Killer Idea - The Siren

Sigmalx Member Posts: 39
edited June 2018 in Creations

Killer info

  • name: Irena Ludos
  • gender: Female
  • ethnicity: European
  • realm:
  • power: Siren's Song
  • weapon: Coral Blade
  • speed: 110%
  • terror radius: 32 M
  • heart beat range: 8/12 M

Killer ability: Siren's Song
- effect: Survivors in your terror radius hear your song, begin to slowly lose their will to resist. Applies "Hypnosis" on survivors that slowly reduces action speed (healing, repairs, sabotage, and vaulting), and movement speed. Hypnosis is gained so long as you remain in the song's reach, it is gained like "Madness", after 45 seconds within the radius you gain Hypnosis 1. Hypnosis 1 reduces movement speed by 15%, and action speed by 25%. After another 45 seconds, you enter Hypnosis 2, which reduces survivors movement speed by another 15%, and action speed by 25%. Singing stops while in the chase, however the survivor being chased can still hear it, and take up the effects. You can "snap out of hypnosis" by yourself while under the effect of Hypnosis 2, however to escape Hypnosis 1 a survivor who isn't affected must make a "snap out of it" on you, if everyone is under hypnosis 1, nobody can leave this state.

Personal Perks

  • Call-Out:
  • Survivors within your terror radius have a 25/50/75% chance to reveal themselves on a good skill check


  • Kicking a generator regresses it by 5/10/15%, and on the failed, or good skill checks generator regresses by 10/20/30%, great skill checks do nothing. Kicking pallets weakens them instead of destroying them, survivors who vault the weakened pallets breaks them, and takes one state of damage.

-Hex: Glimmer

  • Gain an obsession, obsessions are visible 24/36/48 meters away from the killer, however the obsession can also see the killer within 12/24/36 meters. Killing your obsession grants permanent haste, destroying the totem removes this effect.

"The mythical siren is a tale as old as sailing, beautiful women in the waves calling for the crew to join them. All men who obliged met the truth in a watery grave. She may not be a true siren, or what we're told in history class is completely wrong. No matter what, don't listen to her singing if you want to live, she wants you to come to her, as does the fog."

"Irena was the wife of a Greek noble who's name has been lost to time, she was young, and naïve for marrying a man who cared little for her. Over the years of her marriage she became desperate to bear a child with her neglectful husband who spent his time away on trade, and other excursions. She pleaded to him for it, year after year until she was starting to grey, and waning on fertility. With one more chance she begged for her husband to consummate, but denied one again she took to the temple, and begged. The next night a man came to her in the dark, and offered her a gift. Eat his heart, and bear his child.
"The offer was absurd, but her desperation reached its limit, and how could her dream ever be dashed now? She accepted as she was handed a silvered dagger, and told to strike. In a blinding rush she struck him down, and began carving out his heart, determined to get what she wanted, and failed to get for so long to get. The warmth of the beating heart glowed in her palm as she stared in it with worry, and doubt however the temptation grew too much as she began to consume it. The man's body vanished into a swarm of ravens as she finished consuming the heart, a smile on her face she ran back to her home to clean off the blood she had tracked.
"Months later she bore a daughter, and her hunger grew soon after. A month after her daughter's birth, she consumed another heart, she was blessed. Consumption of a life gave back in a child, a curse? No a gift, the shadowy man gave her a gift, and she needed to consume. Years went by, several children were born, several men died. However, the hunger couldn't be satisfied, and in a moment of desperation she struck her husband down. Before she could finish consuming his heart, one of the servants walked in, and started screaming in terror. Within moments the guards had entered, quickly grabbing, and restraining her. Dragging her out of the palace, and towards the docks, she cried, and screamed for her children but the roar of the ocean deafened her cries. The crimson soaked blade was torn from her hands, and shoved into her chest, and then thrown into the waves.
"This was not the end, her dark hunger had grown to strong for death to take her, and then something strange dragged her from the murky depths. A shadow, whispering for her to use her voice to lure humans to her dinner table. She sang, and drew all the men of the water to her, with one thing on her mind, their hearts. Years went by as crews disappeared throughout the sea, eventually something new called back to her song, and offered a new sea to hunt. She smiled, and swam to this new sea, standing on a new land shrouded in a blackened fog."

