Not challenge you, not keep you on your toes or stress you out, not even bore you---annoy you. Zero fun. Rub you the wrong way.
Blight is absolute bullcrap. I don't understand why he's even in the game. I cannot fathom why people think he is fun to play against. Pure misery. I'd rather face a Nurse.
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Legion - not a fan of mending simulator.
Twins - the getting 0 points for being chased by Victor because the game thinks your doing nothing even though you're distracting the killer is annoying. Then if you're downed by Victor you get slugged for 0 points... It just feels like waste of time.
Artist - her screechy sounds annoy me and they're the worst when she uses her power.
Dredge - the darkness causes quite a bit of eye strain and just isn't fun.
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Drege Darkness passive, annoying as #########, i dont remember the maps by memory so i always get lost
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I'd probably say
Nemesis and Hag's
Nemesis it's more I get hit somehow and if the zombies count as part of his power then yes his zombies are also a problem they force me away a lot and constantly keep coming back to me even if I'm in a locker
Hag on the other hand her ability is fine I just hate when my team runs to me on hook when she's placed traps because I already know their going to be grabbed
I would say Nurse and Wraith but for Wraith I just can't figure out how to counter him and Nurse it's more just hit validation
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Ah, a fellow person of culture. Worst thing to happen to this game is Poopy Head Bird Lady. I'd rather get slugged by Nurse at 5 gens and bleed out than listen to CAW CAW CAW SKEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRREEEEEECHH.
@the op, I'm bad so everything annoys me, but none more that Poopy Bird Lady.
Wraith is a close second because so many ring his bell just to annoy.
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Like sure her being able to camp and throw crows at gens across the map is annoying too but it's the screeching that annoys me way more.
I almost put Wraith because of their tendency to block players in corners and just ring their bell. Like it's cool it's reportable but it's annoying having to first sit through the body block and then go through the process of sending down a support ticket with video proof.
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Doctors shock therapy and Pinheads chains...can't decide which I hate more.
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Most people should know already if they have a flashlight to shine it on the hags traps or crawl over it.
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Not when I play survivor they don't.
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Right there with you on that. If I had to pick between the two, I'd say Pinhead is probably my number one for most annoying power.
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Legion, because artificially lengthening games is just stupid, id rather a nurse kill me in 7 seconds.
Twins, for the same reasons above.
Plague, because teammates are dumb and ruin an entire match cleansing when not fully infected then going for a save on a fully infected survivor and getting infected again.
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Trickster lol
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Trickster is annoying as hell
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Legion (mending), Deathslinger, and Pinhead (nothing fun about the chain hunt, particularly in solo queue when you're the only one going for the box)
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Trickster makes me want to drink tacks
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Nurse is the only killer I actively never play. I can't stand staring at the ground half the match, it's such an annoying mechanic. If her Blink worked more like Wesker or Demogorgon's lunge where they keep their head up and can still see what's going on I'd probably play her sometimes, even if the devs balanced that out by making her Blink refresh just a touch longer.
The other killer mechanic that bugs me is how DbD is the only first person shooter game I can think of where ranged killers have no targeting reticle. I just find it really annoying that Huntress and Trickster in particular have no aim reticle, any other game with characters like them there would be something indicating where you're aiming. (Deathslinger at least aims down his gunsights. Technically Plague doesn't have one either but her puke is so spread out anyway it's not as irritating with her.) I have no idea why the devs thought having no aim cursor for Huntress and Trickster would be a good idea but it's really dumb in my opinion, there's a reason literally every other FPS has them.
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Ghostface. His stalk mechanic annoys me
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Legion. Mending simulator games are about as much fun as watching paint dry.
Pinhead because I find his chains really obnoxious.
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Trickster and Pinhead are the worst, Twins are unfun for how their design forces a slug and camp the slug playstyle.
Legion is quite annoying too but honestly I find Trickster spamming knives and Pinheads chains so obnoxious I just want to go next and I would rather wait in queue longer than have to play against them if I could block certain killers.
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Legion, Twins and Pinhead are my least favorites.
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Dredge and pinhead are my two least favourites. Nightfall is such an annoying feature and the constant chain hunts with pinhead are an absolute nightmare in soloq games.
