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Nurse HAS counterplay, learn it



  • Member Posts: 871

    At worst, if you are so good with the nurse, go to the top of MMR, and then there you are, you will face survivors who can check you out.

  • Member Posts: 871

    "Thanks for the tips everyone already knows."

    So there, thank you for making my night again, I must admit that I have rarely seen someone say something that puts him so much at fault 😁

    It is EVIDENT that EVERYONE knows these tactics 🤣

    So, can you explain to me why we continue to meet a lot of survivors who don't even apply a quarter of them? 🤣

  • Member Posts: 871

    Ah, I see that we are talking about videos that could be used to "prove" things ...

    Why do you think I ask anyone who complains about the nurse to show us videos of their gameplay against her? 🤔

  • Member Posts: 871

    "The problem with Nurse's counterplay has always been that the rate at which you accumulate experience against Nurse, as a survivor, will always be slower than the rate you accumulate experience against your generic killers that you can loop indefinitely.

    There are simply more of them and you will play against them more."


    Dbd has 27 "walker" killers.

    Dbd has 1 "tp" killer.

    There is nothing more to say.

    The progression curve for a survivor to counter a "walker" is much faster than the progression curve to counter a nurse.

    This explains why you find survivors with thousands of hours, who do really well against the "walker" killers, but who have the grace of a potato when they face the nurse.

    And indeed, if you really want to progress quickly against the nurse, find 2-3 buddies who are good with it, and ask them to train you in the personal part.

  • Member Posts: 505

    survivors really want her nerfed into the ground is bc she has control in chase, its up to her to mess up instead of it being up to the survivor to make a mistake (like how it is vs every single other killer in the game)

    she obviously has counterplay, its just survivors dont like to admit it bc they cant completely dominate this killer

  • Member Posts: 93

    I agree. She does have counterplay. I still think she needs a nerf.

  • Member Posts: 427
  • Member Posts: 291

    More proof than anything that the other guy has said (you included).

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Did you play Nurse against survivors that brought an RPD offering yesterday?

  • Member Posts: 871

    Like I said : some survivors would like to manage a nurse as they manage Caleb in Lery 🤣

  • Member Posts: 331

    I agree, it's a shame most people don't. At the same time, I do feel like she needs a rework or some such. She feels outdated at this point, and the fact that perks have been changed in the past purely because she synergized with them too effectively is an indication that she should be changed.

  • Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2022

    You say in the same breath: "Her should be changed" and "It's a shame that people don't make the effort to learn how to deal with her."

    I think there is a problem 🤔

    But to end the evening on a positive note, here's something that can be very effective in breaking a nurse's chase 😋

    Okay, it's not easy to place either 🤔

    Okay, you can't count on this 100% 🤔

    But it's still a valuable little trick 😋

    And it's the accumulation of small tricks that make it possible to achieve a result 🤗

    If you see a nurse loading her first blink to rush on a wounded comrade ... shine the light on that 🤬's back 😈

    Properly timed, this will prevent the nurse from launching her blink, and make her fall into fatigue ☺️

  • Member Posts: 871

    Sorry, but I don't have access to the copium stock.

    The stock has been completely robbed by those who claim that the nurse has no counterplay 🤣

    And don't forget :

    "To survive a nurse, you must ... become a nurse.

    Because a nurse's worst enemy is another nurse...

    So, to face your worst nightmare ... you must fall asleep.

    So ... good night..."

  • Member Posts: 862

    I swear everytime i read a post about nurse having counter play and is not hard to play against, i giggle with so much satisfaction.

  • Member Posts: 327

    No time to make a quick match with a "random on forum" yet enough time zo make lengthy comments for "randoms on forum".

    Make sense

  • Member Posts: 327

    Noone is pretending there isnt. You are pretending there is.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    It is just so sad that the same old nurse defenders are in every single thread trying so hard to convince people a fact isn't true.

    She is the strongest killer in the game, and gives the player who uses her too much of an advantage. That's not even in question. What these threads should be about is how she should be dealt with. Should it be slight number changes, an addon pass, an entire rework, or delete the character and watch as the people in this thread lose their entire identity, like a poster with 2000 posts desperately trying to defend nurse in every single post.