Alternative Perks:
-Blood in the Water

  • Injuring survivors cause exhaustion after 15/10/5 seconds, and lasts for 10/20/30 seconds, injured survivors outside of 36/24/12 meters are visible periodically

  • Echoing Waves

  • Terror radius is increased by 15/30/50%, and increases chance to cause skill checks


  • improved heart beat, reduced effect
  • increased effect, reduced heart beat
  • specialty effects on hypnosis
  • rare addon to make hypnosis more potent but can only go up one tier
  • iridescent addon for fun
  • misc.

I would be interested in everyone who got this far's critique of this killer concept. I've put a fair amount in time, talking around with a variety of my friends who main either killer or survivor. I've gotten some response there than she could be over powered, but also that she could fix the problems this game has. I dont know, I want to hear what the community thinks. Thanks for reading.

-6/29/2018: added addon roughout, still need to finish. renamed weapon.

Post edited by Sigmalx on


  • xywwak
    xywwak Member Posts: 16

    Definetly interesting idea of killer, maybe some number tweaking and some way of hypnosis remove (like Wake up action in case of Freedy), but if this killer makes it in-game I am definetly buying him.

  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    @xywwak said:
    Definetly interesting idea of killer, maybe some number tweaking and some way of hypnosis remove (like Wake up action in case of Freedy), but if this killer makes it in-game I am definetly buying him.

    I just realized, after an 8 hour writing session... I completely forgot to add in "snap out of it"

  • NightRaider315
    NightRaider315 Member Posts: 27

    I think this is a good idea for a killer although I agree that the decreased movement speed and some of the other numbers should be lowered. They are just too big of a debuff, but other then that it's a good idea for a killer.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Sounds fun. Just no Dagger for a weapon. Something larger like a trident would be sick!

    On a personal note growing up on the water I always loved Siren stories.

  • deadbydaylightfan
    deadbydaylightfan Member Posts: 262
    Hey I can draw a rough sketch of her if you’d like but quick question does she have a mermaid tail or is she just like one of javey Jones crew from pirates of the Caribbean where she has like coral and star fish merged to her?
  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119
    edited June 2018

    Something that allows her to chase survivors on solid ground.

    Although, a water map would be killer.

    *Edit: A half-sunken pirate ship!

  • TheChanelOberlin
    TheChanelOberlin Member Posts: 80
    Hex Glimmer feels too op, it reduces regression by 15% followed by an immediate 30% extra if they fail a skill check? Pop Goes the Weaseal already fills the first half of this, I do like the pallet idea, maybe you could also make it so that during a chase Survivors have a 20/40/60% chance of seeing windows that aren’t there. 
    Malala glimmer just seems like Object of Obsession with a haste bonus applied, maybe change it to you can always sense your obsession and those within a certain radius of them but they can’t sense you, hitting your obsession gives a 0.5/1/1.5% speed bonus up to a maximum of 3/4/5 stacks until the totem is destroyed.
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    @deadbydaylightfan said:
    Hey I can draw a rough sketch of her if you’d like but quick question does she have a mermaid tail or is she just like one of javey Jones crew from pirates of the Caribbean where she has like coral and star fish merged to her?

    in a rough idea, she would be a glowing wisp that drags tattered robes with grown-over by barnacles and sea life.

  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    Okay, so the rough consensus is that the slowdown on "Siren's Song" is kind of strong, however the action speed reduction is...

  • deadbydaylightfan
    deadbydaylightfan Member Posts: 262
    Sigmalx said:

    @deadbydaylightfan said:
    Hey I can draw a rough sketch of her if you’d like but quick question does she have a mermaid tail or is she just like one of javey Jones crew from pirates of the Caribbean where she has like coral and star fish merged to her?

    in a rough idea, she would be a glowing wisp that drags tattered robes with grown-over by barnacles and sea life.

