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Dead Hard exhausted on the ground is back!!

Not even that you managed to make dead hard so much worse, I get now in 50% of the cases I try using it exhausted on the ground.
Thx DBD!
OT: DS stun of 3 sec is a joke. I get tunneled all the way after that!!
It's no longer validated on serverside since it's not even giving iframes anymore
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Also, is it supposed/intended to delete the healing progress when triggered?
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I would assume so, since you go into deep wounds.
However, I agree. I love the idea of new Dead Hard even though I rarely used it before, unless I was saboing, or trying to hole people, etc. But I can literally be staring at them and press Dead hard as I see their swing start, and I'll still go down. I for sure should be getting credit for it, but I don't. I want to use it, because I think "parrying" a hit is awesome, but I just end up screeching, "DEAD HAAARRDDD" at least once every other match.
I don't know why we wouldn't still have server validation...like, why? It's even tighter of a window now at .5 seconds, shouldn't that really have validation?
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am I the only one facing this issue? Or is nooone playing dh anymore?
I get this bug so many times. It´s not nice.
Yeah, dh determined my whole gameplay. So I am rly trying to get used to the new dh. But this makes me mad...
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played 2 games today. 2 times on the ground with the yellow sign on the right. It´s so ridiculous.
Fix this perk. It´s almost useless now
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I'll be opening a ticket for this soon. I've written out a long post with multiple clips / screen shots to prove that Dead Hard + Pallets are bugged, and I believe they experience the same issue. It would seem when they altered dead hard/pallet validation the patch after they gave DH validation whatever they did created this bug, but it is now more noticeable than ever since you can no longer DH for distance.
You are not the only one, but it appears to be related to camera angle when using the perk + desync of servers.
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Yerps, I knew this would be a problem…
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been 3 weeks on vacation now and recognizing today, that dh is still bugged. I get exhausted on the ground so many times. When do you decide to fix this?
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Means you used it too late on the server’s end.
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no dude. I didnt even get the animation ;)
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Are you in deep wounds while you use the perk? If you're in deep wounds, you can't get another endurance hit, since they don't stack.
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im not in deep wounds - not at all
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That's so weird then. I never had that happen. I'm sure you're missing something or like the killer swings right after the dead hard animation ends and you don't notice it. It's 0.5 seconds so it's easy to miss it
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dh should just work like mettlle and have 0.75s window. the fact that it doesn't work half the time period and it also doesn't work if you're getting tunnelled is insane.
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The new dead hard would be very effective if everyone was playing the game in LAN, but the fact of the matter is it not only needs to be timed perfectly, but you have to account for delay or lag, which is very common in this game. It is quite literally useless in regular matches.
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I am right at the beginning of the animation. Not at the end at all! Sometimes I dont even see the animation and I am exhausted on the ground
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I think that is my main issue. And I think I am not alone with it ;)
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it´s always like this:
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it´s always like this + that I am exhausted on the ground:
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Interesting. You're not even exhausted from the video you posted. It looks like the game can't keep up with your extremely good precision. I've never seen that before.
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Hello! Yes, getting exhausted on the ground is very present in my games, i got robbed twice this weak, its like server just ignored/lost packet with dead hard but its hard to believe since my internet is fine