    And now they are emboldened by the new mmr stats. "SEE! THAT IS PROOF SHE IS FINE!" despite being told again and again, even by the devs themselves that those stats need to be taken with a giant grain of salt. Nope, that is definitive proof she is fine to them, and everyone who disagrees should learn to play.

    I just wish these nurse defenders would post their own gameplay. They won't, of course, because then everyone will be able to explain to them that they aren't very good and that‘s why they think nurse is fine. But one can hope...

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Can you post your gameplay with these god tier Nurses?

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    LOL! I already have, in a few threads exactly like this. I posted a nurse game, and one of the nurse defenders said it was embarrassing gameplay, despite it being a 5 gen 4k with the only missed blink attacks in the game (2) being from exhaustion perks. Another nurse defender pretends he can't find the games I timestamped and directly posted in threads he was in. Another nurse defender (two of them are in this very thread) admits my gameplay shows I know what I am talking about, but then goes on to ask for other people's gameplay like I have any control over that.

    Not that a single player's gameplay is all that important, but I have already posted in these threads, naively, in an attempt to show these players who don't have much experience/knowledge in the game how the game really is. In response I was mocked and lied to. So, yeah, not doing that again.

    So, yeah, I had no problem posting gameplay. Proved I am a top player. Curious why not a single person defending nurse (literally not even one single person) will post their own gameplay, when there are SO MANY videos of people saying nurse is OP.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    So let me ask (no need to throw any toxicity at me)

    What needs to change about the Nurse...

    Is it base kit?

    Is it addons? Which ones?

    This is one reason why she hasn't changed much in the 6 years she has existed

  • Member Posts: 22

    learn blink deadzones, there's like 2-3 on most maps that you can extend chases with that the average player could learn to counter nurse :D

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    Person with thousands of hours doing one thing only becomes exceedingly good at it. News at 11.

    Watch the other videos SupaAlf puts up. Even he doesn't win every time and if you've put that amount of time into any skill you should be God-tier.

  • Member Posts: 291

    Survivors would rather give up and complain rather than adapt - it is known. The 6.10 patch exposed a lot of survivor players whose mentality is very weak. Temporary DC penalty removal also proved how fragile the player base is.

    That "lol" just proves how stubborn the community is and I'm glad the game is not balanced around them.

  • Member Posts: 291

    Survivors would rather give up and complain rather than adapt - it is known. The 6.10 patch exposed a lot of survivor players whose mentality is very weak. Temporary DC penalty removal also proved how fragile the player base is.

    That "lol" just proves how stubborn the community is and I'm glad the game is not balanced around them.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    I have posted my gameplay but my gameplay is not at question here. I'm not a top MMR player and one person proves nothing. I am, however, interested in seeing what the Nurses you face look like if you still have the links to the games you recorded.

  • Member Posts: 69

    As a person that has worked with balance team for 10 years, please shut up… you are so wrong and reaching so bad right now it’s not even funny..

    I know you think you know everything but you do not.

    almost everything you said is countered by her blink 😂

    you dead hard then she just blinks and gets you. Stop thinking you are have a counter to nurse cause you do not. 90% of what you said is what the basic survivor already does.

    honestly it’s so silly that a simple mind thinks they actually know better then people that balance games. She is left the way she is cause she has a high skill cap and she is basically a PC only killer. But she is needed.

    you can’t put distance her blink period. You can’t use objects on her period. You can’t line of sight her.

    only thing you have is too spin her.

    she is needed to keep the skill cap high. Is she overpowered? Hell yes she is, does she have few counters? No she don’t. But her balance point is she is needed to increase skill cap period. Just leave nurse alone as the power she is so people learn to get better.

    Pretending she is not god like is just silly and honest makes anyone that’s says different look silly.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    If this was the first time someone asked, I would have gladly posted my gameplay, which I did.

    I have no desire to post it again, and be ridiculed and lied to like before.

    There are plenty of videos out there showcasing how strong she is. Watch those.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    I have seen videos of strong nurses. I have also seen strong SWFs beat strong nurses. I don't see the issues you see so that's why I was asking about your nurses to see what the difference is but if you no longer have the gameplay that's fine.

