Since the maps got so much extra hooks the recent patches, how about we remove 3 gens too?

I mean, right now every map feels like it has every 2 meters hooks. Which renders some perks useless and its okay, killers will slugg anyway.
But if dev's remove the possibility to play with hooks as a survivor, 3 gen should be removed too. Adding 2 Gens would be suitable, since some killers play hard to get a 3 gen, it shouldnt be possible either for them.
What do you think?
Most of the time survivors will just 3 gen themselves by not thinking about it strategically ... So it can be avoided most of the time... The hook situation on the other hand is kind of a good thing as some maps had really terrible hook spawns with created deadzones where you just could not hook anybody when they went down there, and letting somebody sit on the floor for 5 min sucks also... I came across those things a few times, especially midwich was terrible... like 1 hook in the entire side of the hallway, just a nightmare...
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It's not meant to be impossible to hook a survivor without having already eliminated hooks via sacrifice.
Even if hooks have been added (have they? or are you making that up) it's still possible to down a survivor in a spot that's not in range of a hook on some maps.
Boil Over isn't supposed to be a guaranteed drop, it's meant to make it easier to wiggle off IF a hook isn't accessible and IF another team mate is assisting you.
What you want, in regards to hooks AND gens, is decent positioning that doesn't result in multiples too close together.
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How do you remove 3 gens lol
You want to leave just 2 gens for the entire trial?
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If there is a hook every 2 meters, it cannot be hung on a hook because the hooking animation cannot be played🙄
Depending on the random placement of the map, it could be really bad, but otherwise it is the fault of one of the survivors who just fixed the generator in front of them without thinking.
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I haven’t seen an increase in hooks at all. Hell, some maps even felt like they had more distance between them than usual. Not to mention Midwich is still messed up regarding hook placement.
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I think it could inadvertently lead to more early tunneling and camping unless low mobility Killers got mobility buffs which would lead to the same situation we have now but with a bit more spacing. Or perhaps just more gen slowdown stacking. Low mobility Killers have very few options for map pressure so removing one would increase reliance on the others.
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Its funny, if its a hook situation, its never the killers fault. If its a 3 gen, its automaticly survivors fault.
Some killers play the game just to have a 3 gen, to have an easier time. Hook plays were something you can work and get.
And no, i'm not making that up. I'm pretty sure they either added some extra hook or made the placement a little bit more dense, to avoid unhookable spots.
Dont get me wrong, unhookable spots aren't cool either. But 3 gens shouldnt be a thing. There should be more gens.
Oh look. Someone who doesnt read or only read what he wants... i wrote add 2 gens.
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So, when killers couldn't hook someone, because they used some of the hooks previously, they didn't do it themselves? But still you needed help from DEVs, even though it happened so rarely. Hypocrytical killer-main mentality never stops to amaze me. "YoU dOn'T uNdeRstAnd, it'S dIfFeReNt".
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The killer cannot really decide where he wants to hook someone, many areas only have 1-2 hooks available unless you got really lucky... So there is not much the killer can do to decide where to hook someone... When it comes to 3 gens on the other hand (I mostly play solo q) my teamates often don't seem to keep track which gens are left without the killer doing anything special to pressure us into a 3 gen situation... So I think when it comes to 3 gens both sides can contribute, but the hook situation is something the survivor is mostly in control of, as he basically decides where to go down in some way...
adding 2 gens not only makes it so they are more crowded in small maps but it also nerfs the killer by quite a lot... the more gens get completed the smaller the area the killer has to controll but by adding more gens you basically ruin it for killers without map mobility to control them...
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There is a limited amount of hooks in the range of the point where you down someone... Whereas survivors can generally work on any gen they want to...
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And even if it does not happen too often it is still really annoying when it does... For both sides... the survivor has to stay on the floor and spend time doing nothing but bleeding out and the killer cannot get value out of his down...
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I mean there are limitations to hooking survivors. You have a limited time window, and by proxy, distance in which you can carry a survivor before they wiggle off. On some maps, or because of RNG being unfavorable, it can lead to situations where you cannot physically hook survivors in parts of the map.