    Well I can add that but I started drawing as soon as I read this tell me what you think?
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    @deadbydaylightfan said:
    Like this?

    not sure about the left arm, but otherwise looks good.

  • deadbydaylightfan
    deadbydaylightfan Member Posts: 262
    Sigmalx said:

    @deadbydaylightfan said:
    Like this?

    not sure about the left arm, but otherwise looks good.

    I thought since the clown has something like a dagger her arm could be a shard barnacal/ coral crustacean and was also her weapon and it could tie in with her cutting open the chest to remove the heart one arm to pick up the survivor one to hit them
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    well, currently the dagger weapons in DBD are the Kitchen Knife on Myers, and Madame Butterfly (a giant butterfly knife) on the Clown, If I had to give her anything, i'd be something like this. A Greek carving knife she could gently balance around before striking.

  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    alternatively, could give her a sword made from coral. Addons being worked on

  • Twix
    Twix Member Posts: 235

    Sigh, the new "your comment will appear after it's approved" is such a pain, still waiting for a mod to "approve" my suggestions...

  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    @Twix said:
    Sigh, the new "your comment will appear after it's approved" is such a pain, still waiting for a mod to "approve" my suggestions...

    hmm, that's strange

  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    small update. still working on addons

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    I fully support a Siren killer and hope we get something like this in the future! Love the idea of barnacles/sea life and dragging herself around (because she wouldn't have legs).

  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    @Coriander said:
    I fully support a Siren killer and hope we get something like this in the future! Love the idea of barnacles/sea life and dragging herself around (because she wouldn't have legs).

    fairly certain she'd have legs, but I get the idea

  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    I've got a fair amount of add-ons written. doing some tweaking before showing them

  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    its been a while, nothing new on the addons, been busy with work and life and stuff... the rough idea so far is that she'll have: Blade sharpeners for mangled at rare and very rare tier, Hearts at all tiers that change how her song plays, an iridescent instrument that will change how the song works and her terror radius, shells to change the distance/strength of power/terror radius, and finally mist ingredients that do variety of status effects... I haven't finished what each of these items do and at what tier, but this is the ROUGH idea of what can be used with her.

  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    So! back from the dead. I haven't worked on those add-ons mainly due to school and girlfriend eating up my life. Since the Spirit just came out... and I'm completely on the fence whether she is good or not, i'm going to try spending some time around with her before I continue work on the Siren. sorry everyone

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    Sigmalx said:

    Killer info

    • name: Irena Ludos
    • gender: Female
    • ethnicity: European
    • realm:
    • power: Siren's Song
    • weapon: Coral Blade
    • speed: 110%
    • terror radius: 32 M
    • heart beat range: 8/12 M

    Killer ability: Siren's Song
    - effect: Survivors in your terror radius hear your song, begin to slowly lose their will to resist. Applies "Hypnosis" on survivors that slowly reduces action speed (healing, repairs, sabotage, and vaulting), and movement speed. Hypnosis is gained so long as you remain in the song's reach, it is gained like "Madness", after 45 seconds within the radius you gain Hypnosis 1. Hypnosis 1 reduces movement speed by 15%, and action speed by 25%. After another 45 seconds, you enter Hypnosis 2, which reduces survivors movement speed by another 15%, and action speed by 25%. Singing stops while in the chase, however the survivor being chased can still hear it, and take up the effects. You can "snap out of hypnosis" by yourself while under the effect of Hypnosis 2, however to escape Hypnosis 1 a survivor who isn't affected must make a "snap out of it" on you, if everyone is under hypnosis 1, nobody can leave this state.

    Personal Perks

    • Call-Out:
    • Survivors within your terror radius have a 25/50/75% chance to reveal themselves on a good skill check

    - Kicking a generator regresses it by 5/10/15%, and on the failed, or good skill checks generator regresses by 10/20/30%, great skill checks do nothing. Kicking pallets weakens them instead of destroying them, survivors who vault the weakened pallets breaks them, and takes one state of damage.

    -Hex: Glimmer
    - Gain an obsession, obsessions are visible 24/36/48 meters away from the killer, however the obsession can also see the killer within 12/24/36 meters. Killing your obsession grants permanent haste, destroying the totem removes this effect.

