The game could have an option to surrender when someone disconnected at the beginning of the game
Often when I play, someone disconnects at the beginning of the game, it would be interesting that when this happens before the killer hooks someone, have an option for us to vote if we want to go back to the lobby without being punished, of course there should be a specific condition not to be abusive, but it's unpleasant to play alone and someone disconnects and we have to play like that even when we don't have experience playing in these conditions
yes please
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you can always just let the killer hook you...
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And then you eat a depip for no reason. The killer might also refuse to hook you (I've had a few killers be dicks about survivors 'giving up' even when the match was clearly lost and slug everyone out, and other people will insist on farming or using you for an archive challenge.)
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Just remove depips then, shouldbt even be a thing if it's supposed to measure how much time you play and not skill
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I like pips! They give me special rewards at the end of the season ;-;
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There's nothing wrong with pips, and the monthly rewards are awesome - it's just that depipping from a bad match is a fairly pointless and unhelpful mechanic at this point when ranks measure playtime now (instead of skill, as they used to be the basis of the matchmaking system.) It's really annoying to hit 4 out of 5 pips and then get dragged back to zero between your teammates ragequitting, getting tunneled, and players playing in a way that makes pipping impossible.
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Ah, I see what you mean. I guess you can argue that would make leveling up your grade too easy, but with the current state of the game I have to agree with you.
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Or you face one of instakill meyers and you know you will not get any altruism so in a best case - and you really need to work for this, you will not depip.
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Uh yeah, i didnt say remove pips lol
I said remove DEpips
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Mostly seen in solo survivor matches. as if the experience isn't horrendous enough we have to play a match out when a selfish ######### decided to leave the game early.
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Yes, I always thought the solo player experience was horrible, with the killer buff in the big patch things got even worse
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there's this option too, but not everyone likes to keep doing that, because the idea in this case is to end a lost game soon, so we can play another game without wasting time