With survivor it is completely different. Their objective takes 90 seconds to do, and while they are required to be stationary for a longer duration, they have more time to think about when and where to progress their objective since the time permits such. On top of that, generators are generally easier to identify from the lights, auditory cues, etc, making identifying potential 3-gen situations easier than identifying hook issues.
Also how it hypocritical for someone to think this way? And why mock people saying "you dont understand, it's different", when it is inherently factual? Killer and survivors are two completely different roles, comparing the two is like comparing apples to bananas, you cant hold two sides to the same standard when it is a asymmetrical game and is meant to have differing balance and design for either side.
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I can imagine this already. 2 minutes into a game 2 gens pop and the gates are powered. Fun
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Hm... I'm just spitballing, but there could be some ways like, if the match stays in a 3 gen for a couple of minutes, the furthest generator can be overcharged. Essentially, an already repaired generator can be repaired again.
Both the killer and the survivors will get a notification when this happen, pointing at the generator that can be overcharged (probably something like a loud noise notification or a hooked survivor ring).
This will essentially remove the annoying situation where survivors' only option in a 3 gen is just to throw their corpses at the killer and hope for the best while still providing some extra time for the killer if survivors were clumsy enough to 3 gen themselves.
It would be a similar concept to the end game collapse, where you cannot simply do nothing and still extend the duration of the game indefinitely.
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Nah, normal 3 gen situations add a layer of strategy, both sides have to work around to the posibility of a 3gen and try to get something out of it.
They should get rid of certain RNG spawns in certain maps where there is a 4 or even a 5gen tho, thats not normal and its just a free win for any Killer with more than 10 hours in this game.
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If a 3 gen is more than an occasional nuisance a survivor can always bring Deja Vu, a decent toolbox and decent add ons. Do the gen in the middle at the beginning of the game (or as soon as the Killer is in their first chase) and the 3 gen is broken. If the Killer outplays the survivors on the strategic level the survivors don't need a do over.
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Trust me, when you play killer, you'll feel like there are much fewer hooks overall :(
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My brother in Entity, you decide how bad the 3 gen will be!
Fix the gen in the middle, leave the gens in the corners!
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People always start doing the first gen they see, usually a corner gen. That’s a mistake. You need to work through the gens from the middle and destroy 3 gen stacks first.
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There should be more hooks, not less. Can barely make it to a hook as is.
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Nobody seems to get this.
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Ahh yes these 2 things are completely comparible
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Link to the patch notes regarding extra hooks?
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There are not extra hooks at least from my knowledge...but what's I think is happening is OP is experiencing that weird tile bug where certain tiles can spawn hooks in very close proximity to each other making it seem like there are more hooks than what there is
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If you remove hooks then all that will happen and does is im going to watch crows circling you, well you bleed out.
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I'm sorry but even a little bit of thinking should be required to win. The killer doesn't force a three gen, survivors have to allow it.
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Got an unhookable Midwich since 1 hook spawns in the middle and the next closest one was literally basement. Once it was broken they kept running back to the middle and ended up bleeding out :)
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wdym? hook RNG on midwich is still super dumb.
what does hook spawns have to do with 3 gens?
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Sorry, it's hard to make it to the end of such hot take.
No, this solves nothing. More gens = killer can't patrol them = the entire game has to be rebalanced = 120 second gens = survivors complaining about 5-gen
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the game is so hard in Survivors rn thats would kill the game no joke not even enough gens in some maps that the killer can run back in forth to within like a few secs so hard in Survivors that would deff kill the game for survivors
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Having more hooks doesn’t change the fact that…ready for it? You have to get downed to get put on one…so why does it matter?
If I down you and I can’t make it to hook, I’m not letting you wiggle off..I’d rather wait out a long, boring be thankful for convenient hooks.
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When the title of your post contains a lie (extra hooks added) why bother reading the rest?
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Still had an instance (ormond?) recently where the survivor ran to the map corner, and I literally could not hang them. Without ANY hook being removed (all survivors still alive and no one saboed)
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There is nothing stopping survivors from doing specific gens. The killer cannot hook a survivor anywhere they want because of the wiggle timer. These are not comparable situations.
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As a survivor main, 3 gens are the survivors fault, lost count on times where i completed a gen with someone else and they immediately went to the other gen right next to it.