    "The mythical siren is a tale as old as sailing, beautiful women in the waves calling for the crew to join them. All men who obliged met the truth in a watery grave. She may not be a true siren, or what we're told in history class is completely wrong. No matter what, don't listen to her singing if you want to live, she wants you to come to her, as does the fog."

    "Irena was the wife of a Greek noble who's name has been lost to time, she was young, and naïve for marrying a man who cared little for her. Over the years of her marriage she became desperate to bear a child with her neglectful husband who spent his time away on trade, and other excursions. She pleaded to him for it, year after year until she was starting to grey, and waning on fertility. With one more chance she begged for her husband to consummate, but denied one again she took to the temple, and begged. The next night a man came to her in the dark, and offered her a gift. Eat his heart, and bear his child.
    "The offer was absurd, but her desperation reached its limit, and how could her dream ever be dashed now? She accepted as she was handed a silvered dagger, and told to strike. In a blinding rush she struck him down, and began carving out his heart, determined to get what she wanted, and failed to get for so long to get. The warmth of the beating heart glowed in her palm as she stared in it with worry, and doubt however the temptation grew too much as she began to consume it. The man's body vanished into a swarm of ravens as she finished consuming the heart, a smile on her face she ran back to her home to clean off the blood she had tracked.
    "Months later she bore a daughter, and her hunger grew soon after. A month after her daughter's birth, she consumed another heart, she was blessed. Consumption of a life gave back in a child, a curse? No a gift, the shadowy man gave her a gift, and she needed to consume. Years went by, several children were born, several men died. However, the hunger couldn't be satisfied, and in a moment of desperation she struck her husband down. Before she could finish consuming his heart, one of the servants walked in, and started screaming in terror. Within moments the guards had entered, quickly grabbing, and restraining her. Dragging her out of the palace, and towards the docks, she cried, and screamed for her children but the roar of the ocean deafened her cries. The crimson soaked blade was torn from her hands, and shoved into her chest, and then thrown into the waves.
    "This was not the end, her dark hunger had grown to strong for death to take her, and then something strange dragged her from the murky depths. A shadow, whispering for her to use her voice to lure humans to her dinner table. She sang, and drew all the men of the water to her, with one thing on her mind, their hearts. Years went by as crews disappeared throughout the sea, eventually something new called back to her song, and offered a new sea to hunt. She smiled, and swam to this new sea, standing on a new land shrouded in a blackened fog."

    Alternative Perks:
    -Blood in the Water
    - Injuring survivors cause exhaustion after 15/10/5 seconds, and lasts for 10/20/30 seconds, injured survivors outside of 36/24/12 meters are visible periodically

    • Echoing Waves
    • Terror radius is increased by 15/30/50%, and increases chance to cause skill checks


    • improved heart beat, reduced effect
    • increased effect, reduced heart beat
    • specialty effects on hypnosis
    • rare addon to make hypnosis more potent but can only go up one tier
    • iridescent addon for fun
    • misc.

    I would be interested in everyone who got this far's critique of this killer concept. I've put a fair amount in time, talking around with a variety of my friends who main either killer or survivor. I've gotten some response there than she could be over powered, but also that she could fix the problems this game has. I dont know, I want to hear what the community thinks. Thanks for reading.

    -6/29/2018: added addon roughout, still need to finish. renamed weapon.

    I fooking LOVE THIS IDEA! Please and Thank You Devs! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😍
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Sigmalx said:


    Not a bad idea, she's kinda OP but it's hard to tell since if a survivor is in tier 2... a survivor's running speed is 70% and she will be going 110%! However if a survivor is in tier 2, I guess they are doing something wrong lol.
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    @Nickenzie said:
    Sigmalx said:


    Not a bad idea, she's kinda OP but it's hard to tell since if a survivor is in tier 2... a survivor's running speed is 70% and she will be going 110%! However if a survivor is in tier 2, I guess they are doing something wrong lol.

    I may reduce the speed reduction a little, giving survivors a little more of a chance... just ever so.