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Trickster, dredge and clown are the most annoying for me.
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Same. Pinhead is especially bad in solo since no one wants to solve the box, so I take it upon myself and have Pinhead constantly on me as a result. If you don't, you're dealing with chain hunts all game, which is the height of tedium.
Legion...well you summed it up.
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Pinhead's chains annoys me the most. Especially when trying to get rid of them by pallets, and instead it decides to slam the pallet down or vault over it.
I can get rid of the chains fine, but wish they'd at least designate a different button to rid yourself of them, so no accidental pallet or vault actions occur.
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Pinhead is the worst IMO, chain hunt is just bad. At least give the person with the box immunity to it to a degree so it can end.
Hag is meant to be annoying, and not everyone brings a flashlight in my lobbies, so she gets to trap up anything...
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I'll be honest, half of them annoy me which is why I usually stick to killer.
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Twins is awful on every regard. Trickster's counter play is as brain dead as playing him. Plague is fine but solo q LOVES giving her red juice the entire match.
The rest can at least be countered normally. Oh and Nurse is Nurse, not much to say.
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Legion. The entire power setup seems completely against what DBD is built for, and does nothing but makes trials long, dragged out, and boring. I'd rather eat a DC timeout.
Dredge. Nightfall is visually painful and covers too far of a distance around the survivor. One of the few bastions for a hiding place, lockers, is removed. Either by the killer using them for transport, having to lock them to slow down the killer's movement, or the killer's perks/addons allowing them to easily find out if someone is working a gen near a locker.
Trapper/Hag: My only issues with them is their ability to trap exit gate controls. Seems like exits should be treated like hooks, with a buffer zone where traps can't be set.
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To me, basicly only legion. Constantly mending is not challenging, especially if the legion at the same time don´t get hooks. I like longer matches, but these matches just stagnate to a point where no side progresses.
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Ghostface, only because of all the times I've stood face to face with him and it still wouldn't break him out of stealth.
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Doctors laugh,
It gets old quick.
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Legion is a consistently awful experience and I don't know what they were thinking when they decided to lean into the worst aspects of their design when buffing them
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Dredge's nightfall gives me a headache.
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Pinhead. I only queue solo. 'nough said
Ghostface. If I'm hiding and he passes in the very corner of my screen, it tries to reveal him and I get caught. If I try to purposefully reveal him and put him in the middle of my screen... nothing.
Wraith. He's too fast for me to do anything against, even with Sprint Burst. Drop a pallet? Okay, I bought myself 0.8 seconds...
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Cenobite’s box is zero fun if you’re playing solo q. Either everyone is going for the box and not doing gens or nobody is going for the box and the whole match is permanent chain hunt. Either ways it’s usually gg ez for the killer
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Legion and Pinhead. Also Blight.
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Legion mending simulator is absurdly mind numbing, probably the most boring and repetitive thing to face in this game and Nemesis zombies while not really threatening they are very unfun to get rid of mainly because it takes ages to lead away from a generator, when there are 7 open its not that annoying but when there is only 3 or 4? Sure I love to walk for 30 seconds while some slow thing follows me like a dog until I think they are far enough and can ditch them after turning a corner...
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I used to love Dredge, but I've been playing a lot of games against him lately and Nightfall started to bother me, too. And agreed about Pinhead.
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Does Clown's laugh annoy you too? After a while, it starts bothering me lol
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Same! His and Clown's
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Legion and twins is the most annoying things to ever grace this game, I'd add trickster as well but he is very very hit or miss, no pun intented
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doctor. gives me a headache and has ungodly boring counterplay
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You dont need a flashlight to destroy her traps. You just need to think logically and disarm her traps while she is hooking survivors or chasing and crouch when saving.
And yes she gets to trap everything, its her power. There is no other killer in this game that gets their power destroyed like hag's does with a simple click not shine a click of a flashlight or simply running.
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Trickster and Hag.
I don’t really have an issue with Legion, beyond overexposure.
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HUNTRESS. I hate her because I see her every single day and I am sick and tired of her.
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Eyyy don't do my boy dirty like this 😞