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So when is the inevitable OTR nerf coming?

Literally everyone uses it. Free hit once you get off the hook for 90 seconds (LOL that's at least what, 4 gens in today's games?), seems fair. Petition to change name to "Off The Hook" because its more aptly named and would at least make me lol, as opposed to its current state which just makes me cringe. Where do I install the game that everyone else is playing where killers are supposedly OP and roflstomping noobs? Is it the PUBG crossover? that game looks dope yo, the Fortnite dances are bussin fr fr no cap

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  • Member Posts: 9,702

    It's technically already been nerfed since the ability to endurance stack was removed which would have actually broke the perk. It's also not on "literally everyone", because I've played through many games where not a single survivor brought it. Plus the buff to 10 seconds base BT made OTR less common since OTR was more a substitute for mediocre basekit bt.

    If survivors are keeping the endurance for the full 90 seconds off hook, they haven't worked on a single gen that entire time. It doesn't activate in end game so it won't stop you from securing a kill. It's literally just a skill issue at this point.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    OTR in PTB was meta for sure because of

    • Worked twice, unlike DS
    • Worked in End game, unlike DS
    • Able to stack Endurance with base BT, DH, MoM.
    • Base BT was really bad. 5sec was nothing. Since BT base, teammate brought less BT, which you needed OTR.

    Now all of those changed, OTR is redundant.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Off The Record is not even that useful. If the killer wants to tunnel, they can absolutely do it while within basekit BT, and even if not, that survivor is useless for a good while if they want to get value from their perk.

    I don't see how that would warrant a nerf...

    I do love the name Off The Hook though :)

  • Member Posts: 38

    post rank

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I have made it a habit of hitting unhooked survivors immediately, if I am in a position to interfer with the unhooking process. 9/10 times I have no intention to tunnel, but it's always good to get the BT or OTR out of the picture ASAP or it might come back to bite you soon after with a cheeky bodyblock, or a minute later when you stumble about the unhookee and least expect it.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It's not a huge issue for me because, despite its longevity, it is only active until you do something that progresses the game. If someone wants to get the most of it, then they daren't do any gens or heals in the meantime.

    It's simply an anti-tunnel perk. It's not that much of an issue, especially now it no longer activates once the gates are activated.

  • Member Posts: 288

    I don't see OTR that often if I'm honest.

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    I think the people using it the most are the clickys clickys that use the built in Iron Will on the perk to try to flashlight save

  • Member Posts: 685

    Maybe a couple times a week I'll hit a survivor and proc OtR, usually someone focused on altruism play, but generally speaking if you don't tunnel, it will rarely ever be an issue.

  • Member Posts: 38

    K except you don't realize that unless you tunnel at high level of play you lose

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    Its helps to activate full tunnel mode. Hit instantly = Deadhard etc. gone and then take the guy down again.

  • Member Posts: 358

    It's honestly not that bad of a perk to deal with. It gets less complaints than decisive strike did.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Still haven’t learned to hit the unhooker, have we?

  • Member Posts: 68

    i still love OTR for solo queue, it's tunneling protection above all but the muted injury noises is really the best aspect of it and you can work on gens or whatever and keep that. i still don't think it's overpowered because the only reason i need that muted injury is because in solo queue i get unhook-bombed so often or alternatively a lot of my teammates go entire games without healing anyone but themselves and if i didn't have the muted injury i would be a free tunnel kill in many situations. most games i am the only survivor using it, and i don't use it for swf it's just a bandaid for solo queue.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    There is no issue with OTR so hopefully never.

  • Member Posts: 429
    edited October 2022

    We cannot control when and who unhooks us, you can control who you chase. If it takes two hits to down someone go after the unhooker... and if you see someone who was just unhooked and is injured...don't chase them because technically they aren't injured ;).

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Everyone runs OTR? What did you have trouble tunneling for a couple games today or something?

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    I know this is small sample size, but I don't go against bad bad players very often. They have come to the conclusion that base bt is enough. Funnily enough OtR is in the same place for overall perks on nightlight. I don't really understand the issue with this perk. It's essentially a longer bt. Either leave them alone or if they force it, tunnel them out.

  • Member Posts: 316

    I literally just played a game with a Myers where I was running OTR. As soon as I got unhooked, it activated and when the Myers tunneled me off hook he was able to instantly down me, while my OTS showed that I still had time left on it. Why didn’t it work? I checked the Myers perks and they were running anything to suggest that my OTR should have been disabled.

    Is this a bug? Someone page Mandy please lol

  • Member Posts: 316

    Also no, I didn’t do any conspecious actions after. I was literally unhooked, running and he followed mE and downed me .