  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    anyway update to be done: replace weapon, and tweak around the killer effect.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Sigmalx said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    Sigmalx said:


    Not a bad idea, she's kinda OP but it's hard to tell since if a survivor is in tier 2... a survivor's running speed is 70% and she will be going 110%! However if a survivor is in tier 2, I guess they are doing something wrong lol.

    I may reduce the speed reduction a little, giving survivors a little more of a chance... just ever so.

    I don't think you need to decrease the speed, it just looks OP on paper. However during a game, it could look completely different and could be underpowered! :) 

    BTW great and we'll thought out killer design!
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39
    Nickenzie said:
    Sigmalx said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    Sigmalx said:


    Not a bad idea, she's kinda OP but it's hard to tell since if a survivor is in tier 2... a survivor's running speed is 70% and she will be going 110%! However if a survivor is in tier 2, I guess they are doing something wrong lol.

    I may reduce the speed reduction a little, giving survivors a little more of a chance... just ever so.

    I don't think you need to decrease the speed, it just looks OP on paper. However during a game, it could look completely different and could be underpowered! :) 

    BTW great and we'll thought out killer design!
    Thanks for the support.  Though I just realized after several months a big Derp moment in the 2nd perk.  I’m going to correct it’s effect later when I can sit down on my computer.  What it says supposed to do is break the pallets, she walks through or leaves it for a bit then it remakes itself and becomes a trap
  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    @Not_Queen !!!!
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Love the siren but if its ok going with the drawing made I thought of a Mori for her that fits purrfectly to her story she craves out there heart with the blade and while the survivor is alive eats the heart as the smile in death if its a male survivor a female one gets impaled from behind with a look of horror at her heart before she dies
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    @redsopine1 said:
    Love the siren but if its ok going with the drawing made I thought of a Mori for her that fits purrfectly to her story she craves out there heart with the blade and while the survivor is alive eats the heart as the smile in death if its a male survivor a female one gets impaled from behind with a look of horror at her heart before she dies


  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Sigmalx said:

    @redsopine1 said:
    Love the siren but if its ok going with the drawing made I thought of a Mori for her that fits purrfectly to her story she craves out there heart with the blade and while the survivor is alive eats the heart as the smile in death if its a male survivor a female one gets impaled from behind with a look of horror at her heart before she dies


    Thanks man just came to me we need more Mori variety's I mean Michael Myers can Mori with a addon then play to his strength if he catches you at anytime working on a gen or in a closet with tombstone and ge has not gone to tier two yet let him rank to tier 2 from a Mori like slitting there throats from behind of impaling in the locker leaving the body in it to pool blood (would be a great mind game person comes running see that and thinks * distraction and easy escape opens to a dead body stunned in fear and killed for it)
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39
    Alright with the changes to the spirit already on then horizon (Oof), I think I’m ready to go back in and do the updates this weekndd
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39
    edited October 2018

    I just realized i never gave her a chapter title... Guess it would be The Blood Tide or the Call Chapter (life has gotten in the way again, and by this point i've already got another killer idea in the works called the Sand Demon...)

  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39
    In these months and doing the sand demon killer (check Black Sun chapter concept), I think I know how to make the add ons work
  • FoggyDownpour
    FoggyDownpour Member Posts: 288
    This is brilliant!! I love what I'm seeing and almost everything feels pretty viable. Nicely done!
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    with the release of The Plague, I sort of do have an idea for The Siren's add ons. and changes to her perks. may as well necro-post on this and spend free time tomorrow rewriting it all.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238
    edited March 2019

    Good idea and concept, but the killer lacks an active part on the ability. Just m1 and a passive effect arent fun to play.

    You could repost you concept instead of necroing it lol

  • TMoser
    TMoser Member Posts: 17

    I like this it's very cool and interesting ,but I mentioned in a few posts DBD needs more sexy curvy vixens be it killer or survivor so I'd be onboard if she was infact as most myths suggest beautiful and hypnotic as her song, just sayin :P

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,710

    Overall, I really like this killer idea. A perk that combines both hex totems and obsessions sounds really interesting to me. I do agree with the people who say the hypnosis could use some number tweaking though.