suiciding teammates

stop queuing up if you are gonna drop ON HOOK/SUICIDE at 5 gens because you go down in 5 seconds.
this is majority of my matches, how bout you learn from it and IMPROVE.
I'm trying my best :(
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Isn't fair to get mad at people people for being bad, but you sure can for quitting.
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Maybe they're newer players and not great in chases? Some people take longer than others to learn things. Everyone learns at a different pace. Also if this is such a big issue to you and want guaranteed solid teammates every match, then get an SWF group going. Otherwise, gotta accept it as you are pugging 3 randoms.
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Im literally complaining about players that suicide on hook because they go down instantly. I don't care how good or bad people are.
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I mean, if they go down instantly they are probably newer players and you would still lose the game whether they suicide on hook or not
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You didn't really explain that very well then in your OP but I concur that suiciding on hook is annoying
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I get mad at the matchmaking when they put completely baby survivors in my match or baby killers with no or one perk.
And also to whoever is running No Mither. They can never run the killer, lol.
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I had a match a few days ago with a couple survs (I think they were a 2 man) running No Mither and one or the other was going down literally every 15-20 seconds.
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I had a Meg earlier (at prestige 15 mind you) running No Mither with purple medkit. We couldn't even get a gen done, she was the first to go down. If the killer let's them get up maybe it's ok? But of course killer never lets them because it's so obvious they have it.
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That is true but at least they would have tried. I don't get upset at people for not playing well; I get upset at people for quitting. Everyone has to start somewhere but you shouldn't quit if other people are relying on you.
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Matchmaking can be very strange at times. I just dodge lobbies with teammates that are prestige 6 or lower to avoid bad games. Next lobby I get usually has higher prestiges or I just repeat the process until I find one that does.
Prestige levels don't always directly translate to skill and knowledge of game mechanics but from what I've seen in my games, it's a good enough indicator of a teammate's experience level before entering the actual trial.
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Im talking about dropping ON HOOK. when theyre salty they go down
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They won't learn anything by just giving up.
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This is not an exaggeration, I have genuinely had 3 hours straight of back to back games where someone has either DC'd or suicided on hook at 5 gens. I've escaped a grand total of once in my last match 10 minutes ago and that was only because the Plague I was facing took pity on two of us after two people suicided. Yesterday was just as bad.
None of these players have been "new" - we're talking players averaging 2000-4000 hours, the most had 10k hours. This is definitely not a problem with "newer players". It's incredibly frustrating, I just want to play DBD but I'm unable to because of selfish people. You shouldn't HAVE to organise a group / team up with other people just to be able to enjoy a game you've paid for.
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Have you considered that there might be other reasons they didn't want to play the match before they went down and just tried to get a few bp until they were found?
Could be a killer they hate, sandbagging survivor teammates, there could be a dozen reasons they didn't want to play. But because they can't just DC and end the match prematurely, they're forced to play to the point they get hooked. Racing to unhook someone killing themselves on hook is not going to magically make them suddenly start to try harder.
A good step to remedying this is to allow survivors to see what the killer is before the match starts, but after they can no longer change their build. I guarantee you'd have 90% less DC's and suicides on hook.
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Prestige means nothing in terms of matchmaking. It literally just means they put all their eggs in one basket and potentially have no life outside of dbd (I wish I understood the p100 brag).
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Guess you missed the whole part where I said it doesn't always translate to skill but it definitely does show how much time a player has put in the game.
Sorry if you're new and took offense to my comment.
Post edited by Lobos on0 -
The way you worded your title and your initial post was pretty confusing. Sure hook suicides are annoying but so is broken matchmaking that pairs you with a killer that is clearly more experienced than you and your team that also use disgusting OP builds and strategies to win.
Sometimes people just need to end the trial early for whatever reason or are not enjoying it and not having fun. It's going to keep happening and raging about it on the forums isn't going to make them magically stop doing it.
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
Well, i wouldnt do it if YOU would do a ######### gen instead of running in circles in the basement, or looking for every pumpkin on the map. Why are you hidding in that bush if the killer is hooking me on the opposite end of the map? He is nowhere near you.
As long as you dont play the game, the match is lost anyway, so i can go out and save time.
Post edited by Gcarrara on1 -
I agree. I seem to be rather lucky, and when they do occur it's normally when I'm killer.
The frutrating bit for me is, being empathetic with survivors, is that when I play as killer and this happens, I feel inclined to play a 2-hook game, where I hook the remaining survivors no more than twice each, and then after that they can finish gens and escape.
I know I don't have to do that, and equally see that a killer shouldn't sacrifice how they want to play a game because of that. I just feel for the lil' blighters and feel a 2-hook game takes them into consideration, whilst also allowing me some enjoyment of playing a trial in the process. Also, emblem and blood points.
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I'm sure survivors in general would just be lining up in the masses to play against Nurse/Blight if they could see who they were about to face.
There's no excuse for giving up, matches last what, 15 minutes or so? With a bad team playing poorly not even that long. If someone can't manage 10-15 mins going against something they're not overly happy with in a video game then they shouldn't boot the game up in the first place. "I'm unhappy with something, so I'm going to make 4 other people unhappy with something" is such a poor and selfish attitude to have.
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i think it's a bit sad that this kind of thread is always filled with hateful comments about people who give up, from people who are too smallbrain to understand why giving up is so common. maybe you're right, just don't boot the game up, then with how frequently unbalanced DbD is, i expect this logic to result in a huge decline in the size of the community.
if a random stranger told you to just sit here and do nothing for 15 minutes, or worse, they told you to sit there and watch a tv show you hate with a presenter who turned out to be a nonce, for 15 minutes, would you just do it because they told you that you had to?
ultimately there's no fix for suicide on hook, if a player does that, that is terminal for that character. on the other hand, if DC bans weren't a thing and survivor bots were, then people could just leave a game they hate rather than actively sabotaging the team.
it's my free time and i'll leave a ######### game if i want to.
edit to add: i wanted to point out, i don't leave or suicide many games, probably around 1 in 30+, but there are a lot of factors and sometimes i'm fed up and will just completely close DbD because i'm not enjoying it. if most people feel that way sometimes, and take the logic of just not booting up DbD in future, watch those numbers dwindle, so it feels like really poor logic to assume it's the individual and not DbD itself that is the cause.
alternatively, try balancing this game, something i no longer think is possible, with so many variables every match.
Post edited by Ashes on2 -
If I get hooked and I see people waking around, standing still or crouching, that's exactly what I will do
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Usually high prestige level survivors are at least decent teammates but once I had P100 steve turning my 5 gen chase to lose. I went down when last gen was 90% done and steve and other came to take hits for me when the hook was right in front of me. I got hooked and they went down soon after. Last one was my friend tried to fix the gen but was grapped when it was 99,9% done...
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SoloQ needs help and improvements, but BHVR prefer release feng's comestics ( its sarcasm, i know the team are different)
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People for sure make mistakes every now and then no matter how experienced they are. It is especially frustrating to see teammates you know have experience playing DbD to throw the game or hook suicide after a play didn't work out like they planned. Sadly it happens on most MMR ranges for various personal reasons though, I agree.