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    OTR isn't "too" strong. But my issue is that DS was over nerfed while OTR was over buffed, essentially trading one meta for another.

    Given the way they work, I honestly think DS should have a longer duration than OTR.

    I'd say OTR could be nerfed to about 45s and still be a strong perk. While DS needs to go back to a 5s or a 4s stun duration.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It's a risk you take. Do you go for the unhooked in the hope of them not having it, or go for the rescuer who has effectively the same number of health states? It's a choice to take, but it discourages tunnelling and makes a killer think twice about an easy down.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2022

    This is something I've noticed too.

    It seems to me, when it's happened to me at least, that the duration of my OTR Endurance is only about 15s instead of 90s. Which suggests to me it's being overridden by BT.

  • Member Posts: 327

    "bussin fr fr no cap"

    Hahaha you legend!

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    It's a fair anti tunneling perk not used that often. And it can't help you in EGC either. I can't see it being nerfed at all.

  • Member Posts: 331


  • Member Posts: 1,097

    All they need to do is make it so that during base kit bt, regular bt, and OTR. You have no collision as survivor and the killer can run right through you. You would see tunneling go down a pretty significant amount.

    I have one rule when I play as killer, don't tunnel unless they force me to eat base kit bt or otr. I am sure many many other killers do this as well. Lets be clear I don't do this to be a dick. I do it to show them that the worst thing you can do with these endurance buffs, is to try and body block. Run away and heal up, please.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    It has to be a bug then. Unless you got locker grabbed or something similar it should have worked.

  • Member Posts: 3,586

    OTR was definitely a perk I was concerned about when the perk rework PTB came out, along with Overcharge, but it's a perk that I feel like has been put in a pretty good position, since it is not needed but is there if someone wants it.

    Personally I was worried that people would bodyblock with it since Im an M2 Only Billy main, but it's not as bad as I thought, plus Dead Hard does what it does but just better since it's multi-use (and Im fine with DH anyways, since it takes good timing and ping compensation to get off properly).

  • Member Posts: 316

    Nope. Just a regular running and downed. I guess I’ll report it as a bug then.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    I find that this perk is only strong with coordinated swf, otherwise I don't mind it.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    I don't mind it, if you wanna tunnel someone out you can insta hit off of hook so their OTR means almost nothing. This can be done with killers like pyramid, etc.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    It's not even in the top 10 most used survivor perks according to the stats they shared last month. I don't think it's getting any nerfs anytime soon.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    You came to discuss a survivor nerf on the forums, wrong place buddy.

    This is the same forum where old DH was barely used and could just be baited out...

    OTR is an insanely good perk, anyone not using it tends to be an easy target for the killer if the killer is close to the unhook and you cant blame them.

    One of the strongest perks to help with tunneling especially if you can loop, its basically adrenaline on every hook if the killer goes to tunnel how is that not good lol

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited October 2022

    I think people are forgetting another perk that nerfed in update which is Iron will. Iron will used to be top percentage used perk. I think the number was 30% usage or something like that, just below self-care. Iron will is no longer used and the perk that replaced iron will is Off the record. i think in more cases, the immunity to aura reading is strong vs BBQ as it can prevent you from getting tunneled(getting chased after being unhooked) and this perk is only perk to grant Iron will for prologue amount of time. The endurance effect is most of the time wasted because if the killer is going tunnel you, the nerf to endurance(second chances) means that killer will hit you which proc base-kit borrow time, so this endurance effect is wasted. The reason why killer hit you is because your making no noise from Iron will from OTR and they are intending to tunnel you out of the game.

    The bodyblocking effect off the record means that the killer will just tunnel you because if he is chasing a person that is on 0 hooks and you have been hooked at 1 hooks. If you tank the hit when injured, the killer will just logically switch target you. It just makes sense since your closer to death hook then other person. Bodyblocking OTR is good way to get tunneled out of the game.

    I think the perk largely replaces Iron will more so then decisive strike. this is why some survivor want to buff decisive strike because OTR is not good enough of replacement for them. Base-kit BT is not good enough. they need -more- second chances. BT always ensures the survivor gets to a loop, so at that point, its your fault for going down. the killer did outplay you. anti-tunneling now is more skill-based. you need be good at the chase for anti-tunnel mechanic to work. Its not a given like it was before with decisive strike.

    no need change it. you bodyblock me, your inducing tunneling. this is also why unbreakable is really good if your at 0 hooks because killer wastes time hooking you or you just keep bodyblocking. This does require some-swf level synergy though. Not really present in soloq games.

  • Member Posts: 394

    I think anyone who is complaining about OTR is just a scrub tunneler. Get gud.

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