  • Member Posts: 871

    Sorry, but the harder you try, the less relevant your message becomes.

    I would still remind you that basically the first people to come out and state something are the players who come out and cry regularly that "The nurse is too strong."

    Are they stating something? Okay, no worries, so it's because they're living it, I guess, it's because they've lived it in every single game they play, that it's become something redundant within their gaming experience.

    So they shouldn't have a problem showing it to us, should they?

    So it's perfectly normal to ask them to show us how they play against her.

    And strangely enough ... none of them have ever dared to do so.

    One wonders what conclusion(s) one can draw from this ...

  • Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2022
  • Member Posts: 301

    Have you considered that even with the "counterplay" it's still not fun to play against? Don't get me wrong, I'd still rather face her than dredge or a few others, but let's not pretend that being able to ignore 99% of game mechanics was a good design idea.

    In the right hands, she's not even worth touching the controls against. In mediocre hands, yeah you can play around it a bit. In feeble hands, it's a free escape. Only one of those three scenarios does what you do matter.

  • Member Posts: 871

    "There are plenty of videos out there showcasing how strong she is. Watch those."

    You're getting confused, Omans.

    No one ever contradicted the fact that she was strong.

    We're just talking about the statements of those who say, "The naughty nurse is too strong, there's nothing we can do about it."

    And we're still waiting for videos of all the players who come to this forum and say that.

    Gentlemen ... it's not complicated though to run a little recording software at the beginning of the game, and if it's the nurse in front, post the game on YT and show it to us here .... right? 😁

  • Member Posts: 871

    What's sad, Omans, is that if we look in detail at the posts on which players come to complain about the nurse, we can see that you are among the players whose interventions are the most empty.

    On each topic of this kind, we find players who

    - give tips on how to loop a nurse depending on the situation

    - explain what can be dangerous or annoying for a nurse, depending on the map, the building, the RNG, etc.

    - explain how range addons are not insane addons

    - give tips on how to extend the duration of the hunt (of course, these are not Deus Ex Machina, but added together, they help)

    And I'm sure some nurses (including me) would be more than willing to have a quiet chat with any survivor who would like to show how they play against the nurse.

    Even anonymously, we don't care; because contrary to what you seem to want to impose as an idea, Omans, we don't care if some survivors are stronger or weaker than the nurse, and our goal is not to say, "Look, you can't do anything against her, you're too lame!"

    Are you going to tell me that I'm just waiting for that, and that's why I always ask those who complain to show videos of them confronting the nurse?

    It's just the opposite.

    On the one hand, it's to make it clear that saying something is fine, but if the person doesn't have any evidence to back up what they're saying, it's a bit meaningless.

    And on the other hand, who better than a nurse to explain the mistake that such and such a survivor made at such and such a time, in front of a nurse?

    As for you, Omans, you indicated some time ago that if the nurse was getting you so drunk, it was because ... you were dealing with too much. It wasn't even a question of power, because you yourself said you had no trouble playing against them.

    Instead of having a hate speech that tries in every way to put down players who take the time to explain to others, calmly, what the nurse is really about, you too should move into a helping and supporting register.

    If what you say is true, and you are indeed an experienced survivor who knows how to deal effectively with a nurse, this forum needs your experience more than your bile.

  • Member Posts: 22,850
    edited October 2022

    And why do you think I agree with asking for evidence to act as solid proof to a claim thaf someone makes.

    This isn't the gotcha moment you think it is when I really don't care about this argument either way.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    I can physically hear the standing ovation in your head.

  • Member Posts: 39

    This feels like post nerf Spirit complaints all over again…

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Holding W and breaking LoS only works so long. Idk why you act like it's some perfect counter. Nurse stans are weird.

  • Member Posts: 871

    I was just teasing, It is precisely because I think that a proof can be very important that I ask for it 😊

    ? 😮

    Irrelevant generalization, inappropriate associations and sophism.

    You can do better! 😫

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    At long last, the counterplay to Nurse!

    "trust me, bro."

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