until a teammate DC at 5 gens
Then I killed myself on the hook and moved to killer (I have a lot of killer challenges in the new tome page anyways)
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For me, it is usually easier to find killer matches in the evening. However, it is currently disrupting the flow of my Nemesis games where I write "Hello, we are about to launch an all-out attack on your houze. Sincerely, the Zombies" in the beginning-game chat.
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I always played both sides, but survivor right now is about as fun as getting kicked in the ⚽️⚽️ 90% of the time, with my escape rate being around 10% or 15%, so lately I've been playing killer a bit more often than before.
I mean, sure, I get a bit scared and anxious thinking that I'll be facing an entire team of people by myself, but even in my worst matches I'm getting x3 times the BP I get from a bad survivor match and my kill rate isn't that bad with the exception of the couple 0k every once in a while, so might as well.
Plus, I get to skip lobbies with prestige 10000000 survivors or premades, a luxury I don't have while I play survivor.
So yeah, I'm playing killer more often nowadays, especially when I get too frustrated playing survivor and just want to win a couple of matches.
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I guess a lot of people have either forgotten or never experienced how utterly miserable killer felt pre-big patch.
I distinctively remembered a lot of games were I just died and died inside, as I got looped around the same structure for ages while the survivors greeded the "scarce" resource that is the palette for as possible and when you finally got to them, they still had DH and could drag it on for another 40s. And if you broke chase with that one, the next survivor was just the same.
During the hight of survivors might, when DH reigned supreme, some matches would end with 2 or 3 hooks and sometimes I wouldn't even defend he hook during EGC, because why bother? Three survivors with two second chance perks each would just swarm it and escort their mate to safety.
Really, something needed to be done about the state of Killers,and a lot of the changes felt very liberating.
But now we got the problem that sadly a lot of killers didn't got the memo that things had changed and they tunnel and camp and 4 gen regression perk their way to 4k after 4k. As always, egos will always get in the way of a nice thing, doubly so in competitive online gaming.
To influence behaviour you got the carrot and the cane, and while most peeps angrily ask for a biggerans badder cane to be smacked down, I believe that the way to go would be to give killers more incentives to hook different survivors.
Most peeps don't realise how a well designed and healthy perk old BBQ was. Yes, you had to face it basically every game, because nearly everyone had it equipped for the BP. Many killers didn't care about killing and made it their objective to get all 4 stacks of BBQ, ie hook every survivor once. And while they did that they saw the aura of some survivor and said "that one ain't too far away. Why not, let's give this a try" and left the hook. BBQ was really healthy, but it really limited perk loadouts, because there was basically no way around it.
So, how about giving killers two things as new basekit: 1) a new +5000bp score event "everyone hooked" or "Entity got a taste" or whatever when you hook everyone once. Maybe even a second one if you hook everyone twice without killing someone off (in that case 2k for the first, 3k for the second event).
2) a mini BBQ. After hooking a survivor, show the killer the aura of the most far away survivor (with some minimum radius) and give them a sizable speed boost to move over there as long as they move in the general direction and aren't in any chase. Especially the M1 killers without map mobility are prone to camping, because they have no option and might feel overwhelmed.
I would so love to see a BTB with this two options and see how it affected gameplay.
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Weirdest thing happened last night. I queued up as killer and my friend queued up with his other friend on survivor at the exact same time. First time we did it, we both had fast queues. Second time we did it we both had a few minute long queue.
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event is easier to do as killer
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I have no clue, but can we please buff survivor and/or nerf killer so that it stops? I just want to find a game in a timely manner.
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i use solo q to farm steam challenges that are selfish and aswell with rift challenges. is very good for that.
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It is a big change from this time last year where nobody wanted to play killer and survivor queues were insanely long.
I want to get some challenges done but the queues for killer are so bad I can't be bothered, plus matchmaking incentives only seem to be on for survivor lately so I go with that. I personally am happy that the game is more balanced than it was before, as it was far too survivor sided and playing killer was miserable.
What is ruining survivor is the annoyingly high number of killers who resort to tunnelling and camping even at 5 gens. It is making playing solo survivor increasingly frustrating and I see why people either SWF or just play killer. Hopefully they can make more changes in the future to even more heavily discourage these unfun tactics as they really are killing the fun